Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nss Phy Book 2 Answer

1 1 2 3 C Motion I 7 (a) From 1 January 2009 to 10 January 2009, the watch runs slower than the actual time by 9 minutes. Therefore, when the actual time is 2:00 pm on 10 January 2009, the time shown on the watch should be 1:51 pm on 10 January 2009. Practice 1. 1 (p. 6) D (a) Possible percentage error 10 ? 6 = ? 100% 24 ? 3600 = 1. 16 ? 10 % 1 (b) = 1 000 000 days 10 ? 6 –9 It would take 1 000 000 days to be in error by 1 s. (b) Percentage error 9 = ? 100% 9 ? 24 ? 60 = 6. 94 ? 10–2% 4 (a) One day = 24 ? 60 ? 60 = 86 400 s Practice 1. 2 (p. 15) 1 2 3 4 5 C B D D (b) One year = 365 ? 86 400 = 31 500 000 s 5 Let t be the period of time recorded by a stop-watch. Percentage error = 0. 4 ? 100% ? 1% t t ? 40 s (a) Total distance she travels 2 ? ? 10 2 ? ? 20 2 ? ? 15 + + = 2 2 2 = 141 m (b) Magnitude of total displacement = 10 ? 2 + 20 ? 2 + 15 ? 2 = 90 m Direction: east Her total displacement is 90 m east. The minimum period of time is 40 s. 6 (a) Percentage error error due to reaction time = ? 100% time measured 0. 3 = ? 100% 10 = 3% 6 7 His total displacement is 0. With the notation in the figure below. (b) From (a), the percentage error of a short time interval (e. g. 10 s) measured by a stop-watch is very large. Since the time intervals of 110-m hurdles are very short in the Olympic Games, stop-watches are not used to avoid large percentage errors. Since ZX = ZY = 1 m, ? = ? = 60 °. Therefore, XY = ZX = ZY = 1 m The magnitude of the displacement of the ball is 1 m.  © 8 (a) The distance travelled by the ball will be longer if it takes a curved path. 7 (a) Length of the path = 0. 8 ? 120 = 96 m (b) No matter which path the ball takes, its displacement remains the same. (b) Length of AB along the dotted line 96 = 30. 6 m = (c) Magnitude of Jack’s average velocity 30. 6 ? 2 = = 0. 51 m s–1 120 Practice 1. 3 (p. 23) 1 B Total time 5000 5000 = + = 9821 s 1. 4 0. 8 5000 + 5000 = 1. 02 m s–1 Average speed = 9821 Practice 1. 4 (p. 31) 1 2 C B Final speed = 1. 5 ? 1 – 0. 2 ? 1 = 1. 3 m s–1 2 C Total time = 9821 + 10 ? 60 =10 421 s 5000 + 5000 Average speed = = 0. 96 m s–1 10 421 3 A By a = 3 D When the spacecraft had just finished 1 revolution, the spacecraft returned to its starting point. Therefore, its displacement was zero and its average velocity was also zero. v ? u , t v = u + at 36 = + ( ? 1. 5) ? 2 3. 6 = 7 m s–1 = 7 ? 3. 6 km h–1 = 25. 2 km h–1 Its speed after 2 s is 25. 2 km h–1. 4 5 D (a) Average speed 100 = = 10. m s–1 9. 69 (b) Yes. This is because the magnitude of the displacement is equal to the distance in this case. 4 B Take the direction of the original path as positive. Average acceleration of the ball ? 10 ? 17 = 0. 8 = –33. 8 m s–2 The magnitude of the average acceleration of the ball is 33. 8 m s– 2. v ? u By a = , t 100 ? 0 v ? u 3. 6 t= = = 4. 27 s a 6. 5 6 (a) Two cars move with the same speed, e. g. 50 km h–1, but in opposite directions. (b) A man runs around a 400-m playground. When we calculate his average speed, we can take 400 m as the distance and his average speed is non-zero. But since his displacement is zero (he returns to his starting point), his average velocity is zero. 5 The shortest time it takes is 4. 27 s.  © 6 Time / s –1 4 0 2 4 6 17 8 22 D Average speed 80 + 60 = 5 = 28 km h–1 Average velocity = Speed / m s 2 7 12 v ? u 22 ? 2 a= = 2. 5 m s–2 = t 8 The acceleration of the car is 2. 5 m s–2. 7 (a) I will choose ‘towards the left’ as the positive direction. 80 2 + 60 2 5 (b) 5 = 20 km h–1 C Total time 10 10 = + 2 3 = 8. 33 s v ? u , t u = v ? at = 9 ? (? 2) ? 3 = 15 m s–1 –1 (c) By a = Average speed 20 = 8. 33 = 2. 4 m s–1 Her average speed for the whole trip is 2. m s–1. The initial velocity of the skater is 15 m s . 8 (a) The object initially moves towards the left and accelerates towards the left. It will speed up. 6 7 8 9 10 C C C B A Magnitude of displacement = 2000 2 + 6000 2 = 6324. 6 m Magnitude of average velocity 6324. 6 = 4 ? 3600 = 0. 439 m s–1 6000 tan ? = 2000 ? = 71. 6 ° His average velocity is 0. 439 m s–1 (S 71. 6 ° E). (b) The object initially moves towards the right and accelerates towards the left. It will slow down. Its velocity will be zero and then increases in the negative direction (moves towards the left). Revision exercise 1 Multiple-choice (p. 5) 1 2 3 C D B  © 11 C Total time = 13 min = 780 s 840 ? 2 = 2. 15 m s ? 1 Average speed = 780 (b) Displacement from Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau 1000 = ? 6. 3 1 = 6300 m Magnitude of average velocity 6300 = 359 = 17. 5 m s–1 (1M) (1A) (1M) (1A) 12 13 D (HKCEE 2003 Paper II Q3) Conventional (p. 37) 1 Total time left for the two players = 4 ? 60 + 9 + 5 ? 60 + 16 = 565 s Total time they have been playing = 2 ? 60 ? 60 ? 565 = 6635 s (= 110 min 35 s = 1 h 50 min 35 s) (1A) 5 (a) Total distance = 1500 + 40 ? 1000 + 10 ? 1000 = 51 500 m Total time = 2 ? 3600 + 3 ? 60 + 8 = 7388 s Average speed 51 500 = 7388 = 6. 7 m s–1 (1M) (1A) 2 (a) 50 m (1A) (b) Ma gnitude of average velocity of Kitty 50 = (1M) 1? 60 + 15 = 0. 667 m s ? 1 (1A) (1M) (1A) (c) Average speed of the coach 5 + 50 + 5 = 1? 60 + 15 = 0. 8 m s ? 1 (b) Swimming: Average speed 1500 = 21 ? 60 + 28 = 1. 16 m s–1 Cycling: Average speed 40 000 = 1 ? 3600 + 1 ? 60 + 53 = 10. 8 m s–1 Running: Average speed 10 000 = 39 ? 60 + 47 = 4. 19 m s–1 (1M) His average speed was the highest in cycling. (1A) 3 (a) Since she measures the time interval based on 1 cycle of the pendulum, the error (0. 3 s) in measuring the cycle of the pendulum accumulates. is from 8 to 14 s. 1A) (1A) The range of the time interval (10 cycles) (b) When finding the time for one pendulum cycle, Jenny should time more pendulum cycles (e. g. 20) with the stop-watch and divide the time by the number of cycles. (1A) 4 (a) Time required 7. 4 ? 1000 = 20. 6 = 359 s (5 min 59 s) (1M) (1A)  © (c) Yes. Since the time interval of this competition is quite long, (1A) using stop-watch will not result in large percentage error as the reaction time for an average person is only 0. 2 s. (1A) (1M) (c) Total time = 5 min 45 s ? 1 min 58 s = 3 min 47 s = 3 ? 60 + 47 = 227 s v? u a= (1M) t 431 ? 0 = 3. = 0. 527 m s–2 (1A) 227 The average acceleration of the train is 0. 527 m s–2. 6 (a) v = u + at =0+6? 4 = 24 m s–1 = 86. 4 km h 86. 4 km h . –1 –1 (1A) The maximum speed of the car is 8 (1M) (a) Total distance = 8000 + 4000 + 5000 = 17 000 m Total time = 1 ? 3600 + 30 ? 60 + 45 ? 60 (b) v = u + at = 24 + (–4) ? 2 = 16 m s –1 –1 = 57. 6 km h (1A) –1 = 8100 s Average speed 17 000 = 8100 = 2. 10 m s–1 (1M) (1A) (c) The final speed of the car is 57. 6 km h . v? u a= (1M) t 16 ? 0 = 6 = 2. 67 m s–2 2. 67 m s–2. (1A) The average acceleration of the car is (b) 7 (a) Average speed 30 000 = 8 ? 60 = 62. m s–1 The average speed of the train is 62. 5 m s–1. (1M) (1A) (b) Maximum speed 430 = = 119. 4 m s? 1 > average speed 3. 6 (1A) The average speed must be smaller than the maximum speed because the train needs to speed up from start and slows down to stop during the trip. (1A) Magnitude of displacement = 3000 2 + 4000 2 = 5000 m Magnitude of average velocity 5000 = = 0. 617 m s–1 8100 4000 tan ? = 3000 (1A) ? = 53. 1 ° His average velocity is 0. 617 m s (N 53. 1 ° E).  © –1 (1A) 9 (a) Distance travelled = 10. 5 ? 3 ? 60 = 1890 m (1M) (1A) 10 (a) Total distance = (120 + 50) ? 1000 = 170 000 m (1M) (1A) b) Circumference of the track =2 r = 2 (400) = 2513 m The distance travelled by Marilyn is 3 1890 m which is about of the 4 circumference. (1A) (b) N ?XYZ is a right-angled triangle. Z ? 50 km 30 ° Y 60 ° X ? ? 120 km Magnitude of displacement (from town X to town Z) = 120 000 2 + 50 000 2 = 130 000 m 120 tan ? = 50 ? = 67. 4 ° Magnitude of displacement AB = 400 2 + 400 2 (1A) (1A) ? = 90 ° ? 67. 4 ° = 22. 6 ° ? = 60 ° ? 22. 6 ° = 37. 4 ° The total displacement of the car is 130 000 m (N 37. 4 ° E). = 566 m Magnitude of average velocity 566 = 3 ? 60 = 3. 14 m s 400 tan ? = 400 ? = 45 ° (S 45 ° E). –1 (c) (1A) Total time 170 000 = = 10 200 s 60 3. 6 Magnitude of average velocity 130 000 = 10 200 = 12. 7 m s–1 Its average velocity is 12. 7 m s (N 37. 4 ° E). –1 (1A) (1A) (1M) (1A) Her average velocity is 3. 14 m s–1  © 11 (a) AC = 60 2 + 80 2 = 100 m 80 tan ? = ? = 53. 1 ° 60 (1M) The total displacement of the athlete is 100 m (S53. 1 °W). (1A) 13 (Correct label of velocity with correct direction (towards the left). ) (Correct label of acceleration with correct direction (towards the right). ) (1A) (1A) (a) The coin moves in the following sequence: B A C C A Therefore, it is at A finally. Displacement of the coin = 15 cm (1A) (1M) (1A) (1M) b) Distance travelled by the coin = 15 + 30 + 30 = 75 cm (b) Time / s v / m s–1 0 –6 1 –4 2 –2 3 0 4 +2 5 +4 6 +6 (1A) (1A) (c) (i) Total time = 2 s ? 4 = 8 s Average velocity 15 ? 10 ? 2 = 8 = 0. 0188 m s? 1 (0. 5A ? 6) (1M) (1A) (c) The car will slow down and its speed will drop to zero. After th at the car will move towards the right with increasing speed (uniform acceleration). (1A) (1M) (1A) (1M) (1A) (1M) (1A) A (ii) Average speed 75 ? 10 ? 2 = 8 = 0. 0938 m s? 1 (1M) (1A) 12 (a) Total distance travelled = 60 + 80 + 80 + 60 = 280 m (d) (i) The coin moves in the following sequence: B A C C A B B b) Magnitude of total displacement = 80 + 80 = 160 m 160 m (west). The total displacement of the athlete is Therefore, it is at B finally. zero. the coin is also zero. (1A) (1M) (1A) (1M) (1A) (1M) (1A) (ii) The displacement of the coin is Therefore the average velocity of (c) Total distance travelled = 280 + 60 + 80 = 420 m 14 (a) Total distance = ? r = 5? ? 60 m C = 15. 7 m Total displacement =5+5 = 10 m 80 m  © The total displacement travelled by her is 10 m. (b) Jane’s statement is incorrect. (1A) Since both girls start at X and meet at Y, they have the same displacement. (1A) Betty’s statement is incorrect. 1A) Since both girls return to their starting point, their displacements are zero. (1A) Physics in articles (p. 40) (a) From 19 January 2006 to 28 February 2007, (1A) It takes New Horizons spacecraft a total of 406 days to travel from the Earth to Jupiter. (1A) (b) (i) Average speed total distance travelled = total time of travel (1M) = 8 ? 108 406 ? 24 (1A) (1M) = 8. 21 ? 104 km h? 1 (ii) Average acceleration change in velocity = total time of travel = (8. 23 ? 5. 79)? 10 4 406 ? 24 = 2. 50 ? 104 km h? 2 (1A) (1A) (c) July 2015  © 2 1 2 3 4 5 Motion II 10 (a) The object moves with a constant elocity. Practice 2. 1 (p. 61) D B D D B 30 ? 10 = 10 m s–1 v= 2 (b) The object moves with a uniform acceleration from rest. (c) The object moves with a uniform deceleration, starting with a certain initial velocity. Its velocity becomes zero finally. The velocity of the car at t = 2 s is 10 m s–1. 6 7 C (d) The object first moves with a uniform acceleration from rest, then at a constant velocity, and finally moves with a smaller uniform acceleration again. (a) Total displacement = 4 ? 5 + (? 5) ? (7 ? 5) = 10 m The total displacement from the staircase to her classroom is 10 m. (e) The object moves at a constant velocity and then suddenly moves at constant velocity of same magnitude in the opposite direction. (b) Classroom C 8 (f) The object moves with uniform deceleration from an initial velocity to rest, and continue to move with the uniform acceleration of the same magnitude in opposite direction. 9 (a) The object accelerates. (b) The object first moves with a constant velocity. Then it becomes stationary and finally moves with a higher constant velocity again. 11 (a) The object moves with zero acceleration (with constant velocity of 50 m s–1). (b) The object moves with a uniform cceleration of 5 m s–2. (c) 12 The object moves with uniform deceleration of 5 m s–2. (c) The object decelerates to rest, and then accelerates in opposite direction to return to its starting point. (a) It moves away from the sensor. (d) The object moves with uniform velocity towards the origin (the zero displacement position), passes the origin, and continues to move away from the origin with the same uniform velocity.  © (b) (c) The greatest rate of change in speed 0 ? 3. 5 = 2 = –1. 75 m s–2 (d) Total distance travelled = area under the graph 3. 5 ? 2 2 ? 6 = + 2 2 = 9. 5 m Practice 2. 2 (p. 71) 1 C By v2 = u2 + 2as, 290 3. 6 2 13 (a) =0+2? 1? s s = 3240 m = 3. 24 km < 3. 5 km The minimum length of the runway is 3. 5 km. 2 B Cyclist X is moving at constant speed. Time for cyclist X to reach finish line displacement 150 = = = 30 s time 5 For cyclist Y: u = 5 m s–1, s = 250 m, (b) Total distance travelled = area under the graph (12 + 6) ? 3 = 2 = 27 m a = 2 m s–2 By s = ut + 1 2 at , 2 1 250 = 5 ? t + ? 2 ? t2 2 (c) Average speed total distance travelled = time taken 27 = 3 t = 13. 5 s or t = ? 18. 5 s (rejected) Y needs 13. 5 s to reach finish line. Therefore, cyclist Y will win the race. 3 B Since the bullet start decelerates after fired into the wall, we could just consider the displacement of the bullet in the wall. To prevent the bullet from penetrating the wall, the bullet must stop in the wall. = 9 m s–1 14 (a) She moves towards the motion sensor. (b) The highest speed of the girl in the journey is 3. 5 m s–1.  © By v2 = u2 + 2as, 0 = 500 + 2 ? (? 800 000) ? s 2 8 By v = u + at, 14 = u + 2 ? 5 u = 4 m s–1 s = 0. 156 m = 15. 6 cm < 15. 8 cm The minimum thickness of the wall is 15. 8 m. By v2 = u2 + 2as, 142 = 42 + 2 ? 2 ? s s = 45 m 4 C When the dog catches the thief at t = 5 s, its total displacement is 30 m. The dog is sitting initially, so u = 0. 1 By s = ut + at2, 2 1 30 = 0 + a(5)2 2 The displacement of the girl is 45 m. 9 (a) v = u + at = 0 + 20 ? 0. 3 = 6 m s? 1 The horizontal speed of the ball travelling towards the goalkeeper is 6 m s? 1. a = 2. 4 m s–2 Its acceleration is 2. 4 m s–2. (b) By v2 = u2 + 2as, 02 ? 62 a= = –22. 5 m s? 2 2 ? 0. 8 The deceleration of the football should be 22. 5 m s? 2. 5 6 D 90 36 ? v? u = 3. 6 3. 6 = 1. 5 m s–2 a= t 10 By v = u + 2as, 2 2 10 (a) The reaction time of the cyclist is 0. 5 s. s= v ? u = 2a 2 2 90 3. 6 36 3. 6 2 ? 1. 5 ? 2 2 = 175 m (b) Braking distance (2. ? 0. 5)? 15 = 11. 25 m = 2 Thinking distance = 15 ? 0. 5 = 7. 5 m Stopping distance = 11. 25 + 7. 5 = 18. 75 m child. 20 m The distance travelled by the motorcycle is 175 m and its acceleration is 1. 5 m s . –2 7 (a) Thinking distance = speed ? reaction time 108 = ? 0. 8 = 24 m 3. 6 Therefore, the bicycle would not hit the (b) Since the car decelerates uniformly, braking distance v+u = ? t 2 108 +0 = 3. 6 ? (3 ? 0. 8) 2 = 33 m 11 By v = u2 + 2as, 0 = 32 + 2 ? (–0. 5) ? s s=9m 8m Therefore, the golf ball can reach the hole. 2 12 (a) (i) By v = u + at, 0 = u + (–4)(4. 75) u = 19 m s–1 The initial velocity of the car is 19 m s–1. (c) Stopping distance = thinking distance + braking distance = 24 + 33 = 57 m  © (ii) By v2 = u2 + 2as, 0 = 19 + 2 ? (–4) ? s s = 45. 1 m 2 3 C For option A, apply equation v2 = u2 – 2gs and take s = 0 (the ball returns to the second floor), v = –u = –10 m s–1 (vertically downwards) The displacement of the car before it stops in front of the traffic light is 45. 1 m. This is the same velocity as the initial velocity of option B. Therefore, in both ways the ball has the same vertical speed when it reaches the ground. (b) By v = u + 2as, 17 = 0 + 2 ? 3 ? s s = 48. 2 m 2 2 2 The displacement of the car between starting from rest and moving at 17 m s is 48. 2 m. –1 4 B Take the upward direction as positive. 1 By s = ut + at2, 2 1 0 = u ? 30 + ? (? 10) ? 302 2 u = 150 m s–1 13 (a) By v2 = u2 + 2as, v2 = 0 + 2 ? 0. 1 ? 500 v = 10 m s–1 His speed is 10 m s . –1 (b) Consider the first section. By v = u + at, v? u t= a 10 ? 0 = 0. 1 = 100 s Consider the second section. 1 By s = ut + at2, 2 1 800 = 10t + ? 0. 5t2 2 t = 40 s or t = –80 s (rejected) The speed of the bullet is 150 m s–1 when it is fired. 5 Speed of stone Equation used t=1s t=2s t=3s t=4s v = u + at Distance travelled by the stone 1 s = ut + at 2 2 m 20 m 45 m 80 m 10 m s–1 20 m s 30 m s –1 –1 40 m s–1 Total time taken = 100 + 40 = 140 s It takes 140 s for Jason to travel downhill. 6 1 By s = ut + at2, 2 1 10 = 0 + (10) t2 2 t = 1. 41 s v = u + at Practice 2. 3 (p. 83) 1 2 D D = 0 + 10(1. 41) = 14. 1 m s–1 It takes 1. 41 s for a diver to drop from a 10-m platform. His speed is 14. 1 m s–1 when he enters the water.  © 7 Take the upward direction as positive. By v = u + 2as, 4 = 0 + (2)(–10)s s = 0. 8 m 2 2 2 Besides, since Y spends a shorter time to reach its highest point, it should be fired after X. 10 (a) By s = ut + The highest position reached by the puppy is 0. m above the ground. 8 (a) Consider the boy’s downward journey. Take the downward direction as positive. 1 By s = ut + at2, 2 1 0. 5 = 0 + (10) t2 2 t = 0. 316 s 1 2 at , 2 1 120 = 8t + ? 10 ? t2 2 t = 4. 16 s or t = ? 5. 76 s (rejected) It takes 4. 16 s to reach the ground. (b) v = u + at = 8 + 10 ? 4. 16 = 49. 6 m s–1 Its speed on hitting the ground is 49. 6 m s–1. 11 (a) Distance between the ceiling and her hands = 6 – 2 – 1. 2 = 2. 8 m Hang-time of the boy = 0. 316 ? 2 = 0. 632 s (b) Let s be her vertical displacement when she jumps. As the maximum jumping speed is 8 m s–1, i. e . u = 8 m s–1. By v2 = u2 + 2as, v2 ? 2 s= 2a 2 0 ? 82 = (upwards is positive) 2 ? (? 10) s = 3. 2 m > 2. 8 m Therefore, the indoor playground is not safe for playing trampoline. 1 (a) By s = ut + at2, 2 1 132 = 0 ? t + ? 10 ? t2 2 t = 5. 14 s The vehicle can experience a free fall in the Zero-G facility for 5. 14 s. (b) Take the upward direction as positive. By v = u + 2as, 0 = u + 2 ? (–10) ? 0. 5 u = 3. 16 m s–1 2 2 2 The jumping speed of the boy is 3. 16 m s–1. 9 Take the upward direction as positive. (a) By v2 = u2 + 2as, 0 = u2 + 2(–10)(200) u = 63. 2 m s–1 The velocity of the firework X is 63. 2 m s–1 when it is fired. 12 (b) By v = u + at, = 63. 2 + (–10)t t = 6. 32 s It takes 6. 32 s for the firework X to reach that height. (c) From (a) and (b), for firework Y to explode at 130 m above the ground, the speed of Y should be smaller than that of X. Therefore, Y should be fired at a (b) By v2 = u2 + 2as, v2 = 02 + 2 ? 10 ? 132 v = 51. 4 m s? 1 The speed of the vehicle before it comes to a stop is 51. 4 m s? 1.  © lower speed. (c) Take the upward direction as positive. By v = u + at, –v = v – gt 2v = gt If the stone is projected with a speed of 2v, let the new time of travel be t?. (–2v) = (2v) – gt? v t? = 4 ( ) g = 2t Its new time of travel is 2t. 6 B Take the upward direction as positive. 1 s = ut + at2 2 1 = (10)(4) + (–10)(4)2 2 = –40 m The distance between the sandbag and the ground is 40 m when it leaves the balloon. Revision exercise 2 Multiple-choice (p. 87) 1 D By v2 = u2 + 2as, 0 = 102 + 2a(25 – 10 ? 0. 2) a = –2. 17 m s–2 His minimum deceleration is 2. 17 m s–2. 2 3 D B Consider the rock released from the 2nd floor. By v2 = u2 + 2as, v2 = 2as floor. Note that s2 = 3. 5s. (v2)2 = 2as2 = 3. 5(2as) = 3. 5v2 v2 = 1. 87v (as u = 0) Then consider the rock released from the 7th 7 8 D C Take the downward direction as positive. u = 200 m s–1, v = 5 m s–1, a = ? 0 m s–2 By v = u + at, 5 = 200 + (? 20)t t = 9. 75 s The rockets should be fired for at least 9. 75 s. Both C and D satisfy this requirement. But for D, after firing for 10. 2 s, v = u + at = 200 + (–20)(10. 2) = –4 m s–1 i. e. it flies away from the Moon with 4 m s–1 upwards. It c annot land on the Moon. Therefore, the correct answer is C. 4 5 A C The stone returns to the ground with the same speed (but in opposite direction). 9 10 D D  © 11 12 13 (HKCEE 2006 Paper II Q1) (HKCEE 2007 Paper II Q2) (HKCEE 2007 Paper II Q33) (b) (i) Conventional (p. 89) 1 (a) The reaction time of the driver is 0. 6 s. (b) v a= t = 0 ? 12 3. 6 ? . 6 (1A) (Correct axes with label) from t = 1. 20 s to 1. 25 s) from t = 1. 45 s to 1. 50 s) (1A) (1A) (1A) (A straight line with slope = 0. 35 m s–1 (A straight line with slope = –0. 35 m s–1 (1A) (1M) = –4 m s–2 The acceleration of the car is –4 m s–2. (c) The stopping distance of the car is the area under graph. Stopping distance 12 ? (3. 6 ? 0. 6) =12 ? 0. 6 + 2 = 25. 2 m The stopping distance of the car is shorter than 27 m. The driver will not be charged with driving past a red light. (1A) (1A) (1M) (ii) 2 (a) The object moves away from the motion sensor with uniform velocity at 0. 35 m s–1 from t = 1. 20 s to 1. 25 s. 1A) From t = 1. 25 s to 1. 45 s, the object moves with negative acceleration. (1A) Then, from t = 1. 45 s to 1. 50 s, the object changes its moving direction and moves towards the motion sensor again with a uniform velocity of –0. 35 m s–1. (1A) (Correct axes with labels) (1A) (Correct graph with the acceleration of ? 0. 35 ? 0. 35 about 1. 40 ? 1. 30 = –7 m s–2 at t = 1. 30 s to 1. 40 s) (1A) !  © 3 (a) (b) Total displacement of the car = area bound by the v? t graph and the time axis 1 1 = (5 ? 5) ? (20 ? 3) 2 2 = ? 17. 5 m (1M) (1A) (c) Yes, the car moves 12. 5 m forwards from t = 0 to t = 5 s. Therefore, it hits the roadblock. 1A) 5 Take the upward direction as positive. (a) From point A to the highest point: (Correct axes with labels) (Correct shape of minibus’ graph) (Correct shape of sports car’s graph) (Correct values) (1A) (1A) (1A) (1A) By v2 = u2 + 2as, 0 = 42 + 2 (–10) s s = 0 . 8 m By v = u + at, 0 = 4 + (–10)t t = 0. 4 s (1M) From the highest point to the trampoline: 1 s = ut + at2 (1M) 2 1 = 0 + (–10)(1. 2 – 0. 4)2 2 = –3. 2 m (1A) 3. 2 m above the trampoline. (1A) The maximum height reached by him is (1M) (b) From the graph in (a), the two vehicles have the same velocity at t ? 2. 3 s after passing the traffic light. (1A) (1M) (c) The area under graph is the displacement of the cars. Consider their displacements at t = 3 s, For the sports car: 1 s = ? 15 ? 3 = 22. 5 m 2 For the minibus: 1 s = ? (7 + 13) ? 3 = 30 m 2 The minibus will take the lead 3 s after passing the traffic light. (1A) (b) Height of point A above the trampoline (1A) = 3. 2 – 0. 8 = 2. 4 m (1M) (1A) 6 (a) Initial velocity v = 90 km h–1 90 = m s–1 3. 6 = 25 m s–1 Thinking distance =v? t = 25 ? 0. 2 =5m The thinking distance is 5 m. (1A) (1M) 4 (a) The car moves forward with uniform acceleration at ? 1 m s? 2 from t = 0 s to t = 5 s. (1A) (1A) Then the car changes its moving direction. From t = 5 s to t = 8 s, it moves backwards with a uniform acceleration of ? 6. 67 m s . ?2 Its instantaneous velocity is 0 at t = 5 s. (1A) †  © (b) By v2 = u2 + 2as, v2 ? u2 a= 2s 2 0 ? 25 2 = 2 ? (80 ? 5) = ? 4. 17 m s–2 4. 17 m s–2. (1M) (c) The slope of the graph is the magnitude of the acceleration of the apple. speed / m s? 1 7. 75 (1A) (1A) Hence, the deceleration of the car is (c) By v2 = u2 + 2as, s= v ? u 2a 0 2 ? 25 2 = 2 ? ( ? 4. 17 ? 2) 2 2 (1M) 0 0. 775 time / s (Correct labelled axes) (2A) (1A) (Straight line with a slope of 10 m s? 2) = 37. 5 m Braking distance = 37. 5 m Stopping distance = 37. 5 + 5 = 42. m (1M) (d) The two graphs have no difference. (1A) (1A) 8 (a) Take the downward direction as positive. By v2 = u2 + 2gs, v = u + 2 gs 2 The driver could not stop before the traffic light. Therefore, his claim is incorrect. (1A) (1M) 7 (a) Take the downward direction as positive. 1 By s = ut + gt2, 2 1 3 = 0 ? t + ? 10 ? t2 2 3? 2 t= = 0. 775 s 10 (1M) = 0 2 + 2 ? 10 ? (40 ? 3) = 27. 2 m s–1 cushion is 27. 2 m s? 1. 1 (b) (i) By s = ut + gt2, 2 1 40 – 3 = 0 + ? 10 ? t2 2 t = 2. 72 s (1A) The speed of the residents landing on the (1M) (1A) The apple travels in air for 0. 775 s. (1A) (b) By v2 = u2 + 2as, v = 2 ? 10 ? 3 (1M) 1A) –1 = 7. 75 m s? 1 The speed of the apple is 7. 75 m s when the apple just reaches the ground. The time of travel in air is 2. 72 s. u+v (ii) By s = t, (1M) 2 2s t= u+v 2? 3 = t 27. 2 + 0 = 0. 221 s (1A) The time of contact is 0. 221 s.  © (c) (b) Slope of the graph from t = 0 to t = 0. 28 s 2. 3 ? 0 = 0. 28 ? 0 = 8. 21 m s–2 The acceleration of the ball due to gravity is 8. 21 m s–2. (1M) (1A) (c) (Correct labeled axes) (Correct shape) (Correct values) (1A) (1A) (1A) (i) 9 (a) t = 2 s: Displacement of the trolley = 0. 7 ? 0. 15 = 0. 55 m t = 3. 4 s: (1A) Displacement of the trolley = 1. 175 ? 0. 15 = 1. 025 m t = 4. 9 s: 1A) Displacement of the trolley = 0. 6 ? 0 . 15 = 0. 45 m (1A) (b) It moves away from the motion sensor with a changing speed from t = 2 s to t = 3. 4 s. (Correct sign) (Correct shape) (1A) (1A) (1A) (1A) (1A) (ii) The method does not work Then it rests momentarily at t = 3. 4 s. After that, it moves towards the motion since ultrasound will be reflected by the transparent plastic plate. (1A) (c) sensor with a changing speed. 1 By s = ut + at2, 2 1 ? 0. 1 = 0. 7 ? 2. 9 + ? a ? (2. 9)2 2 a = ? 0. 507 m s? 2 (1A) (1M) 11 (a) (i) The ball is held 0. 15 m from sensor before being released. The ball hits the ground which is 1. m from the sensor. (1A) (1A) Therefore, the ball drops a height of 0. 95 m. which are 0. 45 m, 0. 65 m and 0. 775 m from the sensor in its first 3 rebounds. (1A) The acceleration of the trolley is ? 0. 507 m s? 2. (ii) The ball rebounds to the positions 10 (a) The motion sensor is protruded outside the table to avoid the reflection of ultrasonic signal from table. (1A)  © At the 1st rebound, the ball rises up (1. 1 ? 0. 45) = 0. 65 m. nd The average acceleration is 66. 6 m s–2. (1A) (1A) (1A) (c) v / m s? 1 6. 32 At the 2 rebound, the ball rises up (1. 1 ? 0. 65) = 0. 45 m. rd At the 3 rebound, the ball rises up (1. 1 ? 0. 75) = 0. 325 m. (b) (i) The ball hits the ground with velocities of 3. 9 m s , 3. 25 m s and 2. 75 m s–1 in its first 3 rebounds. (3A) 3. 9 (1M) 0. 95 ? 0. 55 (1A) –1 –1 t3 t1 t2 t4 t5 t/s (ii) Acceleration = slope of graph = = 9. 75 m s–2 ?6. 32 (3 straight lines) (Correct slopes) (1A) (1A) 12 Take the downward direction as positive. 1 (a) By s = ut + gt2, (1M) 2 1 2 = 0 ? t + ? 10 ? t2 2 2? 2 t= = 0. 632 s (1A) 10 It takes 0. 632 s from t1 to t2. (Correct labels of time and velocity)(1A) 13 (a) Speed v = 70 km h–1 70 = m s–1 3. 6 = 19. 4 m s–1 d Reaction time = v 6 = 19. 4 = 0. 309 s The reaction time of the man was 0. 09 s. (1M) (b) At t2, v = u + at (1A) = 0 + 10 ? 0. 632 = 6. 32 m s –1 –1 (1 M) Shirley’s speed is 6. 32 m s when she lands on the trampoline at t2. At t4, she leaves the trampoline at the same speed. Therefore, from t3 to t4, by v2 = u2 + 2as, a= v2 ? u2 2s (? 6. 32) 2 ? 0 2 = 2 ? 0. 3 (b) By v2 = u2 + 2as, v2 ? u2 a= 2s 2 0 ? 19. 4 2 = 2 ? 48 = –3. 92 m s–2 3. 92 m s–2. (1M) (1M) (1A) The average deceleration of the car was (c) (1A) Speed v = 80 km h–1 80 = m s–1 3. 6 = 22. 2 m s–1 = 66. 6 m s–2  © Thinking distance = vt = 22. 2 ? 0. 309 = 6. 86 m By v = u + 2as, braking distance s v2 ? u2 = 2a 2 0 ? 22. 2 2 = 2 ? ? 3. 92) 2 2 (1A) Take the upward direction as positive. 1 s = ut + at2 (1M) 2 1 = 7 ? 1. 75 + ? (–10) ? 1. 752 2 = –3. 06 m (negative means the water is below the spring board) The spring board is 3. 06 m above the water. Alternative method: (1A) = 62. 9 m Therefore, the stopping distance = 6. 86 + 62. 9 = 69. 8 m (1A) Consider the upward motion and downward motion separatel y. For the upward motion, she takes 0. 7 s to reach the highest point from the spring board. Take the upward direction as positive. 1 By s = ut + at2, (1M) 2 1 s1 = 7 ? 0. 7 + ? (–10) ? 0. 72 2 = 2. 45 m For the downward motion, she takes 1. 5 s from the highest point to enter water. Take the downward direction as positive. By s = ut + 1 2 gt , 2 1 s2 = 0 + ? 10 ? 1. 052 = 5. 51 m 2 (1A) This stopping distance is greater than the initial distance between the car and the boy. (1A) Therefore, the car would have knocked down the boy if the car had travelled at 80 km h? 1 or faster. (d) A drunk has a longer reaction time. (1A) This means that the thinking distance, and thus the stopping distance (sum of thinking distance and braking distance), increases. (1A) (1M) (1A) 14 (a) Take the upward direction as positive. By v = u + at, u = 0 ? (? 10) ? 0. 7 = 7 m s–1 board is 7 m s . 1 Therefore the height of the spring board above the water = s2 – s1 = 5. 51 – 2. 4 5 = 3. 06 m (1A) (1M) (1A) The speed of Belinda leaving the spring (b) Total time taken from the spring board to the water = 0. 7 + 1. 05 = 1. 75 s (c) v = u + at = 0 + (? 10) ? 1. 05 = ? 10. 5 m s–1 is 10. 5 m s–1.  © The speed of the diver entering the water (d) Deceleration of car Y = slope of the graph during 0. 5 s? 8. 5 s = 0 ? 19. 4 = –2. 43 m s–2 8. 5 ? 0. 5 (1A) The deceleration of car Y is 2. 43 m s–2. (c) Thinking distance = area under the graph during 0? 0. 5 s = 19. 4 ? 0. 5 = 9. 7 m (1A) (Correct shape) (Correct times) (Correct velocities) 1A) (1A) (1A) Braking distance = area under the graph during 0. 5 s? 8. 5 s 1 = ? 19. 4 ? (8. 5 – 0. 5) 2 = 77. 6 m distance are 9. 7 m and 77. 6 m respectively. (1A) The thinking distance and the braking (e) (See the figure in (d). ) (Correct slope – parallel to that in (d). ) (1A) (Correct position – above that in (d). ) (1A) 15 (a) Speed 70 km h–1 70 = m s–1 3 . 6 = 19. 4 m s –1 (d) The coloured area is equal to the difference in the stopping distances travelled by cars X and Y. (1A) (e) (1M) Stopping distance of car X = area under the graph during 0? 5 s 1 = ? 19. 4 ? 5 = 48. 5 m 2 Coloured area = 9. 7 + 77. 6 – 48. = 38. 8 m < 50 m Since the difference in stopping distances of the cars is smaller than the initial separation of the cars, the two cars do not collide with each other before they stop. (1A) (1M) (1M) Distance travelled by car Y in 2 s = vt = 19. 4 ? 2 = 38. 8 m < 50 m Since the distance between the cars is greater than the distance that car Y can travel in 2 s, the driver of car Y obeys the rule. corresponding v–t graph. Deceleration of car X = slope of the graph during 0? 5 s (1A) (1M) (b) Deceleration of a car is the slope of their 0 ? 19. 4 = 5? 0 = –3. 88 m s–2 The deceleration of car X is 3. 88 m s–2. (1A) 16 a) From t = 0 s to t = 5 s, the car moves with a uniform acceleration of 17 ? 0 = 3. 4 m s–2. 5 (1A)  © From t = 5 s to t = 20 s, the car moves with a constant velocity of 17 m s–1. (1A) From t = 20 s to t = 28 s, the car moves with a uniform acceleration of 0 ? 17 = ? 2. 125 m s–2. 28 ? 20 at rest. (1A) (b) s = ut + 1 2 at 2 1 = 0 + ? 17. 5 ? (8 ? 60)2 2 = 2 016 000 m (2016 km) (1M) (1A) The Shuttle travels 2 016 000 m (2016 km) in the first 8 minutes. From t = 28 s to t = 30 s, the car remains (1A) 19 (a) (i) The cyclist is using first gear when the acceleration is greatest before braking. shortest time. (1A) (1A) (1M) (1M) (1A) b) (ii) The cyclist uses second gear for the (b) Distance travelled = area under straight line PQ (8 + 6) ? 2 = 2 = 14 m The cyclist travels 14 m in second gear. (c) The acceleration during t = 18 s? 20 s 0? 9 = (1M) 20 ? 18 = ? 4. 5 m s–2 The deceleration is 4. 5 m s . –2 (1A) (Correct shape) (Correct time instants) (Correct accelerations) (1A) (1A) (1A) (1A) (1A) 20 21 (c) Yes. (HKCEE 2 005 Paper I Q1) 1 (a) s = ut + at2 2 1 = 0 + ? 10 ? (500 ? 10? 3)2 2 = 1. 25 m Therefore the minimum height the (1M) The car changes direction at t = 30 s. Its velocity changes from positive to negative, showing a change in its travelling direction. 1A) (1M) (1A) (1A) laptop must fall for it to be ‘saved’ is 1. 25 m. (b) v = u + at = 0 + 10 ? (500 ? 10 ) = 5 m s? 1 the ground is 5 m s–1. ?3 (1M) (1A) 17 18 (HKCEE 2002 Paper I Q8) (a) v = u + at = 0 + 17. 5 ? 8 ? 60 = 8400 m s–1 minutes is 8400 m s–1. The speed of the computer when it hits The speed of the Shuttle after the first 8  © (c) Most falls are likely to be from below this height, effect. (1A) (1A) (1A) so the protection will not have taken Physics in articles (p. 96) (a) 2. 45 m (b) (i) By v2 = u2 + 2as, u = v ? 2as u2 = 0 ? 2(? 10)(2. 45 + 0. 07 ? 1. 09) u = 5. 35 m s? 1 2 2 (1A) (1M) Take the upward direction as positive. 22 (a) Any one from: Rate of change of displacement Displacement per unit time (1A) (b) The velocity of a braking car is decreasing (with time) (1A) so the car has negative acceleration. (1A) Its displacement is (still) increasing with time, so its velocity is (still) positive In this case, the acceleration and velocity are in opposite directions. (1A) (1A) (1A) The vertical speed of Javier Sotomayor is 5. 35 m s? 1 when he leaves the ground. (ii) Take the upward direction as positive. Consider the upward journey. By v = u + at, v ? u 0 ? 5. 35 t= = = 0. 54 s a ? 10 (1M) (c) i) Consider the downward journey. 1 By s = ut + at2, (1M) 2 1 ? (2. 45 + 0. 07 ? 0. 71) = 0 + (? 10) t2 2 t = 0. 60 s The time that he stays in the air = (0. 54 + 0. 60) = 1. 14 s Alternative method: (1A) (Correct graph) (1A) Take the upward direction as positive. 1 By s = ut + at2, (1M) 2 (0. 71 ? 1. 09) = 5. 35t + 1 (? 10)t 2 (1M) 2 t = 1. 14 s or t = ? 0. 07 s (rejected) (ii) Vertical distance travelled = area under the graph from 4. 0 s to 10. 0 s (70 + 130)? 6 = 2 (1M) (1A) The time that he stays in the air is 1. 14 s. = 600 m (1A) The vertical distance travelled by the rocket between t = 4. 0 s and t = 10. s is 600 m.  © 3 1 2 3 4 C C Force and Motion 6 (a) The MTR train is accelerating in the forward direction. The man tends to move at his original speed (smaller speed), so he would move backwards relative to the MTR train. (b) The MTR train is slowing down. The man tends to move at his original speed (greater speed), so he would move forwards relative to the MTR train. (c) The MTR train is moving forwards at constant velocity. The man moves forwards with the same constant velocity, so he would remain at rest relative to the MTR train. (d) The MTR train is turning a corner. The Practice 3. 1 (p. 104) (b), (e), (f) 5 a) Stretching a rubber band (b) Standing on the floor (c) Walking time (e) (f) A compass A rubbed plastic ruler attracts small bi ts of paper (d) Exists in every object on the earth at any 7 man tends to move at his original direction, so he would move outwards relative to the MTR train. In space, the gravitational force acts on the spaceship is negligible. When the rockets are shut down, they do not exert a force on the spaceship. Therefore, no net force acts on the spaceship. By Newton’s first law, the spaceship is in uniform motion and can travel far out in space. 8 Joan moves on the ice surface with a constant velocity. Practice 3. 2 (p. 111) 1 2 3 4 5 C C D C (a) No. Athletes would hit the wall of the stadium if it is too close to the finishing line. (b) The mat is used to protect the athletes if they hit the wall after passing the finishing line. Practice 3. 3 (p. 122) 1 2 3 4 5 D A B A D  © 6 (a) 7 (a) Horizontal component = 40 + 30 cos 30 ° = 66. 0 N Vertical component = 30 sin 30 ° = 15 N Resultant = 66 2 + 15 2 = 67. 7 N Let ? be the angle between the resultant Resultant’s magnitude is 67 N and the angle between the resultant and the horizontal is 13 °. (b) and the horizontal. 15 tan = ? = 12. 8 ° 66 Resultant’s magnitude is 67. N and the angle between the resultant and the horizontal is 12. 8 °. (b) Horizontal component = 40 + 30 cos 45 ° = 61. 2 N Vertical component = 30 sin 45 ° = 21. 2 N Resultant’s magnitude is 65 N and the angle between the resultant and the horizontal is 19 °. (c) Resultant = 61. 2 2 + 21. 2 2 = 64. 8 N Let ? be the angle between t he resultant and the horizontal. 21. 2 tan = ? = 19. 1 ° 61. 2 Resultant’s magnitude is 64. 8 N and the angle between the resultant and the horizontal is 19. 1 °. (c) Resultant’s magnitude is 60 N and the angle between the resultant and the horizontal is 25 °. (d) Horizontal component = 40 + 30 cos 60 ° = 55 N Vertical component = 30 sin 60 ° = 26. 0 N Resultant = 55 2 + 26. 0 2 = 60. 8 N Let ? be the angle between the resultant and the horizontal. 26. 0 ? = 25. 3 ° tan = 55 Resultant’s magnitude is 60. 8 N and the angle between the resultant and the Resultant’s magnitude is 50 N and the angle between the resultant and the horizontal is 37 °. horizontal is 25. 3 °.  © (d) Resultant = 40 2 + 30 2 = 50 N Let ? be the angle between the resultant and the horizontal. 30 tan = ? = 36. 9 ° 40 Resultant’s magnitude is 50 N and the angle between the resultant and the horizontal is 36. 9 °. Hence, the angle between the two 5-N forces is 120 °. Alternative method: By tip-to-tail method, the two 5-N forces and the resultant 5-N force form an equilateral triangle. It is known that each angle of an equilateral triangle is 60 °. Therefore, the angle between the two 5-N forces is 120 °. 8 (a) 10 (b) Resultant force = 2 ? 400 = 800 N The resultant force provided by the cable is 800 N. 11 For the 2-kg mass: (c) 9 R = weight ? cos ? = 20 cos 30 ° = 17. 3 N Suppose the two forces act in the direction as shown. T = 20 N Therefore we have: Vertical component Fx = 5 sin ? Horizontal component Fy = 5 ? 5 cos ? = 5 ? 1 ? cos ? ) (magnitude of the resultant)2 = Fx2 + Fy 2 52 = (5 sin ? )2 + [5 ? (1 ? cos ? )]2 1 = sin ? + 1 ? 2 cos ? + cos ? 2 2 2T cos 45 ° = W 2 ? 20 ? cos 45 ° = W cos ? = 0. 5 W = 28. 3 N ? = 60 °  © 12 (a) 2T sin 10 ° = 500 T = 1440 N The tension of the string is 1440 N. 3 4 5 6 B C A Net force = ma = 40 ? 0. 5 = 20 N C By v2 – u2 = 2as, 0 à ¢â‚¬â€œ u2 = 2a(20) ? u2 = 40a u2 a=? 40 Resistance = ma = 12 ? ? u2 = –0. 03u2 40 (b) Component of force = T cos 10 ° = 1440 ? cos 10 ° = 1420 N The component of the force that pulls the car is 1420 N. 13 (a) 7 8 ‘A bag of sugar weighs 10 N. ’ or ‘A bag of sugar has a mass of 1 kg. By F = ma, F 800 000 a= = = 2 m s–2 m 4 ? 10 5 (b) As the mass is stationary, the net force acting on it is zero. When it flies horizontally, its acceleration is 2 m s–2. 100 ( )? 0 v? u (a) a = = 3. 6 = 4. 63 m s–2 t 6 The acceleration of the car is 4. 63 m s–2. (c) (i) y-component of F1 = weight of mass = 10 N 9 y-component of F1 = F1 sin 30 ° F1 sin 30 ° = 10 N F1 = 20 N x-component of F1 = F1 cos 30 ° = 20 cos 30 ° = 17. 3 N (b) F = ma = 1500 ? 4. 63 = 6945 N The force provided by the car engine is 6945 N. 10 (a) (ii) y-component of F2 = 0 x-component of F2 = x-component of F1 = 17. 3 N

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