Thursday, May 7, 2020

Comparing Chapters 1 and 6 in Of Mice and Men by John...

Comparing Chapters 1 and 6 in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Steinbeck uses the opening of his novel to introduce to us the main characters of the novel and also to hint at the forthcoming events that are yet to come in the novel. In the opening Steinbeck describes the setting as a tranquil and peaceful scene, which is almost like the Garden of Eden this, is almost too good to be true this also describe George and Lennies dream. Everything in the setting is natural, the deep green pool of the Salinas River and a far rush of wind sounded and a gust drove through the tops of the trees like a wave. The language creates a feeling of light and brightness, particularly the twinkling†¦show more content†¦George and Lennie upset the natural scene at the pool near the Salinas River as they arrive just like they upset the scene at the ranch. Once George and Lennie arrive at the ranch we begin to establish and understand the characters and their relationships. George and Lennie have a father like son relationship because George is the one who has to sort out the mess Lennie has gotten himself into and always explain to him what they are doing and where, he feels responsible for Lennie and looks out for him but George also likes the relationship between him and Lennie because he wants someone to talk to, a companion and someone who can look out for him too. Lennie is dependant on George and he obeys him with out question and doesnt get into trouble but when Lennie is alone he gets into trouble straight away. Lennie is innocent like a child, he is a little kid inside a big mans body. He likes to stroke pets and stroke different type of materials such as velvet. Lennie used to always kill his pet mouse that was given to him by his Aunt Clara because she was dead and he didnt have any pets he used to stroke dead mice that he found lying on the floor. The death of his mice foreshadows the death of his puppy, Lennie doesnt know his own strength he only strokes the

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