Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sustantive Analysis - Explain how a command sustains an ethical Case Study

Sustantive Analysis - Explain how a command sustains an ethical command climate in war - Case Study Example William Darryl explains further by stating that strong commitment in soldiers is due to cohesion. In ethical command climate, values developed when one joins military help one to endure and help in their existence. Ethical command climate will provide soldiers with good character that helps them in their existence and survival in war. The enforcement of Ethical command climate is the responsibility of the commander A commander sustains ethical command climate during time of war through what they do and say. A commander’s ethical command is the bedrock for the successful command climate. Commanders give leadership to its soldiers through teaching of ethics and keeping up with the ethical standards, living ethically, and creating a healthy ethic command climate. Through determining of the health status of your unit, establishing clear goals, identifying climate areas they want to influence and execution of the commands, the commander is able to sustain ethical command climate2. As per the case study, it is observed that reinforcement of army goals and purposes gives them morale. Gardner suggests that leaders should be a source of motivation, guidance, and understanding to their groups. Good leadership by commanders offers a great effect to the morale and perception of its soldiers thus; the level of participation on their duties will be highly improved. However sometime unethical command climate may occur3. Unethical command climate in are due to certain factors such as; harassment of soldiers by their officials and management, lack of proper training, lack of rewards and incentives, poor promotion policies, delayed or no supply of tools and equipment. Unethical command climate will cause demoralization of soldiers during combat. Unethical combat climate leads to bad attitude of soldiers towards their works and thus poor involvement in their action. Keegan and Holmes

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