Monday, April 27, 2020

Women Entrepreneurship as a Barrier to Success in Bangladesh Essay Example

Women Entrepreneurship as a Barrier to Success in Bangladesh Essay A woman entrepreneur is defined as a woman who has alone or with one or more partners started or inherited a business, and is eager to take financial, administrative, and social risks and responsibilities, and participate in the day-to-day management activities (UNDP, 2004). Women in Asian countries like India, Myanmar and Bangladesh have played and also are playing a good role in politics. So, Bangladeshi women are enjoying freedom to join politics as well as business. But compared with the Unites States and the European countries, the number is still poor. In fact, women entrepreneurship development is a challenging phenomenon in Bangladesh as women are lagged behind (economically and socially) compared to men. Generally, women are more victimized as because of their illiteracy, unawareness, unorganized, powerless or less political representation, deprivation, rigid social customs, religious constrains and injustice by their counter partners particularly in rural area. Women constitute about a half of the total population in Bangladesh. So for proper representation of women in the arena of entrepreneurship development, women should constitute 50 per cent of the countrys total entrepreneurs. But the ground reality is totally different. The ratio is not even 10 per cent. The actual ratio is much lower than that. We do not know the exact number of women entrepreneurs in the country,† There is no real information on how many women entrepreneurs exist in the country. 1 Background In Bangladesh women entrepreneurs are coming up. If the last 10 years are taken into account, it will be clear that the number of women entrepreneurs has increased significantly. But the ratio of women entrepreneurs to their male counterparts is very low. In the recent years countries like Bangladesh have started paying attention to women. We will write a custom essay sample on Women Entrepreneurship as a Barrier to Success in Bangladesh specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Women Entrepreneurship as a Barrier to Success in Bangladesh specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Women Entrepreneurship as a Barrier to Success in Bangladesh specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Women entrepreneurs have improved their living conditions and earned more respect in the family and the society. The progress has been attained due to government policy supports and involvement of financial institution along with other support services. Bangladesh Bank (central bank of Bangladesh) issues policy guideline for scheduled banks to give priority to women while disbursing Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) credit. Meanwhile, good number of NGO-MFIs offers microfinance services to the women involving actively in micro, small and medium enterprises. Women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh face a range of challenges, including social and economic barriers, and networking and management constraints. Some of these challenges can be addressed through targeted government policies, including allocation of sufficient budget funds to support women entrepreneurs. In recent years, the Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce has been particularly active in promoting such policies. In particular, we are advocating the creation of a separate budget line item of one billion taka (approximately US $13. 5 million) to create a National Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Fund. Such a fund could be designed to address various issues, including access to credit, training for women entrepreneurs, and better market access for women. 2 Research Area Entrepreneurship â€Å"Entrepreneurship is the process where an individual or group of individuals, through organized efforts, risk time and money in pursuit of opportunities to create value and grow through innovation, regardless of the resources they currently control† (Robbins Coulter, 1996). What is the difference between Small business management and Entrepreneurship? As in his book, Timothy S. Hatten explains entrepreneurship is the process of identifying opportunities for which marketable needs exists and assuming the risk of creating an organization to satisfy them. On the other hand, a small business management is the contrast of an entrepreneurship. It is the ongoing process of owning and operating an established business (2006, p32). A study (Cooper, as quoted in Das, 2000) of women entrepreneurs in the western world, proposed that three factors influence entrepreneurship – antecedent influences (i. . , background factors such as family influences and genetic factors that affect motivation, skills and knowledge), the â€Å"incubator organization† (i. e. , the nature of the organization where the entrepreneur was employed just prior to starting a business; the skills learned there) and environmental factors (e. g. , economic conditions, access to venture capital and support services, role models) Women especially in South Asia, they have to overcome a lot of cultural religious and social pressures for playing an active role in the society. Many people incorporate social 3 pressures with religious pressure. â€Å"However social pressures does not have anything to do with religious values† (Rokia Afzal Rahman, 2007). Government policy for Development of Women Entrepreneurship The overall objective is to provide strategic direction for promoting competitive and responsible SME women’s entrepreneurship and embedding gender quality in all areas of works this creates gender sensitive business environment and accelerating economic growth in Bangladesh. Therefore, fostering women entrepreneurship and recognizing women as an important economic change agent, source of employment and innovation for building potential economic development. (SME foundation Bangladesh) Government Strategies for Development of Women Entrepreneurship (SME foundation Bangladesh) †¢ Providing a framework and strategic directions to identify the gender gaps, need, interest, and opportunities issues involved in women entrepreneurship development in the SME sector †¢ To promote the empowerment of women and gender equality through addressing the problems of exclusion of women relating to entrepreneurship mainstreaming the gender into policy level and facilitate effective support for these target groups. †¢ Support to women’s led trade bodies/associations for their building institutional capacity and competitiveness. 4 †¢ Assist gender sensitive value chain analysis for identifying the gender relationships impact on different parts of a value chain. †¢ To create favorable environment for women entrepreneurs and bring them in the mainstream of development process. †¢ To ensure full participation of women entrepreneurs in economic development of the country. †¢ To improve efficiency of women entrepreneurs in performing their business responsibilities. †¢ To strengthen institutional capacities for monitoring and evaluation of gender equality in the area of entrepreneurship development. †¢ To enhance women participation in the decisions making process and buildup capacity to improve knowledge, skills, abilities, aptitudes, values and preferences in order to setup a successful business. (2nd National SME Women Entrepreneur Conference 2008 suggested more regulations and policy for women entrepreneurship. †¢ †¢ †¢ Introduce gender sensitive vat, tax and duty for encouraging export Discourage import through vat/tax/duty imposition of womens produced product Review policy in the framework of gender analysis and ensure womens entrepreneur active participation in policy review process †¢ Build up the gender sensitive and common definition for SMEs 5 †¢ Increase access to information as well as develop dissemination mechanism at all level †¢ †¢ Develop appropriate implementation plan for gender action plan Develop one stop service center for women entrepreneur to accessing information Expand SME Foundation activities across the country to reaching grass root women entrepreneurs †¢ Develop linkage and network with business promotion council for mainstreaming gender issues in policy strategy and implementation level. Existing situation of Bangladesh In recent years, like other developing countries of the world, Bangladesh has been focusing attention on the most disadvantaged group in the society – the women. Realization has gradually dawned on all concerned that a society cannot afford to waste half of its human resources by discrimination on grounds of sex. This increasing awareness on the part of the government has led to the adoption of national policies to facilitate a development process involving women in all spheres particularly in economic activities focusing especially on entrepreneurship development. The overwhelming majority of women in Bangladesh are not only poor, but also caught between two vastly different worlds — the world determined by culture and tradition that confines their activities inside family homesteads, where they are regarded more as a commodity necessary only for bearing and rearing children and the world shaped by increasing 6 andlessness and poverty that focus them outside into various economic activities for survival. According to Bangladesh Household and Demographic survey (BHDS, 1998), literacy rate (7 years and above) among male was 54. 6 percent while for female, it was 42. 5 percent. (WNBA, 2009) Women entrepreneurship in the rural industries is a new arena in the socio- economic environment o f Bangladesh. In view of the need to bring the rural womenfolk in the development stream of the country, the Government, the NGOs and other related agencies have provided ample opportunities to promote entrepreneurial skill among women. Income- generating activities, credit facilities, skill training, market opportunities have all combined to pave the way for the emergence of entrepreneurial development among women in rural Bangladesh. (WNBA, 2009) Social Barriers Attitude: We have a negative attitude among our practical and male dominated society, which has become a major problem. As a result of this negativity attitude to women as well as women entrepreneurs is a regular circumstance in our society. Some problems are given below †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Society does not provide conducive environment for women in business Men are not positive toward women Male family members do not like to see women outside the home Bad comments and eve teasing 7 †¢ †¢ †¢ Family suspect women when they return home late Family members create barriers in their business When women returns home from training, the father and mother in laws create barriers out of suspension. (WNBA, 2009) Knowledge: Women normally lack behind knowledge because they do not ger convenient environment and opportunity to acquire knowledge. Knowledge is like the ground setup for awareness building. (WNBA, 2009) Structure: The basic unit of social structure is the family, which sets roles for men and women. Men have the economic control and therefore are the decision makers. Therefore women who live in a traditional male-controlled are dominated by a highly restricted social structure. (WNBA, 2009) Violence: As a social problem in our society violence is a common practice in our society. It is the most serious threat to overall development and progress of women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh. Sometimes the husband pressurizes the women to retain her money with them. Mental and physical torture by husband, parents, siblings, Sexual harassment by bosses in offices and business activities. (WNBA, 2009) 8 Hypothesis The research paper will try to prove weather women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh is really a barrier or not. All the variables effecting women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh will be analyzed and on what scale they are affecting will be shown. Therefore, my null and alternative hypothesizes will be: Ho: Women entrepreneurship is a barrier to success in Bangladesh. H1: Women entrepreneurship is not a barrier to success in Bangladesh. However, during the research process I might face a lot of variables that might tend to prove my alternative hypothesis to be false by a smaller probability. Which means that women could really be successful entrepreneurs but some other variables needs to be kept constant i. e. cultural and religious hindrance against women entrepreneurship. Therefore I keep another alternative hypothesis to prove that my claim is still true. H2: Keeping VARIABLE/VARIABLES constant women entrepreneurship is not a barrier to success in Bangladesh. 9 Methodology Secondary Data Collection I used secondary data, which were collected by BWCCI (Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry) to do research on Situation Analysis of Women Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh, published in February 2008. The secondary data are used for descriptive statistical analysis which shows more prone problems relation to barriers to women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh Primary Data Collection The primary date are collected by taking a short and brief survey which will provide me some basic statistics about women and women entrepreneurship having barriers to their success. Some question will provide the present situation statistics while some other questions will only be used to do the hypothesis testing. Sampling †¢ Target population: The study’s primary focus is to have an overview about the situation of women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. Different types of sampling procedures were undertaken considering types of stakeholder, geographical areas, time, budget etc. The sample will represent only Dhaka’s respondents. †¢ Sampling: I have chosen 30 women entrepreneurs form Dhaka for representation of the whole population. Since there is no comprehensive directory for women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh, I purposively selected respondents from streets, our university and some through surveymonkey. com 10 Data Collection †¢ Mostly quantitative collection of data is targeted through some structured and semi-structured questioner’s surveys. Open discussion on the actual barriers and how to did they overcome those and suggestions if they want to provide any. Primary research proposal questions in relation to hypothesis. Measures A cross checking mechanism was introduced to ensure the quality of data. Most of the variables were pre-coded. Some data were coded right after field study. After completion of the field study, I started to insert the data in computer-based worksheets, which were developed using SPSS, MS Word and Excel. Most of the data, both qualitative and quantitative, are analyzed through SPSS and MS Excel. 11 Primary Data Presentation and Analysis Socio-Demographic Background †¢ Age and Education: Highest proportion of women is in the age group of 2130,36%, which basically means that most of the women entrepreneurs are young in Bangladesh. 0 % of women entrepreneurs could receive education of Higher Secondary and Secondary School level of education. Age 41- ­? 50 17% 15- ­? 20 20% 31- ­? 40 27% 21- ­? 30 36% No Education 7% Primary 3% Education Post Graduation 10% Graduation 17% Class 8 3% SSC 33% HSC 27% 12 †¢ Marital Status: Form cultural perspective, marital status plays as an important factor to influence in women’s socio economic life. 5 3. 8 % are found to be married and 36. 6% unmarried. Widow separated and divorced consisted of 8. 7% of the surveyed observation. Marital Status 20 15 10 5 0 Married Single Divorced Profile of enterprises †¢ Motivating factors to enter into business: Despite of having so many problems and barriers to be successful for Women Entrepreneurship, the most important factor for their success can be, who actually motivates them the most. u? 29% of women are motivated by Inspiration from family family businesses. u? 24% believed to create self dependency u? 22% became entrepreneurs for self inspiration u? 22% became entrepreneurs for an extra income for the family 13 u? Economic Development (14%), Self Employment (12%), Upgrade social status (6%) †¢ Previous Occupation: Most (53%) of the Women Entrepreneurs were students before they actually started their own business. 23% women were housewife before they started business. We can find coherence of results here: Most women entrepreneurs are young deceived good minimum education. Previous Occupation 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Student Housewife Unemployed Other Business Service Others †¢ Duration of experience in business: 53% of women entrepreneurs in the sample have only three years or less than three years experiences in business. 18% of entrepreneurs have only one year of experience. The mean duration of experience from observed 30 women was 4. 9 years though. 31 years of maximum duration of experience found in the sample. 14 Year 1977-1992 1993-1999 2000-2003 2004-2007 Percentage 6. 7 10 36. 6 46. 7 Cumulative Percentage 6. 7 16. 7 53. 3 100 †¢ Main sectors u? 69. 4% of women were involved in production of handicrafts u? 16. 1 were involved in garments or home textile u? Others involved in printing, agro based, parlor, food etc. Main Sectors 13% Handicrafts Garments/ Textile 70% Others ( Printing, agro based, parlour, food etc) 17% 15 Experiences in Trade Licensing and Company Registration, Training Taxes †¢ Status of Company registration: 50% of the women did not have their enterprises registered with legal authorities. Most of them who have trade license run their business in Dhaka City Corporation. †¢ Reasons behind not having trade license: All of them who did not have trade license were asked what was the reason behind not having a trade license. The opinions expressed were the following. u? Unaware of the necessity of having trade license: u? Aware but not familiar with the process: u? Applied for trade license the process is going on: u? Others: 36. 6% 40% 1% 22. 4% Reasons for not having a Trade License 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Unaware Not Familiar Under Process Others 16 †¢ Training: 9. 2% of Women Entrepreneurs did not receive any sort of training till now. 35. 5% received training before starting business, 42. 1% got training after starting business. 10. 2% women received training before and after starting business. Most of the women who received training were from different NGOs, public institutions like Women and Children affairs department, youth development department chamber of commerce. Training Education 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 No training eceived Trained After Starting Trained before statrin Trained Before and Business Business after †¢ Sources of Starter capital: 36. 6 % of women are unmarried in my sample. The source of capital must have been hard to found. 60% of women had started their business with their own money. This is what makes women so much independent and consistent in what they do. O? Own S avings: O? Parents: O? Husband: 60% 40% 16. 7% 17 O? In-Laws: O? NGOs: O? Banks: 6. 7% 3. 3% 6. 7% †¢ TAX and VAT: Only 10 of them had tax id number and out of rest of them 46. 7% did not have any idea or awareness of having a tax token. Yes Tax ID Number Awareness of Tax/Vat 33. 3% 13. 3% No 66. 7% 46. 7% 40% Partially Hypothesis Testing At 90% significance level, I want to know if Women Entrepreneurship is a Barrier to Success in Bangladesh. My null and alternative hypothesizes are: Ho: Women Entrepreneurship is a Barrier to success in Bangladesh. And H1: Women Entrepreneurship is not a Barrier to success in Bangladesh. I am assuming that my null hypothesis is true; Women entrepreneurship is a barrier to success, this leads me to a one sided test. I have to find if it is a barrier or not (not if it has advantage). Saying that if it is a barrier or not, the mean of the population is assumed to be 0 (zero) which means that neither it is a barrier, nor an advantage. Negative mean would mean it is a barrier. Therefore, the sample mean also should represent something that lies between negative positive direction (the neutral value should be 0). Therefore, restating my hypothesizes : 18 Ho: H1:  µ 0 For my hypothesis testing, I selected 6 questions from BWCCI’s report and surveyed 10/30 women entrepreneurs from our sample (rich and poor mixed) and score them from a scale of minus 2 to positive two. The questions of the survey are as follows. A) Overall a positive environment for women to enter into business has been ensured B) Social and family responsibilities to promote women in business has increased? C) Quality of the assistance provided by the Government is gradually increasing? D) Social barriers are decreased? E) Women are getting proper price for their product? F) Having a trade license, is this an important thing for you? Scoring a question (-ve) 2 means that the person totally disagrees to that particular question and (+ve) 2 means that the person strongly agreed to that question. A zero represents neutral opinion. The summation of all scored 6 questions from one women entrepreneur represents the accumulated view of that person (Negative total means that her perception about Women Entrepreneurship is that it’s a barrier and vise versa) The following table shows the result of the 10 surveyed women entrepreneurs. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 -1 0 B 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 2 1 1 C 0 -1 -1 1 0 1 0 2 0 -2 D -1 0 0 -1 2 1 0 2 -1 -1 E 0 0 -1 1 2 -1 2 2 0 0 F 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 2 -2 0 Total 0 1 -1 3 10 3 6 11 -3 -2 19 From the surveyed collection of data I found that only 3 of the women entrepreneurs thinks that women entrepreneurship is a barrier to success and 6 of them thinks it is not. The sample mean and standard deviation of the data is 2. 80 and 4. 85 respectively. The summary data show that most women believe Women entrepreneurship is not a barrier to success in Bangladesh. However, I am now going to conduct a hypothesis test from my sample data. Sample Mean, x = 2. 80, Sample Standard Deviation, s = 4. 85, 90% Significance level. Reject H1 if, P ( x = 2. 80| Ho true) lt; 0. 0 We have a very small sample of n=10, therefore we will have to use a T-statistics. The critical value of T with 10% confidence and 9 Degrees of freedom = -1. 383 Reject H1 if Tcallt; -1. 383 t-cal = (2. 80 – 0)/( 4. 85/SqRt 10) = 1. 83 The sample mean does not fall under the critical region and more over it is towards the positive direction. Therefore I have to reject my hull hypothesis and accept the alternat ive hypothesis. Women Entrepreneurship is not a Barrier to Success in Bangladesh. As I have my H1 true, I do not have to prove my alternative hypothesis 2. 20 Secondary Data Presentation and Analysis Socio-Demographic Background †¢ Types of Family and Number of Children: 31% of women live as in joint family and remainder in conjugal family. Among 53. 8% of married women, 70% of them had children and the mean number of children found was 1. 3 for each family. Which shows that most of the entrepreneurs had less or equal to 2 children. (WNBA, 2009) †¢ Educational background of Fathers and Husbands: 61% of the women entrepreneur’s fathers have at least college level of education. 55% of the husbands have a minimum graduation level of education. (WNBA, 2009) †¢ Occupational background of Fathers and Husbands: 34. 8 % of fathers and 43. % of husbands had Business occupational background. Therefore, we can see a strong correlation between women becoming entrepreneurs and the occupational business background of husband and father. (WNBA, 2009) Type of Occupation Public Service Private service Business Agriculture Unemployed Fathers Occupation 15. 7 18. 0 34. 8 12. 4 2. 2 Husbands Occupation 14. 5 30. 6 43. 5 1. 6 1. 6 21 Retired Students Total 15. 7 1. 1 100 4. 8 3. 2 100 †¢ Types of Business: Most of the women are involved in retail and manufacturing type of business. (WNBA, 2009) u? Manufacturing and trading: u? Service: u? Trading: u? Others: 60% 13. % 13. 3% 13. 3% Retail: Whole Sell Both: 43% 16. 2% 40. 8% †¢ Interval between starting point of business and company registration: Only 27. 5% of women could register their enterprise from within 1 month of the business. Although the median time taken for trade licensing was around 1 year from starting their business, but the mean time for registration was 6 years which is significantly not showing good result. (WNBA, 2009) †¢ Problems faced by the women entrepreneurs with different trade licensing authorities: (WNBA, 2009) Types of problems City mentioned Corporation Complex Process Time Consuming Bureaucratic Process u? ? u? Municipalities u? u? u? u? Union Parishad Tax Depart ment u? u? u? 22 Bribery Indecent Behavior Sexual harassment, teasing Lack of cooperation u? u? u? u? u? u? u? u? u? u? u? u? u? †¢ Problems faced by the women entrepreneurs due to not having trade license: (WNBA, 2009) o Could not get access to Bank loan and financial institutions o Could not participate in trade fair o Could not get membership with the chamber of commerce o Missed profitable orders and buyers o Could not enter into export-import oriented sectors Opinion of the women regarding company registration: (WNBA, 2009) o Making registration process easier o Make information available to women entrepreneurs o Create awareness regarding registration process o Establish a gender cell or at least a booth with employee to facilitate women to get trade license o Make the people gender sensitive o Organize training on regulatory process o Reduce company registration fee o Reduce complexity o Fasten registration process 23 Conclusion The first problem discussed in the beginning of this research paper was that women have an enormous pressure from the society and culture for which they cannot easily become an entrepreneur. My survey and the data from BWCCI show that Women these days get lot of support and aspiration from their family members. More the educated family is, more social support they get. As seen from BWCCI’s report on situation analysis of Women Entrepreneurs, showed that Women these days does not have that much difficulties starting their own businesses. The sample mean of their survey interview on page 34 is equal to 5. 7. I can see that the result of my survey sample agrees with that of BWCCI’s report. Both have positive mean but my one is a bit lower than theirs. The possible reason for this may have been that, I did not consider some more positive sides of the environment. However, I also did not consider some negatives score which they found that those have a huge impact i. e. Local Chamber coming forward to help women SME, women are not getting administrative and legal support. Both the samples show that women are not getting the proper price for their products. I cannot totally depend on the perception of women for their ease of doing business. They might also be showing false reason that they need more. Although most of them are correct about the tradelicensing thing. More than 50% of the women do not know anything about having a trade license to do business and most of the women from our sample does not even bother to have a trade license. All data collected from BWCCI represents the scenario of 2007. Now, more than 5 years have passed and so might the change in overall development for women to become entrepreneurs have changed drastically. 24 Recommendation Limitations Information gathered from BWCCI’s report â€Å"A situation Analysis of Women Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh† was published in 2008. The data allocated here are of 2007s’. The situation of Women entrepreneurs six years back cannot represent the present situation of Bangladeshi women entrepreneurs. †¢ BWCCI, for their easy accessibility to women entrep reneurs, they went only to BWCCI’s current members for interviews. Some other limitations mentioned in the report are as follows: o To get response from women entrepreneurs for all questions was really a great challenge as women entrepreneurs were found to be very busy. Some important information was missed. o It was hard to reach some areas during the field study. o The study could not apply random sampling methods. o Some information were related to perception of the surveyed women entrepreneurs, this cannot be use to predict the overall situation of women entrepreneurs. The women entrepreneurs who are having business in large scale were not included is this study, still this can hold a positive side to the research as these examples are outliers. 25 Reference Robbins, S. P. , Coulter, M. , Stuart-Kotze, R. (1996). Management. 5†Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Ed. Englewood Cliffs. NJ. Hatten, T. S. , Coulter, M. (1997). Small business: Entrepreneurship and beyond. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Rahman, R. A. (2007). Policy Dialogue Series. Dhaka. www. smef. com Rahman, M. M. , (Feb 2009). Women’s national business agenda. Dhaka: BWCCI. Uddin Shamim, M. (2008). Building women in business: A situation analysis of women entreprene urs in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry. †¢ Women Entrepreneurship in SME: Bangladesh reality, by Ferdousi Sultana, Unpublished, Dhaka: 2009 †¢ 26 To: Dr. Deena P. Forkan Date: February 26,2013 Re: Proposal to do a research on From: Rafsanjani Rahat â€Å"Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh: Barriers to Success† Abstract: The research paper focuses on mainly how women in Bangladesh are involved to be self-employed and the corresponding success they achieve. The study will provide a report, which will show what percentage of women in Bangladesh likes to be entrepreneurs, proportion of women becoming successful, what are the barriers to be successful, the factors that can motivate women entrepreneurship, the opportunities and threats for the growth of women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh. At the end, the report will provide suggestion for women to be encouraged in self-employment. Questioners might be suggested for future research. Research Scope: †¢ What is Entrepreneurship? †¢ What are the Government policy for Development of Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh? †¢ What are the Government Strategies for Development of Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh? †¢ What is the existing Situation of Bangladesh? †¢ What are the social other problems? 27 Hypothesis: The research paper will try to prove weather women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh is really a barrier or not. All the variables effecting women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh will be analyzed and on what scale they are effecting will be shown. Therefore, our null and alternative hypothesizes will be: Ho: Women entrepreneurship is really a barrier to success in Bangladesh. H1: Women entrepreneurship is not really big barrier to success in Bangladesh. However, during the research process I might face a lot of variables that might tend to prove my alternative hypothesis to be false by a smaller probability. Which means that women could really be successful entrepreneurs but some other variables needs to be kept constant i. . cultural and religious hindrance against women entrepreneurship. Therefore I keep another alternative hypothesis to prove that my claim is still true. H2: Keeping VARIABLE/VARIABLES constant women entrepreneurship in not really a big barrier to success in Bangladesh. Methodology: The methods to do this research report will be very much precise and easy techniques will be ad opted for better understandability of the regression analysis. The primary source of information, which I am planning, will be from interviewing at least two prominent successful women entrepreneur in Bangladesh. The second source of data will be by surveying new generation women undergraduates. I would like to take 28 and note down their opinion of what do they think about themselves being their own boss and if they don’t want, what are the factors that they think are stopping them to be entrepreneurs. With all these primary sources of data I will try to run a regression analysis and verify them with academic journals from wherever I need to get them. I will try to bring some other country’s report on women being supported as to become successful entrepreneurs. The report will try to explain the other relatedness factors of successful women entrepreneurs that various Human Resource Management people have to say. Timetable: After we being held with our official timing to start our research project, I plan to do the following things in the due time given below. Time 1st Week To do list Finding and gather academic journals that will be useful for my research report. 2nd Week Reading all the journals that have been gathered and in the meantime, preparing questionaries’ for the interviews and the survey. rd Week By the starting of the 3rd week, I will start drafting the report and take the interview and survey. 4th Week Survey data need to be analyzed through running a regression and sort out the findings. I will try to finish writing the research paper by the end of the 4th week or if not possible then I might take few days the 5th week. After finishing typing, I will print a draft for 29 showing it my honorable English faculty, Deena Fo rkan man to skim through the project if every thing is fine. December 6th Final Submission of the research report. Request for app

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