Thursday, October 31, 2019

Personal statement for international student Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

For international student - Personal Statement Example Diabetes tends to be quite complicated when compared to other diseases. It has the capacity to affect an individual’s whole body. It is essential for individuals to be able to comprehensively understand the complication because as it stands, an individual either has it or knows another one who has the complication such as a member of the family or even s friend. As a disease, diabetes comes in three forms, which are diabetes type 1; there is diabetes type 2 and gestational diabetes. As individuals living in a community, there is need to embrace a culture where everyone understands the disease as well as the means of curbing it. In the country presently, it is among the fastest diseases in terms of growth with an estimated 2,000,000 citizens having been diagnosed with it. It is anticipated that 300 individuals in the country develop the disease and for each person who undergoes diagnosis, there is an equivalent number of persons having failed to undertake diagnosis of the compl ication. The two forms of diabetes, that is diabetes 2 and gestational diabetes if diagnosed at an early stage and well addressed can be cured unlike diabetes 1 which requires extra attention (Anderson 2007, p 83). It is as a result of this concept that the study will focus on Diabetes 1. It will try to analyze its stages, the causes, symptoms and implications to the community as well as medication and prevention measures. Diabetes type 1 develops due to the immune system of the body attacking all the entire cells that are in charge of production of insulin in the pancreas. The absence of insulin in the human body implies that the body will lack glucose. The body cells will not be capable of taking in enough glucose that is responsible for the provision of energy to the body needed to help the cells in their normal metabolic activities (Yuwiler 2010, p 82). As A result of the cells inability to take up the glucose, the effect would be an

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Introduce About Myself Essay Example for Free

Introduce About Myself Essay About Myself, My Hobbies – Interests and My Future Plans My name is Long. I am 25 years old. I just got married about 3 months. Now my wife and I are living with my parent, my young brother, my young sister and my gran in my parent’s house at Tan Binh district. I was born in Ho Chi Minh city, but my hometown is Quang Nam, because my parents were born in there. I have worked as import export assistant in 4 years at an Indian company. Regarding my hobbies, although I’m 25 years old, but I really like reading comics, I read it on the book, on the internet, on the magazine, and I read it anywhere, at home, at office, at coffee shop and at class. Moreover I also like playing games; it likes computer games and video games. I don’t only like playing games but also I like playing toys, some toys likes models kits of mechanics, cars, battle ships, planes†¦ In addition I like traveling also, specially, I very love sea, I like going anywhere, where has sea, and I can swim in there all day. Beside, earning lot of money is my hobbies too. In future, I want to become a successful businessman, I will open a series coffee shop, it like Gloria Jean’s Coffees, but I think I just can make it with small scale, honestly, I also like drinking coffee. Moreover I want to open a flower shop for my wife, she really love flower. In addition, I’m going to live abroad, because my father and mother in law are living in US, and they want my wife and me to live with them.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Biceps Tendon Rupture With Post-operative Complications

Biceps Tendon Rupture With Post-operative Complications Locomotor PBL Experiment Writeup Introduction In this PBL, we observe a case of biceps tendon rupture with post-operative complication of heterotopic ossification. We will first go through the anatomy of the upper limb followed by a discussion of the ruptured biceps tendon, heterotopic ossification and finally mode of action of indomethacin. Learning Objectives 1. Osteology of the upper limb with emphasis on the elbow and wrist 2. The neurovascular supply to the upper limb 3. Movements possible at joints of upper limb and the range of movements possible with regards to the elbow and wrist and the muscles that bring about these actions. 4. Rupture of distal biceps tendon 5. Heterotopic ossification 6. Mode of action of Indomethacin 1. Osteology of the upper limb with emphasis on the elbow and wrist Arm The humerus is the largest and longest bone of the arm region connecting the shoulder to the forearm. Proximally, the head of the humerus articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula forming the glenohumeral joint. Distally the humerus articulates with the two bones of the forearm, the ulna and radius. The humerus is shown in more detail in figure 1 below. Figure 1 Humerus (1) For Anil’s case we will focus several prominent features on the distal region of the humerus which forms part of the elbow. There are two projections on either side of the distal end of the humerus which are the medial and lateral epicondyle. The medial epicondyle protects the ulnar nerve which passes just posteriorly and also serves as the attachment site for the forearm superficial flexor muscles. The lateral epicondyle conversely is the attachment site for the forearm extensor muscles. Anteriorly in between these two epicondyles are two articular surfaces: the round surfaced lateral capitulum which articulates with the radius and the spool shaped medial trochlea which articulates with the ulna. Also anteriorly, the radial fossa directly above the capitulum accommodates the head of the radius during flexion of the elbow whereas the coronoid fossa directly above the trochlea accommodates the coronoid process of the ulna during flexion of the elbow. Both the radial and coronoi d fossa limit flexion of the elbow. Posteriorly, the olecranon fossa accommodates the olecranon process of the ulna during extension of the elbow. The olecranon fossa prevents hyperextension of the elbow. Forearm The forearm is made up of two bones: ulna and radius. Proximally both of these bones articulate with the humerus whereas distally only the radius directly articulates with the carpals of the wrist thus connecting the arm to the wrist. The ulna and radius are shown in figure 2 below. Figure 2 Radius and Ulna (1) The ulna The ulna is the stabilizing bone of the forearm and is medial and longer of the two bones. There is a projection anteriorly at the proximal end called the coronoid process which fits into the coronoid fossa during elbow extension. Posteriorly on the proximal end of the ulna is the olecranon process (which forms the prominence of the elbow) which fits into the olecranon fossa during elbow extension. The articular surface between the olecranon and the coronoid articulates with the trochlear of the humerus and gives the movements of elbow extension and flexion. The radius The radius is the lateral and shorter of the two bones. The head of the radius is a flat button shaped process that articulates with the capitulum of the humerus. The neck of the radius is a constriction just distal to the head which Anil has fractured. Due to the fact that no neurovascular problems were found, it is safe to conclude that the deep branch of the radial nerve was not damaged in this case. The radial tuberosity is distal to the neck on the anterior site which is the attachment point for the tendon of biceps. Wrist The ulna does not directly articulate with the carpal bones of the wrist distally. There is an articular disc between the smaller distal head of the ulna and the carpal bones. The radius directly articulates with the scaphoid and lunate carpal bones on its larger distal end. This is shown in figure 3 below. Figure 3 Wrist joint (1) 2 The neurovascular supply of the upper limb Arterial supply The upper limb is supplied by the subclavian artery which branches off from the brachiocephalic trunk on the right and aortic arch on the left. The subclavian artery extends from its origin to the lateral border of the first rib. It then changes its name to the axillary artery which extends to the lateral border of teres major after which it becomes the brachial artery. The brachial artery extends to the cubital fossa of the elbow where it bifurcates into the radial and ulnar artery which run down the lateral and medial side of the forearm respectively. These two arteries anastomose in the palm of the hand forming the superficial (mainly supplied by ulnar artery) and deep (mainly supplied by radial artery) palmar arches. The fingers are supplied by the digital arteries branching from the palmar arches. The arterial supply is illustrated in figure 4 below. Figure 4 Arterial supply of upper limb (2) Venous supply There are two main types of veins in the upper limb. Firstly, superficial veins which can be seen subcutaneously. There are three main superficial veins which are the cephalic (laterally), basilic (medially) and median cubital (connection between cephalic and basilica at the cubital fossa) veins. The superficial veins are shown in figure 5 below. Figure 5 Venous supply to upper limb (3) Secondly, there are deep veins which usually accompanies the arteries in pairs and have the same name as the arteries. Perforating veins connect the superficial and deep veins to allow blood to always find a way back to the heart. All the veins eventually drains into the axillary vein, then to the subclavian vein, then brachiocephalic vein and finally into the heart via superior vena cava. Nervous supply The brachial plexus serves as the nerve supply for the upper limb arising from spinal nerve roots from C5, 6, 7, 8 and T1. There are 5 terminal branches of the brachial plexus in the arm. Table 1 below shows the five terminal nerves with their corresponding roots, motor supply, sensory supply and clinical test. Table 1 Nerves, corresponding roots, motor supply, sensory supply and clinical test (4) 3 Movements possible at joints of upper limb and the range of movements possible with regards to the elbow and wrist and the muscles that bring about these actions. The elbow consists of three joints: the humeroulnar joint from the trochlear notch of the ulnar to trochlear of humerus, the humeroradial joint from the head of the radius to the capitulum of humerus and the superior radioulnar joint from the head of the radius to the radial notch of the ulna. The humeroulnar and humeroradial joints allow for flexion and extension of the elbow whereas the superior radioulnar joint allows for pronation and supination. This happens when the head of the radius which is enclosed in annular ligament crosses over the fixed ulna bone. The muscles that move the elbow are shown in table 2 below: Table 2 Main muscles of elbow (5) Movements and ranges for the elbow and wrist are shown in table 3 below: Table 3 Movements and ranges for elbow and wrist (6) 4 Rupture of distal biceps tendon Symptoms Symptoms include swelling in the front of the elbow, severe pain at the elbow and a bulge in the upper arm because of the shortened biceps brachii muscle. Since Anil shows no biceps tendon reflex upon assessment, this is likely to be a complete rupture of the tendon. Cause In this case, Anil is diagnosed to have ruptured his distal biceps tendon which attaches to the radial tuberosity. Distal biceps tendon rupture tends to be caused by a single traumatic event involving flexion of the elbow at a right angle against resistance. For Anil, the snapping of the rope caused his elbow to straighten suddenly. His biceps contracted extra hard to prevent this from happening but the extreme tension in his biceps and tendon led to the rupture of the distal biceps tendon. Treatment Since Anil is still relatively young at 38 years old and still needs full use of his upper limb, the surgical treatment option is most preferred. Sometimes the tendon is attached by stitching through holes made in the bone. However the surgery for Anil was done by attaching the tendon to the bone using a small metal plate and screws into the radius to secure the plate usually called the endobutton technique (7, 8) which has a very good prognosis of regaining full mobility in the elbow. Complications Complications after the surgery include nerve damage and heterotopic ossification. After eight weeks Anil returned with stiffness, difficulty in turning his hand over and wrist pain which the doctor diagnosed as heterotopic ossification after palpation of a firm mass along the biceps tendon. Direct intervention was not taken as the biceps tendon needed time to fully heal. 5 Heterotopic ossification Heterotopic ossification is the growth of bone in abnormal places such as soft tissue. Heterotopic ossification is a notable complication of distal biceps tendon repair. The current proposed pathogenesis of how heterotopic ossification arises is the transformation of pluripotential mesenchymal cells which are recruited to the fracture healing site into osteoblasts that results in ectopic bone formation. (9) Bone, tendons and ligaments which are all connective tissue all share the same mesenchymal stem cell origin (shown in figure 6) and thus mesenchymal stem cells recruited to promote tendon repair can differentiate into osteoblasts. Osteoblasts can also be pulled out of the bone when the tendon ruptures and therefore can lead to bone deposition. Hence great attention has been given to cleaning and irrigating the surgical zone. (10) Figure 6 Mesenchymal stem cells differentiation (11) The heterotopic ossification at the biceps tendon led to Anil having reduced supination to just 20Â ° due to the biceps being the main supinator muscle. After twenty weeks, the heterotopic ossification was surgically removed. Radiation therapy has been an established supplement in treatment of heterotopic ossification. (10, 12, 13) The mechanism of how radiation therapy works is still unclear but is thought to inhibit pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells from differentiating. (14) However, even though radiation therapy is effective, there has been concerns about malignancy from the radiation. Low doses ( 6 Mode of action of Indomethacin Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as Indomethacin are also commonly used to supplement surgical excision of heterotopic ossifications. (10, 13) Indomethacin non-selectively inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX1 and COX 2) which are involved in the production of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid. During the healing of a fracture, mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into chondrocytes which is independent of COX-2. COX-2 then produces prostaglandins which cause the chondrocytes to hypertrophy. These hypertrophic cells secrete growth factors which cause angiogenesis, osteoclast recruitment, osteogenesis and fracture bridging which leads to bone deposition shown in figure 7 below. However NSAIDs have to be carefully prescribed especially with patients who have reflux diseases as NSAIDs can lead to ulcer formation. (19) Figure 7 Formation of bone via COX-2 and prostaglandins (20) In conclusion, more research has to be done into the pathophysiology of heterotopic ossification as well as selective drugs that only inhibit COX-2 so that NSAIDs can be safely prescribed even for patients who have reflux diseases. Bibliography 1.N. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

My Blind Friend Taught Me to See Essay -- Friendship Essay

How My Blind Friend Taught Me to See "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."Â   Helen Keller Twelve years ago, at the birthday party of a friend, was the first time I met somebody my own age who had a disability. He was tall for his age, thin, and wore eyeglasses, just like I did. It was this commonality that initially attracted me to him, since I didn't know very many kindergartners who wore glasses. I had begun wearing glasses to correct a case of strabismus at age two, and was able to see perfectly when I put them on. However, I was not aware of the fact that his glasses did very little to sharpen his vision, and that he was legally blind. On the last day of second grade, at the unofficial annual picnic at Westland Hills Park, we became good friends. As we moved from the swings to the jungle gym to the sprinklers, I realized how much we truly had in common. We enjoyed the same things: Legos, swimming and being Cub Scouts. Throughout third grade, we spent nearly every weekend together. During this time, though I had been informed of his disability, I never made...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cash Connection Essay

Allen Franks, President of Cash Connections, a short-term cash lending firm realized that the most profitable endeavor in the check-cashing store industry is to set up stores in towns where no check-cash stores exist. Setting up Cash Connections in these places, his business became one of the leading companies in his industry by the mid to late 1990’s. The payday industry grew from larger financial institutions leaving the market, huge overdraft and late fee costs, and increased regulation of the firms allowing higher consumer trust. In an industry that reaches to 10% of all U. S. households, advanced about $40 billion in short-term credit a year, and contributed $2. 9 billion in direct labor income, Cash Connection utilized Sun Tzu’s principle of attacking where unprepared to beat his competitors. Charging these enormous fees and costing only around $130,000 to start-up, the industry entails a lucrative structure. The Complication: There has been some concern for how high the fees are and how the model could take advantage of those caught in a troubling financial situation. Payday loans averaged around $300, and charged fees between around $15 to $20 per $100 loaned, resulting in an annual percentage rate of 520% (Gamble 2011). The media has decried this credit system as a predatory industry thrusting people into debt, which it no doubt absolutely has in some cases. The demographic of payday customers were middle income, earning mostly between $25,000 to $50,000 a year. They were usually of average education, made up of young families, and were a part of the somewhat normal working class. Many companies including Cash Connection had requirements such as holding a job and having a bank account in order to do business with the company. As media and public outcry have risen, lawmakers have begun to react and regulate the industry. The more it does so, the more people use it. On the state level, some completely outlaw it, as 13 currently have (Teegardin 2007). Some states limit the amount of rollovers the vendor is allowed to require, and all supervise with regulatory regimes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Personal and Team Effectiveness

Personal and Team Effectiveness Introduction: In every organization particularly in the Health and Social Care Industry which involves individual employees and the entire workforce to where they are the company’s backbone of its existence it all rely on the importance of personal and team effectiveness to achieve the organization’s mission statement and service to their customers. In the influence of the management and organisational factors on the effectiveness of the people involved in the care particularly through developing their ability to work effectively in teams and developing their knowledge and skills so that they can contribute to the delivery of a quality service. All organizations require their people, at times, to work in groups. The most successful organizations find ways to realize the full potential and capability of groups. They understand the important contribution that groups can make effective groups usually outperform individuals. Organizations are comfortable establishing, empowering and promoting the participation of people in groups, value change and adaptation as key to improving productivity, quality and customer service and are constantly looking for creative ways to use groups to drive performance improvements. In looking at strategies for personal and professional development which refine behaviours, improve capability and give individuals the confidence and competence to excel not only for themselves but as part of the entire Health Care team as shown in high-performing organizations, the most successful groups function as â€Å"teams†. Teams flourish in organizations which create a climate where people want to work together giving their best efforts. Definition: Personal effectiveness is a branch of the self help movement dealing with success, goals, and related concepts. Personal effectiveness integrates some ideas from â€Å"the power of positive thinking† and Positive Psychology but in general it is distinct from the New Thought Movement. Team effectiveness refers to the system of getting people in a company or institution to work together effectively. The idea behind team effectiveness is that a group of people working together can achieve much more than if the individuals of the team were working on their own. Content: According to Carl Jung’s premise that all change and development starts from within and its principle underpins to the approach and it all start with personal effectiveness. The middle and senior managers in Health and Social Care should develop their skills and competencies in leading and managing the team. It is where the management of each organization would find how to enlighten and have each of them to explore and examining the facets that each of the employees are unique and valuable individual in the organization for the better good of the entire workforce. By exploring the preferences of others to understand why they behave as they do particularly and inspire those that are into the team and show them how to adapt and collaborate for improved interactions. The team leader and managers should see through it that the individuals and the entire team should focus on the implications and evaluating the by using management for the people for improving the organizational performance. In every individual, each has their own personality, style and personal interactions for effectively doing the job. By achieving this personal development and individual effectiveness comes with training, career development, staff development plans and the management will implement the development programs by in-house training, using supervision and appraisal, external courses, action-centred learning, lifelong learning, coaching and mentoring, assessing competence. The monitoring performance of individuals through observation, appraisal, periodic review, and achievement of successful outcomes as well as the use of targets, benchmarks, feedback from others is one key factor in measuring personal effectiveness. By Identifying individual training and evelopment needs: monitoring of performance, career development planning, changing personal circumstances. Strategies for promoting continuous development: achieving competence, training versus education, partnerships, staff development plans, compliance with external requirements, dedicated allocation of resources, use of external kite marks for exampl e Investors in People. In assessing the individual effectiveness is by describing different ways in which the performance of individuals working in health and social care may be monitored and by describing how individual training and development needs may be identified. Analyse different strategies for promoting the continuing development of individuals in the health and social care workplace. The effective staff development programme may be implemented and evaluate the effectiveness of a specific staff development programme with which the management is familiar. Team effectiveness is determined by several factors: †¢ The right mix of skills. Team effectiveness depends in part on bringing together people who have different skills that somehow complement each other. This can mean different technical abilities or communication skills. In fact, teaming up people who share the exact same characteristics is often a recipe for disaster. Team effectiveness depends on people taking on different roles in a group setting. If there is no agreement on who does what in the group, it is unlikely that the team will prosper. †¢ The right motivation. Team effectiveness is directly linked to the interest that the group has on the project. If the job is too easy or too difficult, or if the rewards for achieving the end result do not seem worth the effort, the team may end up working half-heartedly in the project. The task should also have a clear outcome. Working towards a specific goal enhances team effectiveness significantly. †¢ The ability to solve conflicts without compromising the quality of the project. Team work has one major downfall. Sometimes groups end up making decisions they know are not in the best interest of the project, just so they can keep the process moving. Conflict is innate to any work done in groups, and should be taken as part of the challenge rather than as something to be avoided by compromising. Team effectiveness should be increased, not compromised, through conflict. The model of team development as developed by Bruce Tuckman that teams evolve through four main stages. †¢ Forming is when the members are first brought together. It is a period of exploration, testing and orientation. †¢ Storming is a difficult but inevitable stage, where members may compete and conflict. †¢ Norming is the stage where the team starts to pull together, and noticeable progress begins to be made. †¢ Performing is characterized by a high level of task focus, and the team producing consistent and excellent results. Discussion: It is important as well for a team leader to create a climate in which people can develop and contribute to their full potential. The climate must be one of cooperation, commitment, and team focus. A good leader must also be a good coach. Different members are used as resource leaders because of their knowledge or experience. The focus is on how to get the job done, not on who controls the team. Team members are empowered to do the job they must do. Everyone is involved in the functioning of the team. In light of the discussion, the following points summarize the conditions required to create an effective team environment, each of these factors is important, and they are also highly interdependent. All of these factors are critical to achieving an effective and high performing team. Leaders can help create these conditions through the following behaviours. 1. Trust, Respect and Support †¢ Encourage and protect team member diversity in views, backgrounds, and experiences. †¢ Inspire teamwork and mutual support through example. Keep your commitments and expect the same from all team members. 2. Commitment to the Team †¢ Support and positively represent the team to senior management, peers and other employees. †¢ Ensure that individual member and team accomplishments are recognized and celebrated appropriately 3. Shared Vision †¢ Clarify the tasks to be accomplished. †¢ Establish and communicate a vision about what the members can achieve as a team. â₠¬ ¢ Encourage team members to participate in creating their vision of what the team can accomplish. 4. Open and Honest Communications Communicate fully and openly; welcome questions; avoid the â€Å"need to know† limitations. †¢ When seeking solutions, encourage members to suspend assumptions, reflect on their own thoughts and feelings, clearly voice these, inquire about and listen to opinions of others, and be less reactive. 5. Empowerment and Involvement of all Members †¢ Encourage members to participate. †¢ Make it easy for others to see opportunities to work together. †¢ Clarify that problem-solving is a responsibility of all team members. †¢ Mediate conflicts before they become destructive. 6. A Learning Environment †¢ Guide team members to determine where they actually are relative to their goals, and to clarify why the gaps exist and how to bridge them. †¢ Surface and treat conflicts as learning situations. Peter Senge, in his book â€Å"The Fifth Discipline† says, â€Å"One of the most reliable indicators of a team that is continually learning is the visible conflict of ideas. In great teams, conflict becomes productive. Conclusion: In every Health and Social Care organization they must be People Investors to which people or the staffs are a company’s most valuable resource. Human beings have unlimited potential to grow, develop and learn and in that sense constant training and improvement of personal and team development is needed for the organization to be successful and create a greater impact to the service user and the people involved in the care and service. The leader’s role is to help each team member achieve his or her potential and they act as coach which provide more structure, guidance and direction as well as to clarify tasks, goals, management’s expectations, and the way their performance and contributions will be measured. Teams need to be constantly developed for creating an effective approach on how things should be done for the better service to the clients. Members of the team generally have a broader range and depth of skills and experiences. With encouragement and support from the leader and other team members, individual members can enhance their technical, functional, problem-solving, decision-making, interpersonal and teamwork skills by taking some risks and facing some new challenges. Everyone is capable of making decisions that affect them, provided they are given the appropriate information and training. People do not resist changes they have been involved in making for the benefit of the entire team and the effectively managing the entire conflict which will be turned in to an advantage in solving the problem. Gaining true employee involvement is an ongoing process, not a one-time effort it always develop each personal and team effectiveness, If a change is affecting the team, the leader must be a role model of the â€Å"new† way. The leader must be able to â€Å"let go† in order to empower people. The leader must train and coach people first so they will be ready and able to succeed. The leader realizes mistakes are unavoidable, and helps people learn from them. A key factor which differentiates teams from work groups involves the interdependence of people. As Stephen Covey points out in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, â€Å"Interdependence opens up worlds of possibilities for deep, rich, meaningful associations, for geometrically increased productivity, for serving, for contributing, for learning, for growing. Reference: Tuckman, Bruce W. â€Å"Developmental Sequence In Small Groups†. Psychological Bulletin 63, 1965, pp. 382-399 http://gtwebmarque. com/wikis/gtwm/index. php/The_Fifth_Discipline http://www. skillsforcare. org. uk/workforce_strategy/workforce_strategy. aspx http://www. insights. com/LearningSolutions/Expertise/IndividualEffectiveness. aspx http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Team_building http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Personal_effectiveness http:// www. wisegeek. com/what-is-team-effectiveness. htm

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Toni Morissons The Bluest Eye

Toni Morisson's novel The Bluest Eye is about the life of the Breedlove family who reside in Lorain, Ohio, in the late 1930s (where Morrison herself was born). This family consists of the mother Pauline, the father Cholly, the son Sammy, and the daughter Pecola. The novel's focal point is the daughter, an eleven-year-old Black girl who is trying to conquer a bout with self-hatred. Everyday she encounters racism, not just from the White people, but mostly from her own race. In their eyes she is much too dark, and the darkness of her skin somehow manifests that she is inferior, and according to everyone else, her skin makes her even "uglier." She feel she can overcome this battle of self-hatred by obtaining blue eyes, but not just any blue. She wants the bluest of the blue, the bluest eye. Pecola Breedlove is an innocent little girl who, like very other young child, did not ask to be born in this cruel world. It is bad enough that practically the whole world rejects her, but her own parents are guilty of rejection as well. Her own father, who is constantly drunk, sexually molests his daughter more than once. The first time he has sexual intercourse with his daughter, he leaves her slightly unconscious, and lying on the kitchen floor with a guilt covering her frail, limp, preteen body. The next time he performs the same act, but this time he impregnates her. Of course, the baby is miscarried. This is obviously not a love a father should be sharing with a daughter. This act displays hatred in the worst way. Her mother's rejection is subtle yet potent. When Pecola tells her mother about the molestation, Mrs. Breedlove does not believe her own flesh and blood. Pecola calls Pauline Mrs. Breedlove instead of calling her mother. Allowing this, Mrs. Breedlove shows that unconsciously she does not acknowledge Pecola as her daughter, and Pecola does not avow Pauline as her mother. Distance is quite evident in this so-called mother-daughter re... Free Essays on Toni Morisson's The Bluest Eye Free Essays on Toni Morisson's The Bluest Eye Toni Morisson's novel The Bluest Eye is about the life of the Breedlove family who reside in Lorain, Ohio, in the late 1930s (where Morrison herself was born). This family consists of the mother Pauline, the father Cholly, the son Sammy, and the daughter Pecola. The novel's focal point is the daughter, an eleven-year-old Black girl who is trying to conquer a bout with self-hatred. Everyday she encounters racism, not just from the White people, but mostly from her own race. In their eyes she is much too dark, and the darkness of her skin somehow manifests that she is inferior, and according to everyone else, her skin makes her even "uglier." She feel she can overcome this battle of self-hatred by obtaining blue eyes, but not just any blue. She wants the bluest of the blue, the bluest eye. Pecola Breedlove is an innocent little girl who, like very other young child, did not ask to be born in this cruel world. It is bad enough that practically the whole world rejects her, but her own parents are guilty of rejection as well. Her own father, who is constantly drunk, sexually molests his daughter more than once. The first time he has sexual intercourse with his daughter, he leaves her slightly unconscious, and lying on the kitchen floor with a guilt covering her frail, limp, preteen body. The next time he performs the same act, but this time he impregnates her. Of course, the baby is miscarried. This is obviously not a love a father should be sharing with a daughter. This act displays hatred in the worst way. Her mother's rejection is subtle yet potent. When Pecola tells her mother about the molestation, Mrs. Breedlove does not believe her own flesh and blood. Pecola calls Pauline Mrs. Breedlove instead of calling her mother. Allowing this, Mrs. Breedlove shows that unconsciously she does not acknowledge Pecola as her daughter, and Pecola does not avow Pauline as her mother. Distance is quite evident in this so-called mother-daughter re...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Constatin Sergeyevich Stanislavski essays

Constatin Sergeyevich Stanislavski essays I. Constatin Sergeyevich Stanislavski: Who was he? Born in 1863 in Moscow, Russia, Constatin Sergeyevich Stanislavski is known for pioneering many of the acting concepts and methods that are used in todays world of acting. It is said that Stanislavski had the greatest effect on acting more so than anyone else in the 20th Century. From his ripe teenage years, Stanislavski was involved in theatrical productions in hopes of attaining his status as a respected actor in the performance community. Over a time span of 40 years he was involved in many facets of the performing arts which ranged from producing and directing plays to analyzing and understanding the meaning of acting. Stanislavski earned international recognition during his lifetime for all of his contributions to the acting genre. However, in the United States and beyond, his legacy lives on today and is demonstrated by some of the greatest performers of the 21st Century who follow his guidelines and concepts. There are a plethora of books and research relating to Stanislavski and his acting method, many of which he wrote during his lifetime. Many today follow his acting methods and comb through his concepts with a fine toothcomb in order to try to fully understand his viewpoints. Complex and intricate as some of his ideas may have been, they have proven time after time to mesh extraordinarily well in relationship to acting. It is especially important to recognize that Stanislavski focused a great deal on the psychological aspects of acting and not just the physical state of acting. Naturalism was of specific importance to Stanislavski and that is the main focus of this paper. There is such a multitude of areas that Stanislavski has written about, it is necessary to zoom in and focus on one specific angle in his areas of research in order to begin to understand what this man was about. I have felt there was nothing for me to do excep...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Allusion Report the Burning Bush

He found it to be an ordinary desert bush, but the fire was far from ordinary. The fire consuming the bush was God presenting himself to Moses. When God spoke to Moses, he told him to unite his brothers (Israelites) and leave the land of oppression, Egypt. The allusion of the Burning Bush has been used in the novel, The Grapes of Wrath, three different times. â€Å"One cat’ takes and shoves ten families out. Cat’s all over hell now. Tear in and shove the croppers out. † (Chapter 2, page 13) Here, the truck driver is telling Tom how tractors are driving people out of the land. This alludes to the Burning Bush as being the harassment which families are fleeing from. Reverend Jim Casy- was a Burning Busher. † (Chapter 4, page 27) Casy is referred to as the burning busher because he motivates and inspires others around him. â€Å"We’d keep together on the road an’ it’d be good for ever’body. † (Chapter 13, page 202) In the Book of Exodus, God tells Moses to unite with his brother so that they will have a change of survival. Here, Tom is telling others that neither fam ily would survive if they traveled alone, but if they travel together they will have a greater chance at surviving. The Burning Bush represents numerous symbols to Jews and Christians, such as God’s energy, sacred light, illumination, as well as the burning heart of purity, love and clarity. It is argued by many skeptical scholars that Moses was under the influence of a hallucinogenic when he says to have encountered the Burning Bush. Many entheogens have been found in south Israel and were used regularly for religious purposes by the Israelites. Works Cited â€Å"Burning Bush – New World Encyclopedia. † Info:Main Page – New World Encyclopedia. Web. 03 Oct. 2011. http://www. newworldencyclopedia. org/entry/Burning_Bush. Ben, Jesse, and Phil. â€Å"The Burning Bush. † Allusions of Exodus in Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath. Web. 10 Oct. 2011. ;http://reufus59. tripod. com/id5. html;. Deffinbaugh, Bob. â€Å"The Burning Bush (Exodus 3:1-15) | Bible. org – Worlds Largest Bible Study Site. † Free NET Bible and Thousands of Bible Studies | Bible. org – Worlds Largest Bible Study Site. Web. 03 Oct. 2011. ;http://bible. org/seriespage/burning-bush-exodus-31-15;. Allusion Report the Burning Bush He found it to be an ordinary desert bush, but the fire was far from ordinary. The fire consuming the bush was God presenting himself to Moses. When God spoke to Moses, he told him to unite his brothers (Israelites) and leave the land of oppression, Egypt. The allusion of the Burning Bush has been used in the novel, The Grapes of Wrath, three different times. â€Å"One cat’ takes and shoves ten families out. Cat’s all over hell now. Tear in and shove the croppers out. † (Chapter 2, page 13) Here, the truck driver is telling Tom how tractors are driving people out of the land. This alludes to the Burning Bush as being the harassment which families are fleeing from. Reverend Jim Casy- was a Burning Busher. † (Chapter 4, page 27) Casy is referred to as the burning busher because he motivates and inspires others around him. â€Å"We’d keep together on the road an’ it’d be good for ever’body. † (Chapter 13, page 202) In the Book of Exodus, God tells Moses to unite with his brother so that they will have a change of survival. Here, Tom is telling others that neither fam ily would survive if they traveled alone, but if they travel together they will have a greater chance at surviving. The Burning Bush represents numerous symbols to Jews and Christians, such as God’s energy, sacred light, illumination, as well as the burning heart of purity, love and clarity. It is argued by many skeptical scholars that Moses was under the influence of a hallucinogenic when he says to have encountered the Burning Bush. Many entheogens have been found in south Israel and were used regularly for religious purposes by the Israelites. Works Cited â€Å"Burning Bush – New World Encyclopedia. † Info:Main Page – New World Encyclopedia. Web. 03 Oct. 2011. http://www. newworldencyclopedia. org/entry/Burning_Bush. Ben, Jesse, and Phil. â€Å"The Burning Bush. † Allusions of Exodus in Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath. Web. 10 Oct. 2011. ;http://reufus59. tripod. com/id5. html;. Deffinbaugh, Bob. â€Å"The Burning Bush (Exodus 3:1-15) | Bible. org – Worlds Largest Bible Study Site. † Free NET Bible and Thousands of Bible Studies | Bible. org – Worlds Largest Bible Study Site. Web. 03 Oct. 2011. ;http://bible. org/seriespage/burning-bush-exodus-31-15;.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Denver art museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Denver art museum - Essay Example Al Seckel makes clear that â€Å"Sixteen Century Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo is without doubt one of the most bizarre and distinctive painters in the history of Western Art† (19). One can easily identify that the work is closely related to the seasons and different stages in human life. For instance, the fruits made use in this work are not raw, but ripe. This proves that the man in this art work is in his prime of his youth. One can see that a cucumber is used to denote/portray the nose of the person in the artwork. The dark background of the artwork provides uniqueness to the foreground, i.e. the images of fruits and vegetables which are combined to form the face of a man. Most of the vegetables and fruits that can be seen in the artwork are portrayed in red, grey, brown or different textures of the foretold colors. I like this image because it is entirely different from traditional artworks. II. Two Figures by the Sea, Winslow Homer The art work Two Figures by the Se a (see appendix-2) by Winslow Homer represents the village life in England, especially in the coastal areas of North Sea. In the artwork, one can see two women looking at the horizon with hope. The grayish black rocks that can be seen in the sea are symbolic of harshness of nature. The important colors made use by the artist are shades of black and pink.

Big box stores vs mom and pop stores Assignment - 1

Big box stores vs mom and pop stores - Assignment Example Each restaurant offers something different than the other and so they are free to select whatever price they like for their products. Examples of Monopolies include public utilities like water, gas and electricity, cable TV, the local phone service companies. Important to note, that monopolies can exist in a market locally due to their geographical locations. Entry into a market where monopolies exist is quite difficult by new businesses since the large firms have larger market shares and there is not much left for the new companies in the market both in terms of buyers and profits. Competition is directly related to the methods and procedures by which the companies produce and sell their products. Different market structures are found in different industries which imply that there are different kinds of buyer to seller relations in every market. In a monopolist firm, they are able to increase or reduce the prices of their products (due to product differentiation), however, they cannot do so with full liberty, they have to abide by the unfriendly forces of the market. Sellers’ rivalry against each other involves sales-promotion costs along with the expenses of differentiating their products in order to attract customers. As a result, buyers get more variety in the products but in the long run the products prices involve the additional costs involved. Since the sellers in a monopolistic competitive market are not likely to be equally flourishing in their product policies and sales promotion, some of them will be successful in achieving profits exceeding t he basic interest on their investment, such profits will be earned from the buyers that have been attracted. (Karier, 241) The market and the monopolist’s demand curves are found to be the same. Demand of the monopoly is the demand of the industry and hence illustrated by a downward curve. However, the

Is mass media a cause of moral decline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Is mass media a cause of moral decline - Essay Example Mass media have enjoyed the limelight for the benefits that it has brought to the society to a point that its failures have been overlooked. The failures range from poor coverage of content and negative exposure to moral decadence in the society; where moral decadence is crucial. As a result, it is essential to evaluate mass media in order to ascertain whether it is a cause of moral decline in our society. Mass media have contributed largely to the decadence of morality in the society due to its role in lowering religious tolerance. As such, mass media have continuously portrayed the differences found within different religious groups and drawn criticisms towards them. This has led to increased hostility amongst different religious groups and religions since mass media draw a line between them. This creates the illusion that none of the religions can coexist peacefully without getting into each other’s business and without pointing out their differences. ... A large portion of the population spends a large amount of time watching television or interaction with other forms of mass media. This is the same mass media that is indiscriminate in its programming, where it portrays popular culture, in which sexual promiscuity and people are idolized. It is this idolization that is killing the sense of guilt and morality in people especially children as there is not much they understand (Wilson, 2008). They are more into taking that which they are exposed to as the gospel truth, as opposed to choosing that which is right and leaving out the rest. In addition, mass media over the internet provides easy access to inappropriate content in the form of pornography, which affects the behavior of people and their perception of the world and others (Wilson, 2008). This is in the case where one becomes hyper sensitive to sexual content that he or she thinks and perceives real life events on a sexual perspective. As a result, there is increased possibility of sexual crimes since pornography is glorified in mass media leading to rapes and abortions in pregnant women; proving that mass media has considerable influence towards moral decadence. Moreover, mass media present strong content relating to violence and aggressive behavior, which affects the development and control of emotions in people (Wilson, 2008). In this case, mass media, especially television and video games show increased instances of violence, which may be helpful for the individuals watching them. However, the intended benefits do not entirely manifest themselves in the people but instead manifest a negative consequence of moral decadence. This is because instead of creating an avenue for the release of negative

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Liturgiam Authenticam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Liturgiam Authenticam - Essay Example This means that the Sacred Council identified inculturation to be the two-sided process requiring mutual actions and flexibility both from the Church and the Roman liturgy and from the recipient cultures. Whereas diverse autonomous cultures are expected to embrace Christian traditions and be integrated into a global community based on faith and universal dogmas; the Church is to incarnate Christian liturgy traditions in certain sociocultural backgrounds and soften all rough edges in order to make Christian tradition more comprehensible and close to the cultures. The Gospel is believed to enhance and strengthen peculiar cultural values and traditions and â€Å"restore them in Christ† (IRL,  § 4), when penetrating into a culture. Moreover, Christian traditions are expected to integrate and enrich other cultures, being also enriched by their wisdom. Inculturation as a process has preserved its aim since development of Christian tradition: its aim is to encourage and deepen peoples’ understanding on the message of Christ and find a better expression of it in local liturgical traditions and other areas of spiritual life of the Church. For this, the Holy Scriptures and liturgical texts have to be transformed into a form comprehensible for other cultures, especially those in the mission territories, i.e. they have to be translated wisely into local languages. The process of inculturation has its roots in ancient times when the story of salvation had just begun. The earliest forms of inculturation were practiced by the Israelites, the people believing that they were chosen by God and witnessed his love and actions (IRL,  § 9). The people of Israel borrowed some traditions and forms of worship from other peoples, yet â€Å"digesting† and modifying them in accordance to their fundamental faith in God. In other words, these borrowings were absorbed by Israeli religious traditions and practices in order to enhance celebration of the God’s deeds and memory. The next

American Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Perspective - Essay Example It was relevant to take health-protection policies and strategies at the governmental level and the health of the members of the American society was in danger. In the process of industrial development and progressive changes in the country rapid processes of urbanization and industrialization triggered the socialization and shift agricultural concerns of the government to industrial context. Moreover, post-war period imposed challenges on labor market in America. Thousands of lives of American soldiers were lost and there was a need to search for new employees. Environmental and health issues were of the main concern for the American government and similar to the modern policies, the government realized the necessity to contribute much to development of health safety policies in different fields and industries. Question 1 Describe the effects of the horse on urban pollution. What solution was developed to deal with this and how successful was it? In the article â€Å"Atlanta Exposi tion Address† (1895) by Booker Washington the issues of environmental pollution in the 19th and 20th centuries are discussed. The relation between environmental issues and industrial progress of the American society go hand in hand from the beginning of the industrial development of the country. ... It was more natural of them to work in the factory than going to the theatre or to the opera, for example. In the article â€Å"W.E.B. Du Bois Denounces Washington’s Accomodationist policies† (1903) we can read between the lines that when the country stood on the edge of industrial development, it had to make different challenging choices, such as convenience or animal health; industrial development or agrarian advancement. A horse was a golden mean of mediation between these challenging questions. The following article â€Å"Urban Pollution-Many Long Years Ago† by Joel L. Tarr is more detailed in its descriptions about a complicated process of assimilation of horse in the industrial activities of people. It was necessary to efforce a horse from the agrarian nature and force it in the industrial urban nature. The contemporaries draw parallels with environmental hazards imposed by the horse and automobile: we are suffering from exhaust gases and earlier a horse wa s accused of air contaminants harmful for health. I doubt that the scope of harm is equal between these two means of transport†¦ At the beginning of the twentieth century there was a clear intention to eradicate this harmful animal means of transportation vigorously and create a sounder and more health friendly means of transportation. The â€Å"horseless cvarriages† were the embodiment of dreamy ideas of the industrial developers at that time. There was an intention to choose the least of two evils, which was not a horse, but a potential automobile. The streets were full of mud because of the usage of horses as transportation means, and the American cities spent huge amounts of money for cleaning their streets from the horse mud. The epidemic expansion of cholera, smallpox, yellow fever

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Is mass media a cause of moral decline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Is mass media a cause of moral decline - Essay Example Mass media have enjoyed the limelight for the benefits that it has brought to the society to a point that its failures have been overlooked. The failures range from poor coverage of content and negative exposure to moral decadence in the society; where moral decadence is crucial. As a result, it is essential to evaluate mass media in order to ascertain whether it is a cause of moral decline in our society. Mass media have contributed largely to the decadence of morality in the society due to its role in lowering religious tolerance. As such, mass media have continuously portrayed the differences found within different religious groups and drawn criticisms towards them. This has led to increased hostility amongst different religious groups and religions since mass media draw a line between them. This creates the illusion that none of the religions can coexist peacefully without getting into each other’s business and without pointing out their differences. ... A large portion of the population spends a large amount of time watching television or interaction with other forms of mass media. This is the same mass media that is indiscriminate in its programming, where it portrays popular culture, in which sexual promiscuity and people are idolized. It is this idolization that is killing the sense of guilt and morality in people especially children as there is not much they understand (Wilson, 2008). They are more into taking that which they are exposed to as the gospel truth, as opposed to choosing that which is right and leaving out the rest. In addition, mass media over the internet provides easy access to inappropriate content in the form of pornography, which affects the behavior of people and their perception of the world and others (Wilson, 2008). This is in the case where one becomes hyper sensitive to sexual content that he or she thinks and perceives real life events on a sexual perspective. As a result, there is increased possibility of sexual crimes since pornography is glorified in mass media leading to rapes and abortions in pregnant women; proving that mass media has considerable influence towards moral decadence. Moreover, mass media present strong content relating to violence and aggressive behavior, which affects the development and control of emotions in people (Wilson, 2008). In this case, mass media, especially television and video games show increased instances of violence, which may be helpful for the individuals watching them. However, the intended benefits do not entirely manifest themselves in the people but instead manifest a negative consequence of moral decadence. This is because instead of creating an avenue for the release of negative

American Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Perspective - Essay Example It was relevant to take health-protection policies and strategies at the governmental level and the health of the members of the American society was in danger. In the process of industrial development and progressive changes in the country rapid processes of urbanization and industrialization triggered the socialization and shift agricultural concerns of the government to industrial context. Moreover, post-war period imposed challenges on labor market in America. Thousands of lives of American soldiers were lost and there was a need to search for new employees. Environmental and health issues were of the main concern for the American government and similar to the modern policies, the government realized the necessity to contribute much to development of health safety policies in different fields and industries. Question 1 Describe the effects of the horse on urban pollution. What solution was developed to deal with this and how successful was it? In the article â€Å"Atlanta Exposi tion Address† (1895) by Booker Washington the issues of environmental pollution in the 19th and 20th centuries are discussed. The relation between environmental issues and industrial progress of the American society go hand in hand from the beginning of the industrial development of the country. ... It was more natural of them to work in the factory than going to the theatre or to the opera, for example. In the article â€Å"W.E.B. Du Bois Denounces Washington’s Accomodationist policies† (1903) we can read between the lines that when the country stood on the edge of industrial development, it had to make different challenging choices, such as convenience or animal health; industrial development or agrarian advancement. A horse was a golden mean of mediation between these challenging questions. The following article â€Å"Urban Pollution-Many Long Years Ago† by Joel L. Tarr is more detailed in its descriptions about a complicated process of assimilation of horse in the industrial activities of people. It was necessary to efforce a horse from the agrarian nature and force it in the industrial urban nature. The contemporaries draw parallels with environmental hazards imposed by the horse and automobile: we are suffering from exhaust gases and earlier a horse wa s accused of air contaminants harmful for health. I doubt that the scope of harm is equal between these two means of transport†¦ At the beginning of the twentieth century there was a clear intention to eradicate this harmful animal means of transportation vigorously and create a sounder and more health friendly means of transportation. The â€Å"horseless cvarriages† were the embodiment of dreamy ideas of the industrial developers at that time. There was an intention to choose the least of two evils, which was not a horse, but a potential automobile. The streets were full of mud because of the usage of horses as transportation means, and the American cities spent huge amounts of money for cleaning their streets from the horse mud. The epidemic expansion of cholera, smallpox, yellow fever

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personal Attachment Style Essay Example for Free

Personal Attachment Style Essay My personal attachment style as determined by the Adult Attachment Style Questionnaire (Fraley, n. d. ) was secure, which seemed appropriate. Individuals with secure attachment styles are not typically concerned with rejection from a partner and they tend to be comfortable in emotionally close relationships (Rodriguez Ritchie, 2009). Research has shown that when secure individuals face conflict, they are likely to problem solve using strategies such as compromising and encouraging mutual discussion and constructive communication (Carnelley, Pietromonaco, Jaffe, 1994; Riggs, 2010). Additionally, secure individuals have a decreased potential for depressive symptoms and a far lower risk for psychological disorders throughout adulthood (Riggs, 2010). The questionnaire provided a realistic and accurate assessment of my natural tendencies in intimate and other relationships. Contributing Genetic and Environmental Factors I was endowed with good genes both of my parents were calm, warm, loving people who had above average intelligence and the ability to think in progressive and effective ways. They were socially aware and had many friends and colleagues who respected and loved them. I had a close to ideal family environment as a child: my parents were particularly responsive to my needs and my opinions were always respected and valued. I was not ridiculed, mistreated, or abused, although I was held to high standards and was encouraged to behave appropriately and thoughtfully and to express my feelings in creative, honest, and constructive ways. Research indicates a correlation between early attachment development in childhood and the capacity to form close attachments in adulthood (Brandel, 2010; Reyome, 2010; Riggs, 2010). Sullivans developmental model placed critical importance on interpersonal relationships and how children, and later adults, construct ways to maintain relationships within the family and with others (Brandell, 2010). Because people have intrinsic psychological needs, they create ways to fulfill them, and if the needs are not met by psychologically healthy interactions, less effective unhealthy means are implemented (Brandell, 2010; Rodriguez ; Ritchie, 2009). My childhood environment was conducive to psychological health and provided the emotional building blocks for future positive relationships. Affect on Cognitive and Social Development Research suggests that abuse during early childhood deeply affects an individuals future ability to bond with others, in effect, abuse influences social development (Reyome, 2010; Riggs, 2010). Furthermore, it may interfere with the individuals ability for emotional regulation, and may contribute to maladaptive emotional coping skills that may lead to psychological disorders (Riggs, 2010). Insecure individuals show a decreased ability for social information processing, such as careful listening (Riggs, 2010). Compounded with decreased emotional regulation, maladaptive coping skills, and a propensity to psychological disorders, maltreatment in childhood has a tremendous impact on social development and the ability to engage effectively in relationships in general (Brandell, 2010; Carnelley, Pietromonaco, ; Jaffe, 1994; Riggs, 2010). In early childhood, children create norms and develop expectations according to the quality with which their needs are met, usually by the mother (Brandell, 2010). These norms and expectations are the templates by which individuals relate to others throughout their lives (Brandell, 2010; Reyome, 2010). When a mistreated individual consistently distorts self-perceptions and inaccurately interprets the behavior of others as threatening, they may engage in retaliatory behavior (Riggs, 2010). As previously mentioned, I was raised in a warm, wholesome family environment in which personal expression was expected, valued, and appreciated. I grew p believing and experiencing that the most valuable relationships are the intimate ones I have with family and close friends. They are the safe harbors that naturally ameliorate the challenges of life. I developed highly positive expectations about intimacy, and my needs were mostly addressed. Because I learned that close relationships are safe, I perceive them accurately and as a non-threatening component of life. The pleasure I derive from close relationships has diffusely permeated my relationships in gener al, and I seek out and appreciate some level of intimacy in all of my relationships.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analyse Evidence For Case Linkage In Criminal Profiling Psychology Essay

Analyse Evidence For Case Linkage In Criminal Profiling Psychology Essay For thousands of years inferences of a persons characteristics from their thoughts, motives, and actions have been made (Canter Alison, 1997) although the application of these inferences to criminal investigations was first done in the 1970s by the FBI (Egger, 1999). Offender profiling, now known as behavioural investigative advice, is the process of providing inferences of likely offender characteristics based on crime scene information (Canter Alison, 1999). Case linkage is now more commonly known as linkage analysis which is the process of identifying whether or not a series of crimes have been committed by the same offender using crime scene behaviours (Hazelwood Warren, 2003). Case linkage produces similar fact evidence in legal cases so that offenders can be charged with numerous offences (Ormerod, 1999). Case linkage can also allow all relevant crime scene information to be pooled thus making the use of investigative resources more efficient (Grubin, Kelly, Burnsden, 2001). The practices of case linkage and offender profiling have overlapping as well as separate assumptions. Case linkage and offender profiling both use theories from personality psychology and the assumption underlying the practices of both offender profiling and case linkage is consistency (Woodhams Toye, 2007). Regarding offender profiling, individuals need to be consistent in their actions for there to be similarity associations between an individuals behaviour and characteristics (Mokros Alison, 2002). In reference to case linkage, this consistency refers to the offender exhibiting similar behaviours each time he or she offends (Canter, 1995; Grubin et al., 2001; Woodhams, Hollin, Bull, 2007). If offenders were not consistent in their offending behaviour, then it would not be possible to determine which single offender committed the crimes on the basis of their behavioural similarity. An additional assumption underlying the practice of offender profiling is homology (Alison, Benne ll, Mokros, Ormerod, 2002). This assumption states that offenders who commit crimes in a similar style will have similar background characteristics (Woodhams Toye, 2007). Therefore, offenders who have different crime scene behaviour will have different characteristics. According to Woodhams and Toye (2007) an additional assumption underlying the practice of case linkage is behavioural distinctiveness. This assumption refers to the actions of an individual serial offender being different to other offenders committing similar crimes. This paper will now discuss the evidence for the assumptions underlying the practices of case linkage and offender profiling. Then methods to combat the problems of the assumptions underlying the practices of case linkage and offender profiling will be presented. Finally, a conclusion will be reached as to whether there is enough evidence to support the assumptions underlying the practices of case linkage and offender profiling to produce valid and useful results. Case linkage and offender profiling: Behavioural consistency Behavioural consistency is an assumption that underlies the practices of case linkage and offender profiling. Psychological research has defined behavioural consistency as the repetition of particular aspects of behaviour if the same offender engages in the same type of offence again (Canter, 1995). Conversely, criminological research has defined behavioural consistency as the probability that an individual will repeatedly commit similar types of offences (Farrington, 1997). With regard to case linkage, it refers to the hypothesis that people are consistent in their behaviour across situations and the consistency assumption of offender profiling implies that the behaviour of one offender must be more consistent than the behaviour between all other offenders (Woodhams Toye, 2007). Behavioural consistency has been investigated by personality psychology studies and the hypothesis has been confirmed that people produce similar behaviour when they are faced with situations with similar psychological meaning to them (Mischel Shoda, 1995). There is also supporting evidence that offenders commit crime in a consistent manner. For example, Farrington and Lambert (1997) showed that offenders are consistent in the choice of crime type. Furthermore, offenders have been shown to be consistent in their behaviour across robbery (Woodhams Toye, 2007), arson (Santtila, Fritzon, Tamelander, 2005), burglary (Bennell Canter, 2002), homicide (Salfati Bateman, 2005), and sexual assault (Grubin et al., 2001). Therefore, there is evidence of the consistency assumption that underlies the practices of offender profiling and case linkage. Case linkage: Behavioural consistency and distinctiveness A necessity in proving consistency for investigative purposes is that an individuals behavioural variation must be less than others to be investigatively useful which Woodhams and Toye (2007) named distinctiveness. An example of this behavioural consistency is that Jack the offender always robs a bank at gun point which is 100 percent consistent. Although if the majority of other bank robbers also rob banks at gun point then it cannot be concluded that Jack has committed the burglary in question. This consistency can be tested by predicting whether two crimes are committed by the same offender (linked) or by two different offenders (unlinked). Grubin et al. (2001) combined behavioural consistency and distinctiveness and found that linked crime and unlinked crimes are able to be reliably distinguished using behavioural consistency and distinctiveness theory. Using this approach, research with robberies and burglaries by Bennell and Jones (2005), have also shown that linkage status can be accurately predicted. Cervone and Shoda (1999) have researched personality psychology and found that people consistently exhibit individual differences on some personality traits in similar situations which provides support of case linkage (Bennell Canter, 2002). Although a review by Biesanz, West, and Kwok (2003) showed that personality psychologists and investigative psychologists examine consistency and distinctiveness differently. Shoda (1999) states that personality psychologists see individuals as demonstrating similar trait-related behaviour in different situations and although peoples behaviour does change in different situations they remain relatively stable compared to other people. For example, if person B is more aggressive in one situation than person A, then in different situations, person B will always exhibit more aggressive behaviour than person A although they both exhibit different levels of aggression in different situations. Although personality psychologists are able to observe beha viour in highly controlled experimental conditions, the same cannot be done by investigative psychologists. Instead they use behavioural signatures, modus operandi, or psychological themes to determine the support of the behavioural distinctiveness and consistency assumptions which will be discussed next. Behavioural signature Hazelwood and Warren (2003) state that signatures are ritualised actions that are not necessary to commit or conceal the crime but are unique fantasies and drives of the offender to commit the crimes. These actions aid case linkage as they will be consistently exhibited in all of an offenders crimes (Hazelwood Warren, 2003). There is some evidence for the existence of signatures in serial homicide and rape (Hazelwood Warren, 2003), although there is no empirical evidence. One reason for this is that signatures may not be identified at crime scenes due to victim reactions or other situational factors (Douglas Munn, 1992). Furthermore, Labuschagne (2006) states that foraging animals and body decomposition may disrupt the crime scene. Finally, it is difficult to separate the offenders behavioural signature from the modus operandi (Hazelwood Warren, 2003). From the evidence presented above, behavioural signatures may only exist in particular types of relatively rare crimes such as fantasy-driven, interpersonal, and serial violent crimes in specific situations. Therefore there is not enough evidence to support the use of behavioural signatures to determine behavioural consistency and distinctiveness as part of case linkage for all crimes. Modus Operandi (MO) Douglas and Munn (1992) state that the MO of offenders are the behaviours that an offender exhibits to commit the crime. Although greatly used by police in the past (Douglas Munn, 1992), MOs can change over the course of a crime series (Hazelwood Warren, 2003) due to factors such as unavailability of victims, victim reactions, interruptions, education, experience, and maturation (Hazelwood Warren, 2003). Despite the above findings, depending on the MO behaviour being observed there are sufficient levels of distinctiveness and consistency to make case linkage possible beyond chance levels e.g. rape (Grubin et al., 2001) and commercial robbery (Woodhams Toye, 2007). Bennell and Jones (2005) found that although an analysis of property stolen during serial burglaries had a moderate level of linking accuracy, an analysis of distances between crimes produced much higher accuracy scores. The authors found that the closer together the burglaries, the more likely that they were committed by the same offender. Bennell and Canter (2002) have found that MOs which are brought to the scene by the offender such as where the offence took place (offender-driven) versus what was stolen (situation-driven), are the most stable and distinct. Seeing as some behaviours are more consistent and are therefore more accurate at predicting case linkage allows analysts to be more efficient in only using the most consistent behaviours and also more accurate at predicting linkage (Woodhams Toye, 2007). Psychological themes Consistency can found in an offenders crimes despite differences in MO as when using the thematic approach consistency is defined at a more general level related to the function of the behaviour as opposed to discrete behaviours. For example, Salfati and Bateman (2005) state that when an offender cuts or tortures the victim, this behaviour suggests an expressive theme and the murder was part of an emotionally fuelled assault. Whereas when the victim is sexually assaulted or the body is posed, this behaviour demonstrates an instrumental theme and the aim of the murder was to achieve sexual gratification or something else beyond the murder. The research into consistency and distinctiveness regarding psychological themes is promising (Salfati Bateman, 2005) although when more stringent criteria to assign crimes to predominant themes, the results are not as convincing (Bateman Salfati, 2007). Woodhams et al. (2007) have argued that measuring consistency using the psychological themes approach to case linkage has limited use when offenders are not able to be easily categorised into predominant themes. The authors also state that this approach may be too general to be used for identifying different offenders although it can be argued that this depends on the type of crime as it may be more applicable for rare crimes compared to more common crimes. Even though there is evidence that offenders crime series demonstrate behavioural distinctiveness and consistency as discussed above, crime analysts and police investigators may not be able to link crimes. For example, Canter et al. (1991) state that it is difficult to correctly identify crime scene behaviours appropriate for case linkage as attention may focus on behaviours that are not distinct or not stably exhibited. Methods to combat the problems of case linkage Cluster analysis, across-crime similarity coefficients, logistic regression analysis, and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis are analytical strategies employed to combat the problems of the assumptions underlying the practice of case linkage. Each of these strategies will be detailed next. Cluster analysis Cluster analysis places the crimes on a plot where the shorter the distance between plots the greater the similarity there is between the crimes (Green, Booth, Biderman, 1976). The closer the crimes are together the more likely they are to be linked. The study by Green et al. (1976) found this analytical approach to be highly successful at linking the crimes of three burglars. Although there are some drawbacks to this method as it is not yet determined as to what specific distance suggests that the crimes are linked. Across-crime similarity coefficients Woodhams and Toye (2007) state that across-crime similarity coefficients quantify the degree of behavioural distinctiveness and consistency between two crimes. Woodhams and Toye (2007) used the Jaccard coefficients to see whether pairs of robbery crimes were linked based on the similarity of offence behaviours. Seeing as this coefficient ranges from 0 to 1, a large coefficient reflects a greater amount of across-crime similarity. In relation to the assumptions underlying the practice of case linkage, small similarity coefficients associated with different offender crimes suggests behavioural distinctiveness. Conversely, large similarity coefficients are associated with same offender crimes suggests consistency. Woodhams and Toye (2007) found that compared with unlinked crime pairs, linked pairs had greater similarity in behaviour exhibited between offences committed by the same criminal than between offences committed by different offenders. In addition, the difference between linked and unlinked crimes was significant for overall and within each behaviour. These findings support the offender behavioural consistency hypothesis underlying the practices of case linkage as well as offender profiling. Logistic regression analysis Bennell and Canter (2002) state that logistic regression analysis can be used to produce predicted probabilities that crime pairs are linked. This is done by combining the values of predictor variables such as across-crime similarity scores related to entry method, characteristics of the target, and the property stolen. Woodhams and Toye (2007) used logistic regression analysis to determine whether robberies were linked and produced accurate linking decisions. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis The measures of linking accuracy described above are threshold specific in that the accuracy score is only relevant when a specific decision threshold is used. To counter this problem, ROC analysis can be used in addition to these measures (Woodhams Toye, 2007). ROC analysis quantifies the level of linking accuracy associated with lining cues (inter-offence distance) or case linkage tools (e.g., cluster analysis, across-crime similarity coefficients, and logistic regression analysis). This method is not affected by the decision threshold that was used to determine whether or not the crimes were linked. Studies using ROC analysis have set suitable decision thresholds for linking purposes as well as producing valid measures of linking accuracy (e.g., Bennell Jones, 2005) demonstrating that methods such as logistic regression used in conjunction with ROC analysis can accurately link serial crimes. Offender profiling: Homology Despite different methods of profiling being multi-disciplinary and overlapping, the approaches can be segregated into three broad categories: clinical practitioner, statistical, and criminal investigative (Wilson, Lincoln, Kocsis, 1997). The FBI model is a criminal investigative approach and it is the most common. It is used in USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Holland amongst others. The work of Babcock, Boon, and Britton (Copson, Babcock, Boon, Britton, 1997) is an example of the clinical approach whereas David Canters (Canter Heritage, 1990) work is representative of the statistical approach. In the past, the FBI model has been criticised for being based upon opinion and intuition rather than fact and solid methodology which lacks the element of psychological theory (Canter Alison, 1999). Now it takes more of a scientific approach by publishing empirical findings. The clinical practitioner approach emphasises its use of psychological, psychiatric, clinical, or mental health research or knowledge. Finally, the statistical approach infers psychological processes and characteristics of offenders using the multivariate analysis of behaviour at the crime scene as well as other crime scene information (Canter Alison, 1999). Pinizzotto and Finkel (1990) state that professional profilers first assess the type of criminal act with reference to individuals who have committed similar acts previously. Then they analyze the crime scene, the victims background, and any possible suspects. Next profilers establish the possible motivations of all the individuals involved. Finally, a description of the offender is created from the characteristics identified with such a psychological disposition. Homology is an assumption that underlies the practice of offender profiling and suggests that similar offence styles are associated with similar background characteristics (Woodhams Toye, 2007). Thus offenders with similar offence behaviours have similar background characteristics. The complex relationships between a given action and a given characteristic are made to profile clusters of background features from crime scene actions to develop a psychological picture of the suspect (Alison et al., 2002). These relationships involve multivariate forms of prediction in which specific sets of actions are linked to specific sets of characteristics. Although the results of these analyses are not convincing when tested (Alison, 2002). Alison et al. (2002) state that current offender profiling methods rely on an outdated understanding of personality and the trait approach. Alison et al. (2002) found that the homology assumption is not supported as it uses global traits, or broad personality types, which are unlikely to be useful in predicting criminal behaviour. These traditional personality trait theories suggest that all offenders behaviours are affected in predictable ways (deterministic) and that behaviour remains stable despite different environmental influences (nonsituationist) (Alison et al., 2002). Furthermore, Mischel and Peake (1982) demonstrated that global trait theories fail to allow predictions of behaviour across specific situations. Alison et al. (2002) suggest that it is unlikely that the classification of offenders into broad personality types would enable the profiler to relate clusters of sociodemographic characteristics to different types. Profilers often make inferences about offender characteristics that are not appropriate for a psychological definition e.g. age, ethnicity, marital status, gender, degree of sexual maturity, and possible reactions to police questioning (Alison et al. 2002). Woodhams and Toye (2007) tested the homology assumption by identifying three different styles of robbery behaviour and investigated whether commercial robbers with different offence behaviour styles were significantly different to each another on ethnicity, employment, previous convictions, age, and distance to crime. No significant differences were found which suggests no support for the homology assumption. The homology assumption has also been investigated using regression analyses to determine if certain offence behaviours can reliably predict offender characteristics although there has been little support found for the homology assumption (Tonkin, Bond, Woodhams, 2009). For example, Mokros and Alison (2002) investigated rapists and defined homology as a positive linear relationship between the similarities of crime scene actions and similarities in background characteristics of the offenders. The researchers investigated whether similarity in personal characteristics (e.g., ethnicity, age, employment status, marital status, criminal record, and education) was correlated with similarity in offence behaviour. No linear relationships were observed with similarity in behaviour. Therefore there was no evidence found for the homology assumption. Despite this lack of evidence for the homology assumption, there has been success with homicide (Salfati Canter, 1999), burglary, assault, robbery, actual bodily harm and violent disorder (Farrington Lambert, 2000), and sexual assault (Santtila, Ritvanen, Mokros, 2004) offences at determining offender characteristics from crime scene behaviour. In summary, using bivariate predictive analyses, relationships between specific characteristics and actions have been found (Aitken et al., 1996) although it has been argued that these are simplistic compared to the profiles that have been produced over the years (e.g. Pinizzotto Finkel, 1990). Alison et al. (2002) state that a direct link between offence behaviour and offender characteristics is unlikely to exist because of the influence of the situation effecting offence behaviour. In addition, the authors state that profilers often make inferences regarding offender characteristics (e.g., gender, ethnicity, and age) from behaviour that is not appropriate according to Bem and Allens (1974) personality theory. Therefore, the research into the homology assumption has been less supportive (Woodhams Toye, 2007). Interestingly, there have been many reviews of profiling based on the opinions of detectives about the usefulness of the advice that they received, the overall opinion was th at the advice was of use (Woodhams Toye, 2007). Methods to combat the problems of offender profiling and case linkage A method to combat the problems of the assumptions underlying the practice of offender profiling and case linkage is for police forces to enter crime scene information (including motivational and behavioural characteristics) into databases. The Violent Crime Case linkage System (ViCLAS: Collins, Johnson, Choy, Davidson, Mackay, 1998) is the most popular of the databases and was first used by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to profile offenders and identify serial offenders. This system can record 200 items of information from each crime scene which analysts can search when a new crime is committed. This system is widely used in the UK and assists offender profiling as well as case linkage by providing a way to manage the mass of information although there is little research on its effectiveness. Beauregard (2005) states sharing information between investigators and researchers is a way to develop offender profiling as it standardises data reliability. Alison et al. (2004) state that this pragmatic profiling (sharing information, investigative advice, and profiles) is the way forward for profiling and case linkage. Yokota, Fujita, Watanabe, Yoshimoto, and Wachi (2007) have even developed a computerised profiling system that takes in the details of an offence and produces the offender characteristics. Finally, Alison et al. (2002) suggest that a theoretical framework that emphasizes the importance of Person X Situation interactions in generating behaviour may be more productive. Recent research by Goodwill and Alison (2007) has included these aspects into predictive analysis of offender characteristics from crime scene information and stated that the relationship between offender characteristics and the crime scene may be influenced by other aspects of the crime. Therefore, using the contemporary trait perspective would include contextual details that effect behaviour and thus make inferences from crime scene behaviours more valid and useful. Conclusion In summary, there is evidence highlighting problems with the consistency, homology, and behavioural distinctiveness assumptions underlying the practices of offender profiling and case linkage. Regarding offender profiling, ignoring contextual and situational variables of offending makes homology and consistency unreliable and possibly invalid. The simple behaviour and characteristics approach to offender profiling is not adequate. It may be argued that a significant component of offender profiling is based on intuition rather than scientific research (Pinizzotto Finkel, 1990). On conclusion of the evidence for homology, the practice of offender profiling does not include current psychological theory and therefore would not be appropriate for use in court as expert witness evidence. The homology assumption has not seen as much research as the behavioural consistency and distinctiveness assumptions. There is greater support for the consistency and distinctiveness assumptions underlyin g the practice of case linkage when additional measures are used to improve validity and usefulness. Methods to improve the practices of case linkage and offender profiling include the use of databases, pragmatic profiling, and automation. Methods to improve case linkage include cluster analysis, across-crime similarity coefficients, and logistic regression analysis. These analytical techniques improve the practices of case linkage and offender profiling as they are able to accurately handle large amounts of data. The drawback to many of these approaches is that they do not specifically state what probability level should be used to determine whether or not crimes and behaviours are linked. These measures of linking accuracy are threshold specific in that the accuracy score can only relevant when a specific decision threshold is used. To counter this flaw, ROC analysis has proven to accurately link crimes when used in conjunction with these methods. It is important to have valid assumptions underlying the practices of case linkage and offender profiling as incorrect advice could mislead a police investigation and be costly in financial and human terms. Greater research is desperately needed into the effectiveness of the use of databases to assist case linkage and offender profiling. These databases are in widespread use despite a lack of research on their effectiveness. Word Count: 3814

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County :: Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County is a delightfully entertaining piece of work. The characters are developed beautifully through fantastic descriptions, amusing actions, and mostly through smooth, flowing, and terrific dialogue. The dialogue is, indeed, the main attraction of this event. Simon Wheeler's speech is optimistic, and above all, very friendly. Wheeler tells of Smiley's antics as any great story teller would. Wheeler offers his own observations generously. They are casual and hospitable. Wheeler, speaking of Smiley's betting habit, interjects that, "Why, it never made no difference to him- he'd bet on anything- the dangdest feller" (113). This observation is helpful and funny. Wheeler also offers a fabulous story to illustrate his point. He tells of Smiley making a bet that a man's wife will not improve in health contradictory to what the doctors say. The absurdity of such a bet leaves the reader laughing out loud, in spite of such a morbid joke. Even the frog is personified and molded carefully into the most individual and unique frog ever to hop along. The frog is described by Wheeler as modest, straightforward, and gifted. "Dan'l Webster was the name of the frog..." (114). Daniel's aptitude for intelligent thought is evidenced by his ability to catch flies on command. Again, a most absurd assertion but, nonetheless, very comedic. Oddly, Daniel is compared to a cat. Wheeler observes that, "He'd [Smiley] give him a little pinch behind, and the next minute you'd see that frog whirling in the air like a doughnut- see him turn one summerset, or maybe a couple, if he got a good start, and come down flat- footed and all right, like a cat" (114). One could argue that Daniel is the main character of the story. The actual narrator of the story is an old friend of Smiley. The friend's brief relationship with Wheeler is also rather interesting. Twain does not say directly that the man is not particularly fond of Wheeler, but alludes to that throu gh the narrator's dialogue. Smiley's old friend sits down with Wheeler and describes the act as such: "Simon Wheeler backed me into a corner and blockaded me there with his chair, and then sat down and reeled off the monotonous narrative which follows this paragraph" (113). Through the man's choice of words the reader quickly realizes that this is not a pleasurable experience to him.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Famine is one of the major sources of China's problem. The problem with the constant famines that China is always facing is that they are always facing the deprivation of food production and the lasting effects of this. The Chinese has always had a rapidly expanding population that food production had never been able to keep up with. It has stemmed multiple problems within the country. It has caused the major distrust of the government, as the government did nothing to help the populace. The famine was a major factor in the reason why the Chinese people did not start to fully modernize and industrialize till now. People have judged the former dynasties of China by their ability to meet and conquer great tragedies, China's current one being that of the ongoing famines that have continued to plague the country for centuries ever since early 19th Century. The role of Mao and the communist government, the ethics that effected the people and the last effects it has had on the country o f China. The first major famines that occurred in China were the known as the "four famines" that occurred in the early 19th century1 . These four famines had a death toll estimated at 45 million dead. The Qing Dynasty was a dynasty of much chaos, the multiple opium wars and the Taping Rebellion. The insuring famine that occurred during the conflict caused over 60 million dead. The Great North China Famine led to the death of 13 million people due to an ongoing drought that the Chinese people were not prepared to handle2. The constant failure of the current government has led to the deaths of millions, which has led the lower class peasant class of China to always have this sense of distrust with the current government, as they are never able to react... the Soviets they were successful. Motivated by this reasoning, Mao choose to do nothing about the famine, claiming that his plan could never go wrong, that the Chinese Communist way was the only correct way. The inflexible Mao and his policies caused a decline in Chinas morality, that is apart of the continued cycle for each generation of the Chinese people. Each time the Chinese go into a major famine, we can see the change in government, this decline in a dynasty, that we have seen repeat itself throughout Chinas history. With Mao's death and the rise of western ideals in China, we can see that China has moved away from its Maoist ideals and moved towards a western model of government. No matter how long it takes the Chinese, I don't think they will ever forget these events in this history, always encouraging the new generation for change of a corrupt system. Essay -- Famine is one of the major sources of China's problem. The problem with the constant famines that China is always facing is that they are always facing the deprivation of food production and the lasting effects of this. The Chinese has always had a rapidly expanding population that food production had never been able to keep up with. It has stemmed multiple problems within the country. It has caused the major distrust of the government, as the government did nothing to help the populace. The famine was a major factor in the reason why the Chinese people did not start to fully modernize and industrialize till now. People have judged the former dynasties of China by their ability to meet and conquer great tragedies, China's current one being that of the ongoing famines that have continued to plague the country for centuries ever since early 19th Century. The role of Mao and the communist government, the ethics that effected the people and the last effects it has had on the country o f China. The first major famines that occurred in China were the known as the "four famines" that occurred in the early 19th century1 . These four famines had a death toll estimated at 45 million dead. The Qing Dynasty was a dynasty of much chaos, the multiple opium wars and the Taping Rebellion. The insuring famine that occurred during the conflict caused over 60 million dead. The Great North China Famine led to the death of 13 million people due to an ongoing drought that the Chinese people were not prepared to handle2. The constant failure of the current government has led to the deaths of millions, which has led the lower class peasant class of China to always have this sense of distrust with the current government, as they are never able to react... the Soviets they were successful. Motivated by this reasoning, Mao choose to do nothing about the famine, claiming that his plan could never go wrong, that the Chinese Communist way was the only correct way. The inflexible Mao and his policies caused a decline in Chinas morality, that is apart of the continued cycle for each generation of the Chinese people. Each time the Chinese go into a major famine, we can see the change in government, this decline in a dynasty, that we have seen repeat itself throughout Chinas history. With Mao's death and the rise of western ideals in China, we can see that China has moved away from its Maoist ideals and moved towards a western model of government. No matter how long it takes the Chinese, I don't think they will ever forget these events in this history, always encouraging the new generation for change of a corrupt system.