Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Allegory of the Cave vs The Matrix Essay - 1473 Words

Imagine living through life completely bound and facing a reality that doesn’t even exist. The prisoners in Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† are blind from true reality as well as the people in the movie â€Å"The Matrix† written and directed by the Wachowski brothers. They are given false images and they accept what their senses are telling them, and they believe what they are experiencing is all that really exists. Plato the ancient Greek philosopher wrote â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave†, to explain the process of enlightenment and what true reality may be. In the movie â€Å"The Matrix†, Neo (the main character) was born into a world of illusions called the matrix. His true reality is being controlled by the puppet- handlers called the machines who†¦show more content†¦In â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave,† Plato also stated that eventually one of the prisoners, who Plato would say was the philosopher or intellectual, would break free from the cave and into the outside world. The one prisoner that Plato refers to, would also reflect Neo in â€Å"The Matrix† when he in being released from his pod that the machines have created. Once the prisoner of the cave has broken free he can now look all around him, and see the objects as they really are and the people carrying them as well. While in the movie â€Å"The Matrix†, Neo is using is own eyes for the first time and sees that he is actually living in a human factory. In Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† he states that the freed prisoner would be shocked by the outside world, he would not be able to see the realities that he was used to deep in the shadows of the cave. The prisoner would try to think that what he saw and experienced before was truer than what is he sees now. When Neo is revived from being detached from the pod, Morpheus tells him what state the world is in now and Neo is in a state of disarray and denial. Thi s new knowledge of the truth, overwhelmed Neo so much that he vomited and passed out. The released prisoner in â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave† might feel that what he is seeing was the illusion and shadows on the wallShow MoreRelatedThe Matrix And Allegory Of The Cave Analysis769 Words   |  4 Pagesboth The Matrix and Allegory of the Cave. The Matrix, written by Lana Wachowski illustrates many questions throughout. The main character, Neo, tries finding Morpheus in need of an answer to his question. What is the Matrix? Considering, Morpheus is the most dangerous man alive, he does all that he can to find him. Neo is approached by Trinity and led to the underworld to meet Morpheus. They soon realize that Neo is â€Å"The One† who can defeat the Matrix. Similarly,The Allegory of the Cave,which tookRead More A Comparison of The Matrix and Platos The Allegory of the Cave1838 Words   |  8 PagesComparison of The Matrix and Platos The Allegory of the Cave In the movie The Matrix we find a character by the name of Neo and his struggle adapting to the reality. This story is closely similar to an ancient Greek text written by Plato called The Allegory of the Cave. Now both stories are different but the ideas are basically the same. Both Stories have key points that can be analyzed and related to one another almost exactly. There is no doubt that The Matrix was based off GreekRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words   |  316 Pagesleast theoretically, have analyzed the film successively on all its levels. ** The word type is used here in the sense that one speaks, for example, of the ablative absolute as a type peculiar to Latin. A type in grammar is a productive analogical matrix. † Among the authors who have devised tables of montage, or classifications of various kinds—or who have studied separately a specific type of montage—I am indebted notably to Eisenstein, Pudovkin, Kuleshov, Timochenko, Bà ©la Balà ¡zs, Rudolf Arnheim

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