Thursday, August 1, 2019

Comments on Student’s Critique

These comments relates to the student critique on the article, â€Å"Is credit card fraud a Real Crime? Does it really cripple the E-commerce sector of E-business? † The student views that, the article is missing on presentation aspects which should be part of the article. The student argues that the introduction is very long and agrees with it that it is useful for it elaborate the inside of the story given that it captures issues which ought to be the main discussion.In addition, the English used needs few adjustments and that the structure of the article is poor. The article is said to present facts rather a discussion which the questions imply. Consequently, the student view that the second question has been neglected and that the author should have focused on both questions in the discussion. The conclusion is viewed that it lacks definitive outcomes and the student attributes this to the fact that it contains little discussion.Despite all the mistakes in the article, the student view that the article contains usable facts that could be used in the future works and investigations. In my view, the student appears to be negative towards the presentation of the article. If those aspects could have been addressed, the article would have been much better. The student is right given that this was a discussion article and it should have suitable structure and clear English with no errors in it.

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