Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Guerrilla Warfare The Vietnam War - 1171 Words

No 7. The guerrilla wins if he does not lose, and the conventional army loses if it does not win. We Fought a military war; Opponents our Fought a political one. We sought physical attrition, Opponents Aimed for our psychological exhaustion. In the process, we lost sight of one of the cardinal maxims of guerilla war. The guerilla wins if he does not lose, the conventional army loses if it does not win. The North Vietnamese used their forces the way a bullfighter uses its cape - to keep us lunging into areas of marginal political importance. (Kissinger, 1969, 214) When I first read the statement above, actually a bit confusing for personnel and soldiers who does not understand the tactics and strategy of guerrilla and†¦show more content†¦1 . Meaning of Victory in War of words ...... 261 War is a way to achieve political goals of a country . Where the decision for war was not in the hands of politicians dtangan military commander . But the tactics and strategy used is certainly a decision of the military commander . Here, the role of a commander to determine what strategy or tactics to use in order to win the battle so that the war can be won by his party . The definition of the word win and a victory in guerrilla warfare and conventional war means different things both literally and under the conditions and situation of late . As said by Kissinger in his book ...... that the guerilla wins if he does not lose ; The conventional army loses if it does not win ( Kissinger 1969 , 214 ) . based on my understanding of the book , Kissinger tried to convey his opinion that the guerrilla war if the parties can continue to launch guerrilla operations / battles that they have implemented to erode and destroy the morale of enemy troops on an ongoing basis or until the opponent gave up or lost the will to fight , then this is where the guerrillas declared victory in the battle . In contrast to the definition of the word win in a conventional war although the goal in every battle it has the same goal , but different definition of victory itself . This is because the unconventional warfare tactics and strategy that takes precedence is conquering the realShow MoreRelatedModern History : The Vietnam War854 Words   |  4 PagesBackground: The Vietnam War began, because of Indochina (Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia) being conquered by the Japanese, in 1941. This led to the creation of the Vietnamese nationalist movement, formed by Ho Chi Minh to resist the Japanese. The Vietnamese national movement also known as the Vietminh, was a communist front organization. To stop the spread of communism through Asia, the United States intervened. 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Why was America involved in such brutal war to stop a brand new country from forming? Shouldn t we support that because that s what happened to us.† That was my very first question when my grandfather first told me about the most brutal and longest wars America has ever been in, the Vietnam War. America’s involvement in the conflict was to stop the evil and corrupt system of Communism. French force s were dead meat unless America teamed up with them. Unfortunately, this didn t stop the nonmoral

Monday, December 23, 2019

Teacher, I Planted A Seed - 763 Words

Teacher Teacher, I planted a seed today. The teacher paused, sighed, and composed a response. His instinct was to reply with a rhetorical question, but since LitStudies’ retirement for â€Å"inflammatory potential,† he doubted the student would recognize the effort—but College might. The teacher simply keyed, Student, this comment would be better served in HistHortStudies. No, a strictly philosophical comment, Teacher. A seed needs fertile soil and nourishment, Student. And as he scrolled through his records, sure enough, he was conversing with Student35LOG. Funny, in the last twelve years, this particular student was the only one who elicited a curiosity from the teacher. Students were students, all conflated into one vacuous body of†¦show more content†¦Good. College wouldn’t be able to pick up on the tone and would log the corrected discourse between teacher and student. Correct, Student. That will be enough for today. The teacher remained at his station, ruminating on this particular student. The first time 35LOG had made his presence known was a few months earlier, in an unusual departure from â€Å"normal† lines of inquiry: Teacher, are you real? The question had given him pause. Another teacher was recently retired for using the â€Å"antiquated† rhetoric of Descartes, so he replied with a more sanitized, moderate response, stating, Student, reality is perception. I exist, therefore I am real. Let us get back to the topic at hand, shall we, of the unexamined life, the only worthy life to which to aspire. And just as he thought he had successfully diverted the student, he interjected: Teacher, the unexamined life is not worth living, at least according to Plato, to Socrates. . . . He remembered being shocked from his automatic discourses—official teachings from College-approved PHILO2. As he struggled to form an appropriate response, Student35LOG continued: Will I be made to drink my Hemlock, Teacher? I’ve heard it tastes like victory. And then College terminated the link. That was the last he’d heard from Student35LOG until now, talking about planting seeds, of all things. The teacher sighed and started to rise, but a blip appeared on his monitor. Teacher, are you

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Macro Environment Factors Free Essays

Introduction The purpose of this report is to demonstrate an understanding of the marketing macro environment. The proposed research question was: Identify the macro environmental factors and discuss the impact this macro environmental factors will have on the industry or organizations involved. Firstly, this report will summaries the article, identify and explain the issues written in article. We will write a custom essay sample on Macro Environment Factors or any similar topic only for you Order Now Followed is the definition and explain of macro environmental factors involved. Then the report topic will moving to the industry concerned and have a discussion of the impact that this macro environment factors will have on the industry. Finally there is a short conclusion highlighting the main points of this report. 2. 0 Summaries The article comes from DOWJONES mainly discussed some specialists’ standpoints of the change of Aussie dollar’s exchange rate and the reason of this fluctuate. In addition, this article analyzed the situation of those industries which can be affected by these economic environment factors. According to this article, tight monetary policy may be used causing by worldwide inflation. With the dropping and down of the interest rate, many industries may be effected directly, such as manufacturing industry, real estate industry and tourism industry. (Webb, Richard. 2011) The reason the article is being written is to show the change of the economic environment and give information to those people who want to understand the external marketing environment, such as marketers. Unless marketing managers understand the external environment, the organization cannot intelligently plan for the future. (Lamb,Charles et al. ,2009) For example, marketers come form real estate industry must scanning the macro-economic environment because macro-economic factors such as inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates impact on mortgage affordability and the real value of mortgage repayments over time. ( Boamah, Nicholas. Addai, 2010) 3. 0 Macro environment factors The external marketing environment consists of sociocultural, economic, technological, political and legal, and competitive variables. ( Lamb,Charles et al. ,2009) This article mainly discussed the situation of inflation, which is one of the economic environment factors. Inflation is a general rise in prices without a corresponding increase in wages, which results in decreased purchasing power. ( Lamb,Charles et al. ,2009) According to the article, there are diverse views on where the Aussie is heading, and this direction is critical for interest rates. In the worst case, Michael Workman predicted that later in the year where the local currency will be falling sharply at the same time the price of the manufactured goods we import by the container-shipload form China continues to rise. † (Webb, Richard. 2011) As mentioned, the manufacturing industry may face the raising price of those goods import form other countries because the falling of local currency. The second point is Re serve Bank of Australia may increase interest rate to cut down the influence of inflation. That would take the home mortgage rates higher at the same time, which means people must pay more interests to the bank to get the loan. Then the real estate industry will be affected directly. Another industry will be influenced is tourism industry. With the higher currency price, people tend to go for an overseas holiday. The local tourism is being decimated. The tourism industry is also involved in the competitive environment. ( Webb, Richard. 2011) 4. 0 Industry involved In this article, three main industries are concerned: manufacturing industry, real estate industry and tourism industry. 5. 0 Impact of the factors As the discussion above in 3. 0, these industries are all affected by the inflation. In time of low inflation, business seeking to increase their profit margins can do so only by increase their efficiency. If they significantly increase price, no one will purchase their goods or services. In higher inflationary times, marketers use a number of pricing strategies to cope, and must be aware that inflation causes consumers either to build up or diminish their brand loyalty. Inflation pressures consumers to make more economical purchases, while still attempting to maintain their standard of living. (Lamb,Charles et al. 2009) From the article, the Australia local manufacturing industry was suffering as imports become extremely competitive and our exports more expensive. As same as the manufacturing industry, the local tourism industry also faced the international competitors. The original factor of this situation is the negative economic environment. Followed the inflation, the Reserve Ba nk of Australia tend to carry out the tight fiscal policy to control the economic environment. So numbers of experts indicated that interest rate would increase. With the increase of interest rate, the price of currency may tend to higher. High record of currency will lead to different situation in different area. For customers, this will be a good chance to buy import goods and services. But for local industries, marketing managers must try to collect and evaluate environmental information and then creating marketing strategies to cope with inflation. (Lamb,Charles et al. ,2009) 6. 0 Conclusion The mainly factor of these three industries is economic environment; other factors also play a significant role in these industries, such as political and legal environment and competitive environment. These factors affect marketing together. Reference list Boamah, Nicholas. Addai. (2010). The impact of the macro-economic environment on institutional housing finance in Ghana. Housing finance international, Vol. 25, Issue 2, p28-34. Lamb,Charles. ,W. ,Hair,Joseph. ,F. ,McDaniel,Carl. ,Summers,Jane. ,Gardiner,Michael. (2009). MKTG(1ST Asia-Pacific edition). South Melbourne, Australia: Paul Petrulis. Webb, Richard. (2011, March 27. ) Trading with fire: Sunday age. How to cite Macro Environment Factors, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Lady Gaga free essay sample

The audience and music community were appalled by his actions, which eventually led to West pulling out of the scheduled our with Gaga to go on a hiatus from the music industry. Carter and Sagas team were faced with three options, Option #1 would be to continue with the arena tour but go at it alone. This would come with the greatest risk, but the potential for the greatest reward. Option #2 would be to develop a smaller theater tour- and adjust the economics accordingly. This would come with less risk, because the cost of the show would be less and the potential to sell out was high. But, to rework the tour would cost millions on top of the money already spent on the initial Fame Tour. Lastly, Option #3 would be to cancel any tour plans. This would be the easiest option, to prevent any additional loss to the $4 million already spent. Being young,beautiful and talented Lady Gaga will be around for quite a while. Lady Gaga free essay sample Lady Gaga whats up with her/ shes always wearing those wierd outfits and have you seen those dirty music videos? she needs help. shes allways making interesting catchy music but her lyrics are unbelivable!!! 🙠 she needs help!! Lady Gaga free essay sample â€Å"Gaga Gaga in the room† can be heard on â€Å"Starstruck†, one of the many tracks off of Lady Gaga’s debut album â€Å"The Fame†. She has always made her presence known and was always an entertainer. As a little girl, she would sing along on her mini plastic tape recorder to Michael Jackson and Cyndi Lauper hits. At age 4, she learned how to play piano by ear. By age 13, she had written her first piano ballad. She was signed by her 20th birthday and have written songs for artists such as the Pussycat Dolls. So with her writing songs for other artists, it is no surprise that she wrote all the songs on â€Å"The Fame†. â€Å"The Fame† has a mixture of different genres. When Lady Gaga ,22, was asked to describe her album she said â€Å" I marry a lot of different genres. It’s a bit retro, a bit glamorous, and you can dance to it. It’s very futuristic, very fresh, and very dramatic, sort of like theatrical pop†. Working mainly with producers Redone and Martin Kierszenbaum, â€Å"The Fame† is a well constructed dance album that is sure to get any party started. Just look at the lead single, â€Å"Just Dance†, produced by Akon and Redone and featuring Akon and Colby O’ Donis. It has lyrics that are easy to get stuck in your head and a beat that you can’t help but â€Å"Just Dance† to. Other up tempo tracks on the album leave the same effect. â€Å"Money Honey† shows her love of money and â€Å"Boys, Boys, Boys† shows her love of boys! She is very risque on â€Å" Love Game† and title track â€Å"The Fame† really shines. The song â€Å" The Fame† was also used as the theme song on the Australian version of â€Å"Make me a Supermodel†. â€Å"Paper Gangsta† and â€Å"Starstuck† gives the album it’s hip hop edge. â€Å"Starstruck† features Space Cowboy and â€Å"Elevator† rapper Flo Rida. Singles â€Å"Poker Face† and â€Å"Beautiful, Dirty, Rich† features sharp beats and very interesting lyrics. The mid tempo songs are â€Å"I Like it Rough† and â€Å"Paparazzi†. â€Å"Paparazzi† has lyrics like â€Å" follow you until you love me† and â€Å"I won’t stop until that boy is mine†. â€Å"Paparazzi† shows persistence aka stalker. The two slow songs â€Å"Eh, Eh (Nothing else to say) and â€Å"Brown Eyes† honestly should have been left off of the album and have been bonus tracks. All and all, â€Å"The Fame† is a solid album, The mid and up tempo tracks are hits and sadly the slow songs are a miss. The album is perfect for clubs and a good workout. Lady Gaga can be compared to the likes of Fergie, Gwen Stefani and Katy Perry. By this album it is totally understandable why everyone is going Gaga over Lady Gaga!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Tanglewood Case 5 Disparate Impact Analysis free essay sample

Tanglewood Case 5: Disparate Impact Analysis BY stiff105 Tanglewood Case 5: Disparate Impact Analysis Recruitment and Selection HRM 450 Current Needs Assessment Tanglewood prides itself on encouragement of diversity in the workplace. All hiring and promotion decisions should be made on the basis of character and quality of work. The ensuing lawsuit brings about a need to analyze Tanglewoods selection strategies to ensure these practices are not hindering the promotion of diversity. In order to do this, it is necessary to study the flow and concentration statistics of the organization. Flow statistics are calculated by comparing the number of people hired and promoted in the organization with the total number of people that apply. These statistics are then divided into different groups (i. e. race, gender). The selection rates of the different groups are compared to determine if there is a significant difference in selection between the groups. An example of this would be to look at the number of total white applicants and the percentage of those applicants that were hired. We will write a custom essay sample on Tanglewood Case 5: Disparate Impact Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then, look at the total number of African American applicants and the percentage of hose applicants that were hired. These two percentages must then be compared. A useful comparison of these percentages would require that the number of African Americans selected equal 80% or the number of white employees hired. This is known as the four-fifths rule. The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP) requires that all organizations keep records that will allow for calculation and comparison of these statistics. The UGESP also requires that the four-fifths rule be calculated in all organizations. If is it shown that a selection rate for any roup is less than four- ifths (4/5) (or eighty percent) of the rate of for the group with the highest rate then this will usually be considered to be evidence of adverse impact. Adverse (or disparate) impact occurs when staffing practices have potential discriminatory impact on individuals because of sex, race, religion, disability, national origin or age. Although the four-fifths rule is really only a guideline, any digression from this rule should b e thoroughly examined. It is also important to note that although the discrimination is not intentional, it may be occurring all the same and could possibly be deemed illegal. Along with the flow statistics of the selection processes in the organization, it is necessary to examine the concentration statistics among different groups in Tanglewood. Concentration statistics inspect the total number of individuals employed in a certain position as compared to the number of individuals from different race groups employed in a certain position. For example, it is useful to look at the percentage of white employees employed in the position of Store Manager African Americans employed in the Store Manager position compared to the total number of Store Managers. Also, it is useful to examine the percentage of African American employees employed in upper management positions as compared to the percentage of African Americans employed in the lower positions such as Store Associate. Although there are no specific legal guidelines for the analysis of concentration statistics, it is important to explore them as a means of determining any possible unintentional discrimination in selection practices. Current Organizational Statistics After careful examination of the Tanglewoods flow statistics, there is evidence this organization may be involved in selection practices

Monday, November 25, 2019

Europe and the Scientific Revolution essays

Europe and the Scientific Revolution essays The Scientific Revolution brought many new ideas and beliefs not only to Europe but the entire world. The most widely influential was an epistemological transformation that we call the "Scientific Revolution." In the popular mind, we associate this revolution with natural science and technological change, but the scientific revolution was, in reality, a series of changes in the structure of European thought itself: systematic doubt, empirical and sensory verification, the abstraction of human knowledge into separate sciences, and the view that the world functions like a machine. These changes greatly changed the human experience of every other aspect of life, from individual life to the life of the group. This modification in worldview can also be charted in painting, sculpture, and architecture; you can see that people of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are looking at the world very differently. The Scientific Revolution brought about many changed in both biology and astron omy. The former was concerned with the basics of physiology and anatomy; the latter was concerned with the issue of the solar system. These (and other) developments tended to proceed along independent lines until the great scientific academies of the 18th century both brought them together and helped spread their findings to the rest of society. Copernicus was a man who played a significant role in this revolution. Before Copernicus was the Ptolemaic system. Ptolemy's model of the universe was accepted throughout the Middle Ages, though not without revision. His model was a little ragged at the edges and more accurate observations revealed discrepancies, particularly in regard to the movement of the planets. Using tables based on Ptolemy's model, medieval astronomers made predictions regarding the position of this or that planet and the planets did not show up on time. Even Ptolemy had known that the simplest model, which had each planet moving in a cir...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Whats Complicating Bernankes Balancing Act Essay

Whats Complicating Bernankes Balancing Act - Essay Example products, but more about the market forces that are determined by overseas. The interdependency can be observed from the increasing trade volume between U.S. and Asia, which has doubled in 10 years. The complication increases the chances that the Fed could make a policy mistake by pushing rates too high or leaving them too low. It could cost the economy deadly if an error is to be corrected later on. (Cooper, 2006) Large countries, like the U.S., used to alter their monetary policies according to the situation of themselves. For example, in the past, the U.S. could keep her inflation rate under control easily and effectively through adjusting the interest rate to a right level. However, in the world of globalization, as the world economies are becoming more interdependent, as supported by the increasing trading volume in the passage, the level of interest rate would also affect the trade deficit issues between the U.S. and other countries as foreign capital is in need to finance the trade deficit.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critical Analysis for Surveyor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Critical Analysis for Surveyor - Essay Example Below is a small account of what nominated sub-contract is and why employers increasingly prefer domestic subcontract to nominated sub-contract. . Of late the preference to nominated sub-contractors has been on the decline because of the main contractor’s reduced liability. In JCT 98 form of contract, clause 25 provides for an extension of time owing to delay on the part of the sub-contractor. The architect is required to substitute the existing defaulting nominated sub-contractor by a new nominated sub-contractor. Main contractor is not liable for the failure of the design supplied by the nominated sub-contractor under clause 35. Delay is usually caused by the nominated sub-contractor’s late information. Generally, before appointment of the main contractor, nomination of sub-contractor is necessary to enable the architect to prepare full working drawings and other matters connected to building design. This facilitates cost savings at the tender stage since the specialist would prepare one tender on a standard set of conditions. JCT 80 introduced main documentation for nomination of the subcontractor. NSC/1: JCT Standard Form of Nominated Sub-Contract Tender and Agreement is used to call for tenders from potential nominated sub-contractors. This form actually gives sub-contractor specifications and terms and condition to facilitate submission of his tender and later agree with main contractor as regards programme and attendance details. NSC/2: This form called JCT Standard Form of Employer/Nominated Sub-contractor Agreement detailing the obligations of the Sub-Contractor so as to bind him to work with skill and care while under contract with the main contractor. However, the main contractor and the architect are not parties to this contract used as a warranty to protect client’s interests. On the other hand, the client is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Short Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Short Report - Assignment Example HPV can be classified into high or low risk depending on the likelihood of the infection causing cancer. Low risks once in a blue moon lead to cancer while on the other hand, high risk has the possibility to cause cancer but it’s not automatic for it to lead to cancer. Skin warts: these are commonly known as plantar or flat warts. The major cause of these warts is the low risk type infections. Genital warts: this is caused by type 6 and 11. This is a low risk type. Cervical dysplasia: this is a term used to refer to the scratching of abnormal cells caused by the HPV in the women’s’ cervix. Cervical cancer: HPV 16 and 18 are the major causes of this disease. HPV does go into the body through which in turn it infects the cells in the layers of the skin. Later on due to cell division, they undergo mutation leading to multiplication of the virus infections in the body. One can stay for a very a long time before realizing that he or she is infected with the HPV due to the time duration it takes from infection stage to the time when the wounds appear. HPV is transmitted through skin-to- skin contact. For example, HPV that causes skin warts can be transmitted through a body cut. However, the risk of transmission is low. It is important to note that individuals who walk barefooted in public places such market places, or gym are likely to be infected by the different types of HPV that cause plantar warts. HPV infection that causes genital warts is most infectious and is transmitted through sexual activity by a person not infected with an infected person. During their acts such as kissing or being in touch with the skin of the infected person on the infected areas such scrotum, vagina, vulva or anus and having sexual intercourse can lead to contracting the disease (Oregon Immunization Program 2008). At times most infections go unnoticed due to lack of symptoms through which they can be identified with. In this regard, the disease can remain in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Analysis of Saudi Arabias Restaurant Industry

Analysis of Saudi Arabias Restaurant Industry Introduction: In this paper we will discuss the restaurant Industry in Saudi Arabia which is growing faster than anywhere else in the region; it is growing at a pace that is exceeding its infrastructure wwith different range of prices and classes, starting form as low as $1.00 USD and going up to $75.00 USD if youre into fancy restaurants  [1]  . The restaurant industry is very divers and large including: cafes/bars, full-service restaurants, fast food, home delivery and street stalls, all types of restaurants have a wide range of food specialization from ethnic, international, and local. There are also three main types of investors: independent owners, international franchise, and local restaurant chains. A restaurant chain is a set of related restaurants, typically with the same name in many different locations either under shared corporate ownership e.g. Al-Baik and Herfy. Typically, the restaurants within a chain are built to a standard format and offer a standard menu. A franchise is a right granted to an individual or group to market a companys goods or services within a certain territory or location. Some examples of todays popular franchises in Saudi Arabia are McDonalds, Subway, and Dominos Pizza. In order to analyze the attractiveness of the restaurant Industry in Saudi Arabia we will employ three different analytical tools, Porter five forces, assessment of the macro market environment known as (PESTLE Analysis), and SWOT analysis. Based on our analysis we will offer an advice to any new firm considering entering the restaurant industry in Saudi Arabia. PESTLE Analysis The effect of the Saudi politics on the restaurant industry Saudi Arabia is ruled by the family of Al Saud who since the establishment of their kingdom declared that it is ruled by the Islamic law. The Al Saud family also affirmed that they are committed to supporting the economic growth and be part of the developed nations. This goal is very challenging to achieve because fundamentalist Muslims refuse the idea of globalization, this lay a moderate political risk on the regime. On the other hand, this political situation affects the restaurant industry positively because the restaurant industry remains the major uncontested method of entertainment among Saudis. Particularly, by law, all restaurants are required to have single-males section separated from the family section to adhere to the tradition and religious requirements. Moreover, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is perceived as the leader of the Muslim world, because it is the home town of Makah; which Muslims from all over the world must visit at least once in their life time to complete the fifth pillar of their religion. This makes Saudi Arabia suffers from a tension in its international relationships mainly after the event of 911 because some of the western countries are holding the kingdom partially responsible for 9/11. This political situation is one of the main strength of the restaurant industry in Saudi; with no cinemas or night clubs, eating out becomes the main source of entertainment for most of the population. There is an appetite for new restaurants that exceeds any other region in the world  [2]  . The effect of the Saudi law and Regulation on the restaurant industry The recent ruler of the Saudi Arabia, king Abdullah, is respected internally and internationally for his efforts to fight terrorism and his large amount of public spending on reform plans have helped the country to overcome  [3]  most of its economic obstacles. The kingdoms major step toward reform was the application for membership of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and making consistent legal changes to meet with its requirements, but still there is mistrust from the Privet sectors toward the government, because of the unnecessary bureaucratic practices and inappropriate regulations that are seen as burdensome for the competitive market. Some areas are over regulated while others are under regulated. It takes almost six months to register a company, and the company must give a proof that it has substantial sum of money to invest, not less than $10,000. However, the regulatory changes made in recent years appear to have been of most beneficiaries to those Saudi companies which are seeking to expand through alliances with foreign investors  [4]  . Nevertheless, the law requires foreign investors to have a Saudi partner and the Saudi partner, individual or company, will have the majority of control over the business. Over all, the legal process is very complex and financially risky whether you are opening a small business or a major enterprise. The government should amend these processes to encourage foreign investments. The effects of Saudi economic on the restaurant industry The Kingdom is experiencing accelerated growth due to recent oil price spikes. The positive effect has been a rise in per capita GDP from approximately $8100 (1999) to $9575, or 18%, by 2005. Combine this with the fact that the Kingdom has one of the worlds fastest growing populations (3.5% per year) and you are faced with an expanding market with good disposable income levels. AC Nielsen research reports that the Saudi economy is expected to grow 8.7% this year, mainly fuelled by the high oil prices as well as strong private sector growth  [5]  Saudi remains the largest market in the entire Gulf. Many view Dubai as the showcase but Saudi proves to be the sales room and cash generator. Due to fact that Saudi Arabia is a third world country, it depends on imported goods and technology, the government commitments to the economic expansion creates job opportunities for professional trained foreigners and depend on them to fulfill the countrys ambitious development strategies. According to HSBC Bank Saudi Arabia is classified as the second in the wealth of professional trained foreigners. Saudi Arabia is ranked twenty two among other countries in the tourism sector. Moreover, Saudi Arabia hosts over five million pilgrims yearly from all over the world coming for Hajj and Ummrah. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam which all Muslims must perform at least once in their life time. The restaurant industry is one of the major Beneficiaries from such advantage. Therefore, the government has been actively considering to expand what is believed to be billions of dollars worth of income in the tourism sector by attracting international tourists to the Kingdoms historic sites, in the mid-2008, a package of new relaxed visa rules were released allowing many groups from Europe to visit the Kingdom with a group tourist visa, which years before was unheard of. This policy has created a new segment for the Saudi restaurant industry. Also, the large number of foreigners, coming as workers or as tourist and pilgrims, with their ethnic background are considered the back bone for the restaurant industry. The effect the social characteristics on the restaurant industry Tradition and religion encourage Muslims to be hospitable and sociable. Inviting guests and friends to banquet in their home is the norm in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia Segregation between opposite gender exist in most sectors of public eservices, schools, universities, banks, this segregation unlocked job opportunities for large number of Saudi females. In the last few years it became easier to entertain guests and family to a restaurant for the busy working females or even have the restaurant food and staff to entertain them at home. Dining out became a habit among all social classes in the Kingdom with the lack of other entertainment venues due to religious issues. Therefore the trend of eating out is constantly growing among them.  [6]   This social characteristic will have a blooming and flourishing effect on the restaurant industry in Saudi Arabia where the main entertainment is going out restaurant. Perhaps the most pronounced feature of the demography is its young population where more the 59% are under 24 years of age. And part of the Saudi government or reform is to develop its workforce; to achieve this goal the government sends over one hundred thousand young students to peruse their higher education in highly developed countries every year. These large numbers of young people live abroad for almost five to seven years comes back with food and restaurant likes that they adopted during their scholarship.  [7]  This opened the door widely for international franchise in Saudi Arabia Some of the franchises that are currently present in Saudi Arabia, McDonalds, Hardees, Burger King, Popeye, Chilies, TGI, Fuddruckers, Pizza Hut among many others and are very popular among this young population along with foreign workforce, tourist, and pilgrims. The effect of technology and the environment of the restaurant industry The last of the two macro marketing environment forces are the technological and the environmental: In Saudi Arabia Technology in the restaurant industry is not limited to basic kitchen appliances and tools. However, one may not expect some complex equipments are used in the restaurant industry. Many restaurants are leading the way in regards to credit card processing and point-of-sale technologies, introducing new ways to serve their customers and increase the overall convenience of the dining experience. Of course, restaurants chains and franchise are the main benefactors of this development in communication  [8]   In Saudi Arabia there is no significant awareness from the government or most of the population to the environmental issues. All the restaurants that uses recycle paper or green energy are mostly international franchise applying their Owen corporate policy as part of their responsibility Porters 5 Forces Analysis Threat of New Entrants. The restaurant industry is the easiest to enter basically anyone who can cook, with the minimize capital amount can enter the business. Barriers to enter this industry are mainly in the bureaucratic regulation that might take time but this is not considered a serious barrier. Power of Suppliers. While there are plenty of food supplies, but they depend on imported material because Saudi Arabia is not an agricultural country. The import of food and foodstuffs are estimated to exceed $7 billion annually and the Kingdom remains the leading market in the region. Except for date and milk all other raw materials are imported. There are big numbers of suppliers and prices are controlled by the government. Only international food chains franchise might be obliged to buy its raw material from a certain supplier. Power of Buyers. The balance of power is shifting toward buyers. With so many restaurants the competition is very high. Buyers are always looking for the best quality and price. Going to restaurant is not an essential; people are always ready to try something new. With Variety of products to choose from, local, ethnic, and western couple with intense competition lead buyers seeks lower prices and better services. Disposable income levels and an expanding shopping mall culture are assisting this growth Availability of Substitutes. Substitutes for the restaurant industry in general include alternative form of entertainment like cinemas or night club. The available entertainment substitute is the shopping malls, where people will go shopping, or window shopping. Most fast food chains are showing positive growth and are ever present in all the new shopping malls Competitive Rivalry. Even though there are no figures revealing the size of this lucrative market, a high industry growth rate is intensifying the competitive rivalry the presence of so many available substitutes are a particularly challenging situation for some firms SWOT: Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats The Saudi restaurant industry is weak in economies of scale and labor productivity. Its strength is the ability to attract huge capital and labor with it openness to the world market. The restaurant industry is showing significant growth, on the other hand, this open market has intensified an open competition. The diversified culture of Saudi Arabia is the key to exploit Economies of scope. Also, exploiting the economies of scale is also an opportunity. The consumer preference for differentiated and healthy products is also another opportunity to exploit in enhancing the economies of scope. Although, the anticipated low population growth in the future could be a major threat as it would decrease the quantity of demand coupled with the increase in the retail chain the significant increase in small households and working women will create new opportunities for the restaurant industry. Conclusion and recommendation: In this assignment we carried out an analysis of the restaurant industry competitiveness in Saudi Arabia by employing three different analytical tools, PESTLE Analysis, Porter Five Forces, and SWOT Analysis. Based on our analysis we concluded with the following findings and advices to any new firm considering entering the restaurant industry in Saudi Arabia. The strength of the restaurant industry lies on its ability to attract huge capital and labor with it openness to the world market. The restaurant industry is showing significant growth faster than anywhere in the world. Many factors have contributed to this fast growth as such as the political, economical, and low labor market and other socio-cultural factors. The economical and political outlook for restaurant industry in Saudi Arabia is very encouraging, government shows commitment and support to economic growth which is reflected in its double-digit increase in government expenditures on many aspects that are related to the restaurant business. Furthermore, currently, the government economic plan emphasizes the strengthening the growing private sector business opportunities with focus on increasing the national and foreign investments as public spending has increased by 15.8% the government has increased the budget for new projects by 36%. One of the most promising aspects for the restaurant industry is the social changes in Saudi Arabia. For example, the role of females in the social and economic life is dramatically changing as women are now allowed to enter the work force and have huge impact on the purchasing power and certainly a change in womens lifestyle that is favorable to the restaurant industry. On the other hand, the legal process in Saudi is very complex and financially risky whether you are opening a small business or a major enterprise. The government should amend these processes to encourage further foreign investments. Also, the Saudi restaurant industry is weak in economies of scale and labor productivity. Based on the above findings, we strongly recommend and encourage any firm to enter the Saudi market keeping in mind the following points: The restaurant industry is highly competitive in terms of price, service, location, and food quality and is affected by changes in consumer trends, economic conditions, demographics, traffic patterns, and concerns about the nutritional content of foods. shifting dietary preferences among consumers in favor of alternative foods can open the doors for niche market The growth of the restaurant industry is expected to generally stay the same over the next few years and it can be considered a blue ocean. The restaurant industry is affected greatly by globalization and it will continue to be.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Gauguin :: Essays Papers

Gauguin Gauguin was born in Paris on June 7, 1848, into a liberal middle-class family. After an adventurous early life, including a four-year stay in Peru with his family and a stint in the French merchant marine, he became a successful Parisian stockbroker, settling into a comfortable bourgeois existence with his wife and five children. In 1874, after meeting the artist Camille Pissarro and viewing the first Impressionist exhibition, he became a collector and amateur painter. He exhibited with the Impressionists in 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, and 1886. In 1883 he gave up his secure existence to devote himself to painting; his wife and children, without adequate subsistence, were forced to return to her family. From 1886 to 1891 Gauguin lived mainly in rural Brittany (except for a trip to Panama and Martinique from 1887 to 1888), where he was the centre of a small group of experimental painters known as the School of Pont-Aven. Under the influence of the painter Émile Bernard, Gauguin turned away from Impressionism and adopted a less naturalistic style, which he called Synthetism. He found his inspiration in the art of indigenous peoples, in medieval stained glass, and in Japanese prints; he was introduced to Japanese prints by Vincent van Gogh when they spent two months together in Arles, in the South of France, in 1888. Gauguin's new style was characterized by the use of large flat areas of non-naturalistic colour, as in The Yellow Christ (1889, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York State). In 1891, ruined and in debt, Gauguin sailed for the South Seas to escape European civilization and "everything that is artificial and conventional". Except for one visit to France from 1893 to 1895, he remained in the Tropics for the rest of his life, first in Tahiti and later in the Marquesas Islands. The essential characteristics of his style changed little in the South Seas; he retained the qualities of expressive colour, denial of perspective, and thick, flat forms. Under the influence of the tropical setting and culture of Polynesia, however, Gauguin's paintings became more powerful, while his subject-matter became more distinctive, the scale of his paintings larger, and his compositions more simplified. His subjects ranged from scenes of ordinary life, such as Tahitian Women, or On the Beach (1891, Musà ©e d'Orsay, Paris), to brooding scenes of superstitious dread, such as Spirit of the Dead Watching (1892, Albright-Knox Art Gallery).

Monday, November 11, 2019

All of the psychoanalyst Essay

Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that  their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the  childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that  their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the  childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that  their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the  childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that  their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the  childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial. Psychoanalytic – Freud- Psychoanalytical theory was formulated by Freud based on how the human mind functions. He believed that there were factors outside of the individual person’s awareness (unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences) that influence their emotions, behaviour and actions, and that their past experiences, and their future. The Psychoanalytical Theory highlights the importance of the unconscious mental processes and childhood development issues as they relate to childish impulses, childish wishes, juvenile desires and the anxiety of reality. The Psychoanalytical Theory is also based on the idea that a person’s personality is formed throughout the childhood years, that children go through certain stages at certain points of their childhood and depending on how well the child copes with each of these stages, their adult personality will be affected. This influences current practise as Freud’s observations into the link between our unconscious actions and our mind are still seen as beneficial.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Reneging on a Promise Essay

Billy Tushoes recently received an offer to join the accounting firm of Tick and Check LLP. Billy would prefer to work for Foot and Balance LLP but has not received an offer from the firm the day before he must decide whether to accept the position at Tick and Check. Billy has a friend at Foot and Balance and is thinking about calling her to see if she can find out whether an offer is forthcoming. Question 1. Should Billy call his friend? Provide reasons why you think he should or should not. Is there any other action you suggest Billy take prior to deciding on the offer of Tick and Check? Why do you recommend that action? Billy should call his friend to ask how the recruiting process is going, but not specifically ask if he got the job offer or not. I believe that it will give him an unfair advantage than the other applicants because the other applicants are still waiting as well. I think that it’s reasonable to call to ask when he should be expecting a call from the Foot and Balance LLP, but not to ask if he got an offer from the firm. Part B Assume Billy calls his friend at Foot and Balance and she explains the delay is due to the recent merger of Vouch and Trace LLP with Foot and Balance. She tells Billy that the offer should be forthcoming. However, Billy gets nervous about the situation and decides to accept the offer of Tick and Check. A week later he receives a phone call from the partner at Foot and Balance who had promised to contact him about the firm’s offer. Billy is offered a position at Foot and Balance at the same salary as Tick and Check. He has one week to decide whether to accept that offer. Billy is not sure what to do. On one hand, he knows it’s wrong to accept an offer and then renege on it. On the other hand, Billy hasn’t signed a contract with Tick and Check and the offer with Foot and Balance is his clear preference because he has many friends at that firm. Questions 1. Do you think it is ever right to back out of a promise you gave to someone else? If so, under what circumstances? If not, why not? I don’t think breaking any promises is right to do but I think some promises are more important than others. I feel that people feel obligated to keep promises with certain people based on their importance. For example, a boss or a best friend, a person can feel obligated to keep their promises with those people instead of others who are not as significant. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨2. Identify the stakeholders and their interests in this case. The partner at Foot and Balance is definitely a stakeholder in this case because he is interested in Billy and wants to hire him. Billy is a stakeholder because of his interest in Foot and Balance LLP. And Tick and Check LLP is a stakeholder because they are interested in Billy as well. 3. Evaluate the alternative courses of action for Billy using ethical reasoning. What should Billy do? Why? I believe that Billy should stick with Tick and Check LLP. Billy already knows that he it is wrong to renege on a commitment. Even though he did not physically sign a contract, he did verbally accepted the offer. It would be unprofessional of him to accept the offer and then take it back a day later just because he got an offer from Foot and Balance. A verbal commitment is just as significant as signing the contract.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

the sixties1 essays

the sixties1 essays Why were the sixties a importance to our country's history? The sixties were an exciting, revolutionary, turbulent time of great social and technological change: assassination, unforgettable fashion, new musical styles, Camelot, civil rights, women's liberation, a controversial and decisive war in Vietnam, the anti-war protest to go along with the war, space exploration and the space race, peace marches, flower power, great TV and film and sexual freedom, and of course the great babyboomers. The sixties also showed Communism coming into the Western hemisphere and thus coming to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Movements towards the end to poverty, helping the environment, and the women's rights all came to be in the sixties. Medical breakthroughs were important in the sixties. This essay explains the events and people of the sixties from 1960 to 1970. One thing in the sixties was the years of the American Camelot. In 1960 a president was elected by the slimmest measure of margin since 1884, "John Fitzgerald Kennedy is elected president by just over 100,000 votes"(Turbulent Years 23). Some say that John's father bought the election, but the truth is unknown. This election was the first election that was on radio and television. Kennedy and Nixon engaged in the first televised campaign debates. President Kennedy was the youngest man to become president and the youngest president to die in office. President Kennedy was also the first and only Roman Catholic President in history. During President Kennedy's Presidency, he had to make many decisions about the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union. In the sixties the "Cold War" was heating up. Before President Kennedy came into office, a U-2 plane was shot down in the Soviet Union while spying on the Soviet Union, thus cutting all Diplomatic ties between the Soviet Union and the United States. Amongst ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Criminal Justice Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Criminal Justice Law - Essay Example This essay studies the Criminal Justice Law itself and focuses on the concept of â€Å"Arrestable Offences†, defined under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. They enable police to exercise certain related powers like entry to premises, arrest, searches following arrest, and provisions while in custody. Definitions of arrestable offences under Section 24 of the Act include an offence for which the sentence is fixed by law; i.e. murder and offences for which a first time offender of legal age could be sentenced to terms of 5 years or more. Such offences constitute the most common ones including theft, serious assault, burglary and criminal damage. Some other offences are listed in a separate schedule of the act, which did not attract 5 year sentences but are to be considered in the same category as arrestable offences. These include offences like possession of offensive weapons, ticket touting etc. This list has expanded further with the inclusion of newly created offenc es and the number of exclusions dropped. Finally, the very concept of â€Å"Arrestable Offences† disappeared on enactment of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 which came into effect from 1st January 2006. The focus now changed to whether arrest is "necessary" in the sense of being under pressure of circumstance or physical or moral compulsion 4 to arrest the relevant person. 5. The change from a statute based decision to arrest or not, to a decision involving discretion on the part of the person making the arrest has serious implications especially in the context of the offenders’ rights.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Intelligence Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Intelligence Analysis - Essay Example Intelligence analysis is a discipline, as it requires more than just education to carry out some function of analysis in concise manner. Therefore, intelligence analysis has to combine historical, journalism, research methodology, professional skeptics and information collection techniques to be effective. Because it is a discipline, the intelligence analysts have to bear skills and knowledge of the subject matter to be analyzed and to be in line with the analysis policies as well. Intelligence analysis should also have an understanding of the research methods as a discipline in order to organize and evaluate the collected data. As a discipline, intelligence analysis has an understanding of the unique collection methods of information that relates to intelligence and other relevant aspects. There is a connection between psychology and intelligence analysis and the two disciplines blend well because they both recognize the cognitive biases as well as other cognitive influenced that come because of intelligence

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Personal statement for international student Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

For international student - Personal Statement Example Diabetes tends to be quite complicated when compared to other diseases. It has the capacity to affect an individual’s whole body. It is essential for individuals to be able to comprehensively understand the complication because as it stands, an individual either has it or knows another one who has the complication such as a member of the family or even s friend. As a disease, diabetes comes in three forms, which are diabetes type 1; there is diabetes type 2 and gestational diabetes. As individuals living in a community, there is need to embrace a culture where everyone understands the disease as well as the means of curbing it. In the country presently, it is among the fastest diseases in terms of growth with an estimated 2,000,000 citizens having been diagnosed with it. It is anticipated that 300 individuals in the country develop the disease and for each person who undergoes diagnosis, there is an equivalent number of persons having failed to undertake diagnosis of the compl ication. The two forms of diabetes, that is diabetes 2 and gestational diabetes if diagnosed at an early stage and well addressed can be cured unlike diabetes 1 which requires extra attention (Anderson 2007, p 83). It is as a result of this concept that the study will focus on Diabetes 1. It will try to analyze its stages, the causes, symptoms and implications to the community as well as medication and prevention measures. Diabetes type 1 develops due to the immune system of the body attacking all the entire cells that are in charge of production of insulin in the pancreas. The absence of insulin in the human body implies that the body will lack glucose. The body cells will not be capable of taking in enough glucose that is responsible for the provision of energy to the body needed to help the cells in their normal metabolic activities (Yuwiler 2010, p 82). As A result of the cells inability to take up the glucose, the effect would be an

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Introduce About Myself Essay Example for Free

Introduce About Myself Essay About Myself, My Hobbies – Interests and My Future Plans My name is Long. I am 25 years old. I just got married about 3 months. Now my wife and I are living with my parent, my young brother, my young sister and my gran in my parent’s house at Tan Binh district. I was born in Ho Chi Minh city, but my hometown is Quang Nam, because my parents were born in there. I have worked as import export assistant in 4 years at an Indian company. Regarding my hobbies, although I’m 25 years old, but I really like reading comics, I read it on the book, on the internet, on the magazine, and I read it anywhere, at home, at office, at coffee shop and at class. Moreover I also like playing games; it likes computer games and video games. I don’t only like playing games but also I like playing toys, some toys likes models kits of mechanics, cars, battle ships, planes†¦ In addition I like traveling also, specially, I very love sea, I like going anywhere, where has sea, and I can swim in there all day. Beside, earning lot of money is my hobbies too. In future, I want to become a successful businessman, I will open a series coffee shop, it like Gloria Jean’s Coffees, but I think I just can make it with small scale, honestly, I also like drinking coffee. Moreover I want to open a flower shop for my wife, she really love flower. In addition, I’m going to live abroad, because my father and mother in law are living in US, and they want my wife and me to live with them.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Biceps Tendon Rupture With Post-operative Complications

Biceps Tendon Rupture With Post-operative Complications Locomotor PBL Experiment Writeup Introduction In this PBL, we observe a case of biceps tendon rupture with post-operative complication of heterotopic ossification. We will first go through the anatomy of the upper limb followed by a discussion of the ruptured biceps tendon, heterotopic ossification and finally mode of action of indomethacin. Learning Objectives 1. Osteology of the upper limb with emphasis on the elbow and wrist 2. The neurovascular supply to the upper limb 3. Movements possible at joints of upper limb and the range of movements possible with regards to the elbow and wrist and the muscles that bring about these actions. 4. Rupture of distal biceps tendon 5. Heterotopic ossification 6. Mode of action of Indomethacin 1. Osteology of the upper limb with emphasis on the elbow and wrist Arm The humerus is the largest and longest bone of the arm region connecting the shoulder to the forearm. Proximally, the head of the humerus articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula forming the glenohumeral joint. Distally the humerus articulates with the two bones of the forearm, the ulna and radius. The humerus is shown in more detail in figure 1 below. Figure 1 Humerus (1) For Anil’s case we will focus several prominent features on the distal region of the humerus which forms part of the elbow. There are two projections on either side of the distal end of the humerus which are the medial and lateral epicondyle. The medial epicondyle protects the ulnar nerve which passes just posteriorly and also serves as the attachment site for the forearm superficial flexor muscles. The lateral epicondyle conversely is the attachment site for the forearm extensor muscles. Anteriorly in between these two epicondyles are two articular surfaces: the round surfaced lateral capitulum which articulates with the radius and the spool shaped medial trochlea which articulates with the ulna. Also anteriorly, the radial fossa directly above the capitulum accommodates the head of the radius during flexion of the elbow whereas the coronoid fossa directly above the trochlea accommodates the coronoid process of the ulna during flexion of the elbow. Both the radial and coronoi d fossa limit flexion of the elbow. Posteriorly, the olecranon fossa accommodates the olecranon process of the ulna during extension of the elbow. The olecranon fossa prevents hyperextension of the elbow. Forearm The forearm is made up of two bones: ulna and radius. Proximally both of these bones articulate with the humerus whereas distally only the radius directly articulates with the carpals of the wrist thus connecting the arm to the wrist. The ulna and radius are shown in figure 2 below. Figure 2 Radius and Ulna (1) The ulna The ulna is the stabilizing bone of the forearm and is medial and longer of the two bones. There is a projection anteriorly at the proximal end called the coronoid process which fits into the coronoid fossa during elbow extension. Posteriorly on the proximal end of the ulna is the olecranon process (which forms the prominence of the elbow) which fits into the olecranon fossa during elbow extension. The articular surface between the olecranon and the coronoid articulates with the trochlear of the humerus and gives the movements of elbow extension and flexion. The radius The radius is the lateral and shorter of the two bones. The head of the radius is a flat button shaped process that articulates with the capitulum of the humerus. The neck of the radius is a constriction just distal to the head which Anil has fractured. Due to the fact that no neurovascular problems were found, it is safe to conclude that the deep branch of the radial nerve was not damaged in this case. The radial tuberosity is distal to the neck on the anterior site which is the attachment point for the tendon of biceps. Wrist The ulna does not directly articulate with the carpal bones of the wrist distally. There is an articular disc between the smaller distal head of the ulna and the carpal bones. The radius directly articulates with the scaphoid and lunate carpal bones on its larger distal end. This is shown in figure 3 below. Figure 3 Wrist joint (1) 2 The neurovascular supply of the upper limb Arterial supply The upper limb is supplied by the subclavian artery which branches off from the brachiocephalic trunk on the right and aortic arch on the left. The subclavian artery extends from its origin to the lateral border of the first rib. It then changes its name to the axillary artery which extends to the lateral border of teres major after which it becomes the brachial artery. The brachial artery extends to the cubital fossa of the elbow where it bifurcates into the radial and ulnar artery which run down the lateral and medial side of the forearm respectively. These two arteries anastomose in the palm of the hand forming the superficial (mainly supplied by ulnar artery) and deep (mainly supplied by radial artery) palmar arches. The fingers are supplied by the digital arteries branching from the palmar arches. The arterial supply is illustrated in figure 4 below. Figure 4 Arterial supply of upper limb (2) Venous supply There are two main types of veins in the upper limb. Firstly, superficial veins which can be seen subcutaneously. There are three main superficial veins which are the cephalic (laterally), basilic (medially) and median cubital (connection between cephalic and basilica at the cubital fossa) veins. The superficial veins are shown in figure 5 below. Figure 5 Venous supply to upper limb (3) Secondly, there are deep veins which usually accompanies the arteries in pairs and have the same name as the arteries. Perforating veins connect the superficial and deep veins to allow blood to always find a way back to the heart. All the veins eventually drains into the axillary vein, then to the subclavian vein, then brachiocephalic vein and finally into the heart via superior vena cava. Nervous supply The brachial plexus serves as the nerve supply for the upper limb arising from spinal nerve roots from C5, 6, 7, 8 and T1. There are 5 terminal branches of the brachial plexus in the arm. Table 1 below shows the five terminal nerves with their corresponding roots, motor supply, sensory supply and clinical test. Table 1 Nerves, corresponding roots, motor supply, sensory supply and clinical test (4) 3 Movements possible at joints of upper limb and the range of movements possible with regards to the elbow and wrist and the muscles that bring about these actions. The elbow consists of three joints: the humeroulnar joint from the trochlear notch of the ulnar to trochlear of humerus, the humeroradial joint from the head of the radius to the capitulum of humerus and the superior radioulnar joint from the head of the radius to the radial notch of the ulna. The humeroulnar and humeroradial joints allow for flexion and extension of the elbow whereas the superior radioulnar joint allows for pronation and supination. This happens when the head of the radius which is enclosed in annular ligament crosses over the fixed ulna bone. The muscles that move the elbow are shown in table 2 below: Table 2 Main muscles of elbow (5) Movements and ranges for the elbow and wrist are shown in table 3 below: Table 3 Movements and ranges for elbow and wrist (6) 4 Rupture of distal biceps tendon Symptoms Symptoms include swelling in the front of the elbow, severe pain at the elbow and a bulge in the upper arm because of the shortened biceps brachii muscle. Since Anil shows no biceps tendon reflex upon assessment, this is likely to be a complete rupture of the tendon. Cause In this case, Anil is diagnosed to have ruptured his distal biceps tendon which attaches to the radial tuberosity. Distal biceps tendon rupture tends to be caused by a single traumatic event involving flexion of the elbow at a right angle against resistance. For Anil, the snapping of the rope caused his elbow to straighten suddenly. His biceps contracted extra hard to prevent this from happening but the extreme tension in his biceps and tendon led to the rupture of the distal biceps tendon. Treatment Since Anil is still relatively young at 38 years old and still needs full use of his upper limb, the surgical treatment option is most preferred. Sometimes the tendon is attached by stitching through holes made in the bone. However the surgery for Anil was done by attaching the tendon to the bone using a small metal plate and screws into the radius to secure the plate usually called the endobutton technique (7, 8) which has a very good prognosis of regaining full mobility in the elbow. Complications Complications after the surgery include nerve damage and heterotopic ossification. After eight weeks Anil returned with stiffness, difficulty in turning his hand over and wrist pain which the doctor diagnosed as heterotopic ossification after palpation of a firm mass along the biceps tendon. Direct intervention was not taken as the biceps tendon needed time to fully heal. 5 Heterotopic ossification Heterotopic ossification is the growth of bone in abnormal places such as soft tissue. Heterotopic ossification is a notable complication of distal biceps tendon repair. The current proposed pathogenesis of how heterotopic ossification arises is the transformation of pluripotential mesenchymal cells which are recruited to the fracture healing site into osteoblasts that results in ectopic bone formation. (9) Bone, tendons and ligaments which are all connective tissue all share the same mesenchymal stem cell origin (shown in figure 6) and thus mesenchymal stem cells recruited to promote tendon repair can differentiate into osteoblasts. Osteoblasts can also be pulled out of the bone when the tendon ruptures and therefore can lead to bone deposition. Hence great attention has been given to cleaning and irrigating the surgical zone. (10) Figure 6 Mesenchymal stem cells differentiation (11) The heterotopic ossification at the biceps tendon led to Anil having reduced supination to just 20Â ° due to the biceps being the main supinator muscle. After twenty weeks, the heterotopic ossification was surgically removed. Radiation therapy has been an established supplement in treatment of heterotopic ossification. (10, 12, 13) The mechanism of how radiation therapy works is still unclear but is thought to inhibit pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells from differentiating. (14) However, even though radiation therapy is effective, there has been concerns about malignancy from the radiation. Low doses ( 6 Mode of action of Indomethacin Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as Indomethacin are also commonly used to supplement surgical excision of heterotopic ossifications. (10, 13) Indomethacin non-selectively inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX1 and COX 2) which are involved in the production of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid. During the healing of a fracture, mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into chondrocytes which is independent of COX-2. COX-2 then produces prostaglandins which cause the chondrocytes to hypertrophy. These hypertrophic cells secrete growth factors which cause angiogenesis, osteoclast recruitment, osteogenesis and fracture bridging which leads to bone deposition shown in figure 7 below. However NSAIDs have to be carefully prescribed especially with patients who have reflux diseases as NSAIDs can lead to ulcer formation. (19) Figure 7 Formation of bone via COX-2 and prostaglandins (20) In conclusion, more research has to be done into the pathophysiology of heterotopic ossification as well as selective drugs that only inhibit COX-2 so that NSAIDs can be safely prescribed even for patients who have reflux diseases. Bibliography 1.N. 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