Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Guerrilla Warfare The Vietnam War - 1171 Words

No 7. The guerrilla wins if he does not lose, and the conventional army loses if it does not win. We Fought a military war; Opponents our Fought a political one. We sought physical attrition, Opponents Aimed for our psychological exhaustion. In the process, we lost sight of one of the cardinal maxims of guerilla war. The guerilla wins if he does not lose, the conventional army loses if it does not win. The North Vietnamese used their forces the way a bullfighter uses its cape - to keep us lunging into areas of marginal political importance. (Kissinger, 1969, 214) When I first read the statement above, actually a bit confusing for personnel and soldiers who does not understand the tactics and strategy of guerrilla and†¦show more content†¦1 . Meaning of Victory in War of words ...... 261 War is a way to achieve political goals of a country . Where the decision for war was not in the hands of politicians dtangan military commander . But the tactics and strategy used is certainly a decision of the military commander . Here, the role of a commander to determine what strategy or tactics to use in order to win the battle so that the war can be won by his party . The definition of the word win and a victory in guerrilla warfare and conventional war means different things both literally and under the conditions and situation of late . As said by Kissinger in his book ...... that the guerilla wins if he does not lose ; The conventional army loses if it does not win ( Kissinger 1969 , 214 ) . based on my understanding of the book , Kissinger tried to convey his opinion that the guerrilla war if the parties can continue to launch guerrilla operations / battles that they have implemented to erode and destroy the morale of enemy troops on an ongoing basis or until the opponent gave up or lost the will to fight , then this is where the guerrillas declared victory in the battle . In contrast to the definition of the word win in a conventional war although the goal in every battle it has the same goal , but different definition of victory itself . This is because the unconventional warfare tactics and strategy that takes precedence is conquering the realShow MoreRelatedModern History : The Vietnam War854 Words   |  4 PagesBackground: The Vietnam War began, because of Indochina (Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia) being conquered by the Japanese, in 1941. This led to the creation of the Vietnamese nationalist movement, formed by Ho Chi Minh to resist the Japanese. The Vietnamese national movement also known as the Vietminh, was a communist front organization. To stop the spread of communism through Asia, the United States intervened. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Teacher, I Planted A Seed - 763 Words

Teacher Teacher, I planted a seed today. The teacher paused, sighed, and composed a response. His instinct was to reply with a rhetorical question, but since LitStudies’ retirement for â€Å"inflammatory potential,† he doubted the student would recognize the effort—but College might. The teacher simply keyed, Student, this comment would be better served in HistHortStudies. No, a strictly philosophical comment, Teacher. A seed needs fertile soil and nourishment, Student. And as he scrolled through his records, sure enough, he was conversing with Student35LOG. Funny, in the last twelve years, this particular student was the only one who elicited a curiosity from the teacher. Students were students, all conflated into one vacuous body of†¦show more content†¦Good. College wouldn’t be able to pick up on the tone and would log the corrected discourse between teacher and student. Correct, Student. That will be enough for today. The teacher remained at his station, ruminating on this particular student. The first time 35LOG had made his presence known was a few months earlier, in an unusual departure from â€Å"normal† lines of inquiry: Teacher, are you real? The question had given him pause. Another teacher was recently retired for using the â€Å"antiquated† rhetoric of Descartes, so he replied with a more sanitized, moderate response, stating, Student, reality is perception. I exist, therefore I am real. Let us get back to the topic at hand, shall we, of the unexamined life, the only worthy life to which to aspire. And just as he thought he had successfully diverted the student, he interjected: Teacher, the unexamined life is not worth living, at least according to Plato, to Socrates. . . . He remembered being shocked from his automatic discourses—official teachings from College-approved PHILO2. As he struggled to form an appropriate response, Student35LOG continued: Will I be made to drink my Hemlock, Teacher? I’ve heard it tastes like victory. And then College terminated the link. That was the last he’d heard from Student35LOG until now, talking about planting seeds, of all things. The teacher sighed and started to rise, but a blip appeared on his monitor. Teacher, are you

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Macro Environment Factors Free Essays

Introduction The purpose of this report is to demonstrate an understanding of the marketing macro environment. The proposed research question was: Identify the macro environmental factors and discuss the impact this macro environmental factors will have on the industry or organizations involved. Firstly, this report will summaries the article, identify and explain the issues written in article. We will write a custom essay sample on Macro Environment Factors or any similar topic only for you Order Now Followed is the definition and explain of macro environmental factors involved. Then the report topic will moving to the industry concerned and have a discussion of the impact that this macro environment factors will have on the industry. Finally there is a short conclusion highlighting the main points of this report. 2. 0 Summaries The article comes from DOWJONES mainly discussed some specialists’ standpoints of the change of Aussie dollar’s exchange rate and the reason of this fluctuate. In addition, this article analyzed the situation of those industries which can be affected by these economic environment factors. According to this article, tight monetary policy may be used causing by worldwide inflation. With the dropping and down of the interest rate, many industries may be effected directly, such as manufacturing industry, real estate industry and tourism industry. (Webb, Richard. 2011) The reason the article is being written is to show the change of the economic environment and give information to those people who want to understand the external marketing environment, such as marketers. Unless marketing managers understand the external environment, the organization cannot intelligently plan for the future. (Lamb,Charles et al. ,2009) For example, marketers come form real estate industry must scanning the macro-economic environment because macro-economic factors such as inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates impact on mortgage affordability and the real value of mortgage repayments over time. ( Boamah, Nicholas. Addai, 2010) 3. 0 Macro environment factors The external marketing environment consists of sociocultural, economic, technological, political and legal, and competitive variables. ( Lamb,Charles et al. ,2009) This article mainly discussed the situation of inflation, which is one of the economic environment factors. Inflation is a general rise in prices without a corresponding increase in wages, which results in decreased purchasing power. ( Lamb,Charles et al. ,2009) According to the article, there are diverse views on where the Aussie is heading, and this direction is critical for interest rates. In the worst case, Michael Workman predicted that later in the year where the local currency will be falling sharply at the same time the price of the manufactured goods we import by the container-shipload form China continues to rise. † (Webb, Richard. 2011) As mentioned, the manufacturing industry may face the raising price of those goods import form other countries because the falling of local currency. The second point is Re serve Bank of Australia may increase interest rate to cut down the influence of inflation. That would take the home mortgage rates higher at the same time, which means people must pay more interests to the bank to get the loan. Then the real estate industry will be affected directly. Another industry will be influenced is tourism industry. With the higher currency price, people tend to go for an overseas holiday. The local tourism is being decimated. The tourism industry is also involved in the competitive environment. ( Webb, Richard. 2011) 4. 0 Industry involved In this article, three main industries are concerned: manufacturing industry, real estate industry and tourism industry. 5. 0 Impact of the factors As the discussion above in 3. 0, these industries are all affected by the inflation. In time of low inflation, business seeking to increase their profit margins can do so only by increase their efficiency. If they significantly increase price, no one will purchase their goods or services. In higher inflationary times, marketers use a number of pricing strategies to cope, and must be aware that inflation causes consumers either to build up or diminish their brand loyalty. Inflation pressures consumers to make more economical purchases, while still attempting to maintain their standard of living. (Lamb,Charles et al. 2009) From the article, the Australia local manufacturing industry was suffering as imports become extremely competitive and our exports more expensive. As same as the manufacturing industry, the local tourism industry also faced the international competitors. The original factor of this situation is the negative economic environment. Followed the inflation, the Reserve Ba nk of Australia tend to carry out the tight fiscal policy to control the economic environment. So numbers of experts indicated that interest rate would increase. With the increase of interest rate, the price of currency may tend to higher. High record of currency will lead to different situation in different area. For customers, this will be a good chance to buy import goods and services. But for local industries, marketing managers must try to collect and evaluate environmental information and then creating marketing strategies to cope with inflation. (Lamb,Charles et al. ,2009) 6. 0 Conclusion The mainly factor of these three industries is economic environment; other factors also play a significant role in these industries, such as political and legal environment and competitive environment. These factors affect marketing together. Reference list Boamah, Nicholas. Addai. (2010). The impact of the macro-economic environment on institutional housing finance in Ghana. Housing finance international, Vol. 25, Issue 2, p28-34. Lamb,Charles. ,W. ,Hair,Joseph. ,F. ,McDaniel,Carl. ,Summers,Jane. ,Gardiner,Michael. (2009). MKTG(1ST Asia-Pacific edition). South Melbourne, Australia: Paul Petrulis. Webb, Richard. (2011, March 27. ) Trading with fire: Sunday age. How to cite Macro Environment Factors, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Lady Gaga free essay sample

The audience and music community were appalled by his actions, which eventually led to West pulling out of the scheduled our with Gaga to go on a hiatus from the music industry. Carter and Sagas team were faced with three options, Option #1 would be to continue with the arena tour but go at it alone. This would come with the greatest risk, but the potential for the greatest reward. Option #2 would be to develop a smaller theater tour- and adjust the economics accordingly. This would come with less risk, because the cost of the show would be less and the potential to sell out was high. But, to rework the tour would cost millions on top of the money already spent on the initial Fame Tour. Lastly, Option #3 would be to cancel any tour plans. This would be the easiest option, to prevent any additional loss to the $4 million already spent. Being young,beautiful and talented Lady Gaga will be around for quite a while. Lady Gaga free essay sample Lady Gaga whats up with her/ shes always wearing those wierd outfits and have you seen those dirty music videos? she needs help. shes allways making interesting catchy music but her lyrics are unbelivable!!! 🙠 she needs help!! Lady Gaga free essay sample â€Å"Gaga Gaga in the room† can be heard on â€Å"Starstruck†, one of the many tracks off of Lady Gaga’s debut album â€Å"The Fame†. She has always made her presence known and was always an entertainer. As a little girl, she would sing along on her mini plastic tape recorder to Michael Jackson and Cyndi Lauper hits. At age 4, she learned how to play piano by ear. By age 13, she had written her first piano ballad. She was signed by her 20th birthday and have written songs for artists such as the Pussycat Dolls. So with her writing songs for other artists, it is no surprise that she wrote all the songs on â€Å"The Fame†. â€Å"The Fame† has a mixture of different genres. When Lady Gaga ,22, was asked to describe her album she said â€Å" I marry a lot of different genres. It’s a bit retro, a bit glamorous, and you can dance to it. It’s very futuristic, very fresh, and very dramatic, sort of like theatrical pop†. Working mainly with producers Redone and Martin Kierszenbaum, â€Å"The Fame† is a well constructed dance album that is sure to get any party started. Just look at the lead single, â€Å"Just Dance†, produced by Akon and Redone and featuring Akon and Colby O’ Donis. It has lyrics that are easy to get stuck in your head and a beat that you can’t help but â€Å"Just Dance† to. Other up tempo tracks on the album leave the same effect. â€Å"Money Honey† shows her love of money and â€Å"Boys, Boys, Boys† shows her love of boys! She is very risque on â€Å" Love Game† and title track â€Å"The Fame† really shines. The song â€Å" The Fame† was also used as the theme song on the Australian version of â€Å"Make me a Supermodel†. â€Å"Paper Gangsta† and â€Å"Starstuck† gives the album it’s hip hop edge. â€Å"Starstruck† features Space Cowboy and â€Å"Elevator† rapper Flo Rida. Singles â€Å"Poker Face† and â€Å"Beautiful, Dirty, Rich† features sharp beats and very interesting lyrics. The mid tempo songs are â€Å"I Like it Rough† and â€Å"Paparazzi†. â€Å"Paparazzi† has lyrics like â€Å" follow you until you love me† and â€Å"I won’t stop until that boy is mine†. â€Å"Paparazzi† shows persistence aka stalker. The two slow songs â€Å"Eh, Eh (Nothing else to say) and â€Å"Brown Eyes† honestly should have been left off of the album and have been bonus tracks. All and all, â€Å"The Fame† is a solid album, The mid and up tempo tracks are hits and sadly the slow songs are a miss. The album is perfect for clubs and a good workout. Lady Gaga can be compared to the likes of Fergie, Gwen Stefani and Katy Perry. By this album it is totally understandable why everyone is going Gaga over Lady Gaga!