Saturday, September 21, 2019

The media plays Essay Example for Free

The media plays Essay The media plays a major role in relation to womens football and womens sport as a whole. In fact the media is most probably the main culprit behind the small amount of interest generated in women sports. In as early as the 1980s is was included in a federal report which presented a set of figures which demonstrated that the media is almost solely concerned with mens sport. Another form of media, a survey in 1980 revealed that only two percent of reportage was devoted to women in sport, this figure however decreased in 1984 to just 1. 3 percent. In terms of photographic articles, photographs of males in sport were thirteen times as much as of females in sport. A large majority of individuals have the opinion that women shouldnt play football as they arent suitable or well equipped. This was promoted by the F.As quote in 1921 when they banned womens football, the game of football is quite unsuitable for females and ought not to be encouraged. This is mainly due to the medias portrayal of the womens game. The medias technique gives more attention to the males sport, it also can create stereotypical views, such as all female shot putters are lesbians. It can affect the way in which female sport players are perceived. This kind of stereotype directly affects the opinion of womens football. Moreover, television both shapes and reflects the attitudes of our society (Messner, M.A. et al). Furthermore it reveals something in terms of womens status in our society. According to Archer and MacDonald, sport is seen as traditionally a masculine preserve. Only a few sports are seen as more feminine sports such as gymnastics and therefore are more accepted by society than sports such as rugby and football which are seen as more masculine sports. Women are often seen as lesbians if they play a more masculine sport. Hargreaves (2000) quoted that because the muscularity and power invested in female sporting bodies inverts the myth of gender by rendering women apparently less feminine and more masculine sportswomen have feared being labelled as lesbians. Hargreaves continues to point out that lesbians themselves face discrimination and barriers in sport, which many have bravely contested. The media can also refer to the stereotype that women should act as a wife and spend their time in the house, and not working. Moreover, in 1988 Chris Evert announced her retirement from sport. This event was seen as so significant that Evert appeared on the cover of Sport Illustrated, something which is rare to a sportswoman. However rather than focussing on her successful career, the magazine framed her retirement with the caption, Im going to be a full time wife. The main point acceptance of womens sport will only occur when womens physicality is associated with traditional, stereotypical beliefs regarding the females body and its proper use-in graceful and aesthetically pleasing ways (Greendorfer, 1990). Moreover, women in sports such as gymnastics and figure skating, which are seen as more feminine, have greater social acceptance and media coverage. If sport is not seen as a feminine pastime, football is even less so. As we are often told, it is a mans game. (Gadgil, A., 2003). This opinion is held by many and is certainly created by medias portrayal of women footballers. The media can also however have a beneficial influence on the perception of women footballer, for instance, the creation of role models. There is a distinct lack of role models in the womens game in the UK; however this is different in America. After the Womens World Cup in 1999 which was set in America, a majority of players in the U.S squad were made households names, made appearances in advertisements and also received sponsorship. A role model is a very important tool in order to attract young females to football. It is a person who is regarded by others as a good example to follow (Collins dictionary 2003). The English equivalent to womens football hasnt created many female role models on the pitch; however, it has seen certain females in a position of authority within football. One early example of women in positions of authority in the males game was Annie Bassett, who became the first senior female Marketing Executive of a professional football club in 1987. Using my previous knowledge there are only a couple of females which come to mind when I think of role models in connection with football. Firstly Kelly Smith, who is currently playing football for England and a team in the U.S, she was the first English female to be transferred to America. The second person who comes to mind is Karren Brady, the first female managing director at a professional club. Sepp Blatter could be correct with his prediction that the future is feminine however there is still a great deal of development needed in the womens game. Females are starting to appear more and more in the male game, however there isnt enough publicity given to them, therefore it is difficult to find a role model. Most of the better known females which could be classed as role models are involved more with mens football rather than womens football, for instance, Wendy Toms the first female football assistant referee in England. The fact that football is so popular worldwide confuses the fact that womens football isnt as popular as the males equivalent. I have already discussed possible reasons why womens football isnt seen in a good light by many individuals, both females and males. Obviously individuals in connection with the womens game want to improve interest, attendance and enthusiasm for the sport, however without using certain decision making techniques and problem solving skills, they may struggle to improve this. I am going to continue to firstly introduce some problem solving tools, and then will go on to try and suggest certain improvements which could be made to the womens game. As I have already addressed some problems which I am faced with in relation to this issue, I am going to further investigate into problem solving. G. Brown and M. Atkins (1988) devised a problem solving technique which involved four stages. Stage one involves identifying and stating the problem, dissecting it and exploring it. The problem that I am addressing is related to why womens football isnt as popular as the men game. I have identified possible reasons behind this in my essay, including the medias influence, the lack of role models, and the bad publicity which female athletes or players receive. The second stage requires me to use previous knowledge of problem and relate it to similar problems. Thirdly I need to devise an approach to try and solve the problem. Finally I need to evaluate my approach. There are many approaches to help to solve a problem. Brainstorming is a good method which usually involves setting a question then in a group deciding on many possible answers. These answers are usually written down without judgement and accuracy. However once enough answers have been brainstormed, they need to be evaluated to see exactly how accurate they may be. For all problem solvers there is a process to follow. Moreover in conjunction with G. Brown and M.Atkins theory, there needs to be certain stages. The problem needs to be firstly recognised, and then defined. Before the problem is analysed there is a need for some decision making, for instance, the desired situation and objective need to be clear. Once this is completed, the problem needs to be analysed, and furthermore possible solutions need to be suggested. Once this has been completed the solution needs to be assessed and evaluated.

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